
Transit: Black Moon in Libra 2024/2025

Note that in this case, we take into consideration the mean Black moon position, in my opinion, it appears to be the most meaningful in most classical cases. But keep in mind that when it comes to the Black moon we must see things with a “zonal” perspective (an area with an Orb), rather than as a fixed material point.

The black moon moves into Libra on June 29, 2024, and leaves it on March 26, 2025, its traditional 9 months per sign, when it will be able to apply itself more strongly to relational and emotional issues.

As Libra generally governs how we interact with others, how we are attracted to them or how we can attract them too, the black moon will be able to apply all its sharpness to this, including in confrontational stages if necessary.

This kind of karmic transit can therefore enable deep relationship assessments (also in our own patterns), and if a relationship doesn’t fit or no longer does, there will then be the energy to “turn the page”, to know how to move on to something else to finalize the link.

This can not only help to settle old accounts, but also to make interesting new links with a karmic significance that should not be overlooked (to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis in the context of synastry).

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Main signs impacted during this transit:

The whole of the Cardinal cross, including Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, as well as the various Air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, which may be more sensitized by this transit.

Unequal influence according to decan and period

This transit is fairly well divided in its influences according to the decans of the sign…

The first decan of Libra will be sensitized until the end of September 2024 by this transit, the major event will be the conjunction of the black moon with the transiting south node, and which can confirm an important karmic load in what is being played out in this part of the sky and the year.

This is a good setting for an important encounter with a more sensitive karmic load, someone with sensitive energies resonating with ours, pressing on complicity points.

This speaks above all of the innate foundations already mastered with the South Node involved, so the cement can be really powerful and work well, especially in September (which will also be double-edged if it’s more of a relationship that needs to be finalized / cut through).

The good thing is that the trine to Pluto in Aquarius will also be operative, which remains a very useful harmonic aspect for purging/purifying/sanitizing things (perhaps also with a discussion that will set things straight).

Note that at the beginning of October, the new moon forms right in conjunction with this transit of the black moon, so it can bring to light a relationship pattern that needs to evolve at this time of the lunation (it can also be the need to renew ties or prove attachments, or a form of test and trial on the relationship).

From the end of September to the end of December, the black moon will ascend the 2nd decan, without really forming any major aspect with the rest of the sky, apart from the opposition to the asteroid Chiron, it will be above all the fast moving transits that may punctuate this karmic transit in the short term.

Don’t neglect certain notions of possible relational and emotional wounds, especially towards the end of November, when you may feel colder, austere, brittle energies, which may rekindle certain fears, or greater sensitivity to outside viewpoints (perhaps because you’ll be subject to certain reproaches or questioning, but which will also be important levers of personal assertion that shouldn’t be neglected).

From late December to late March 2025, it will be the sign’s 3rd decan’s turn to be innervated by this transit, and this seems precisely a much more sensitive phase on issues of self-assertion.

The transit of Mars retrograde will have time to insist on the end of the 3rd decan of Cancer, thus squaring this black moon, which could form a period of greater confrontation between the Fire forces!

Perhaps because we have to “defend ourselves” precisely at this time, it looks more like reactive and defensive energies, and which are likely to produce quite a lot of palaver, especially from mid-January and into the 3rd decade of this month.

I’ll come back to this when I write about the Martian retrograde motion in a dedicated article, of course, but let’s just say that this is not necessarily an easy time to achieve what you want, to assert the radiance of your individuality, perhaps because a confrontation will undermine your self-confidence…

The months of February and March 2025 will be much more “neutral” overall in terms of this black moon transit, so there may not be much to report.

This could be a kind of “step back in order to leap forward” in relation to the important stages that will play out in the spring of 2025, such as the transit of Neptune through Aries, which will be joined by Saturn

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