
Venus in Taurus or in 2nd House in birth chart

It’s a question here of the global energies of Venus in Taurus or in 2nd House which it’s imperative to nuance according to your birth chart, see the article Venus in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Venus.
The planet Venus is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs on the woman side, pole of attraction, lover, but also on our system of valorization (affective and material), on our relational base to the others and to the world, on our artistic dimension, it manifests qualities to the colors of the occupied sign. See Venus in a man’s birth chart for the specific influence of this planet on the Animus.

Venus in Taurus : sensuality and security

The planet Venus is very powerful here, as it’s in an Earth sign, and it’s also very dominant, as it’s in its diurnal domicile (see Rulerships). Its feminine energy has a significant influence on the entirety of one’s birth chart.

In this sign, Venus is very earthy, dominated by the pleasures of the physical world, material comfort, people’s hedonistic side, carpe diem, etc. As a result, these people are sensual, gentle, and gluttonous, and often have an insatiable craving for high-quality things.
They like to eat good, simple food, drink, hug people (they are very tactile), and generally live life to the fullest.

Stability and durability are also very important to them. They like to get indications that others are dependable to reassure them emotionally, and have a deep need for security, reliability, and knowing where things stand with the people whom they love. Also, it’s best for them if they have only a very small number of surprises and uncertainties in life.

Venus in Taurus people are very affectionate and sensitive; unconstrained, Venus’ energies are expressed most fully in this sign.
These people are often very possessive of both other people and objects, and they have a keen sense of what belongs to them (they like to feel as though they have ownership over things) and definitely do not like being robbed.

Venus also carries the influence of Taurus’ slow speed here, and so these people feel threatened by things that are too sudden, afraid that they will be ephemeral. Venus in Taurus people turn their back on these things and move on, slowly but surely. They also need things to be taken slowly in games of seduction : you need to take your time winning them over, encouraging the ambient sensuality that develops, but at the same time allowing them to get accustomed to any changes that occur, and talking and sharing with them quite a lot.

Only once these people feel truly comfortable and safe do they let themselves go emotionally. Be careful though, because they can quickly go back to hiding in their shell at the slightest sign of upheaval.

Their faithfulness is generally rock solid, and these people are very consistent in their feelings. Quite steadfast, they easily win their partner’s trust.

Venus in Taurus people are thus very intense. They are certainly not the most original or eccentric, but they are undoubtedly the most epicurean compared to people with Venus in other signs of the zodiac !
They key to seducing these people is patience : wait for them to deliver themselves to you in their own time, simply be yourself, reassure them, give them reason to trust you, and demonstrate your reliability, and they will open up and be affectionate towards you.

Artistically speaking, Venus in Taurus people are fond of singing and drawing, and they like “curves”. Incidentally, we often find that these people have a voluptuous silhouette. They are quite fond of things that are sophisticated, that are of lasting quality, that relate to femininity in general, or that are somewhat materialistic. They hate things that are too conspicuous or vulgar, and they have a very highly developed sense of harmony.
These people often have a very good sense of how to manage money. They work hard and are generally fairly thrifty, but they also know how to indulge themselves when they need to, with whatever they need to find “comfort”. They are also generous towards close friends and family.
This can often lead them to have consumerist tendencies, which are not always well-managed.

Venus retrograde in Taurus

VenusRetrograde motion does not in any way reduce these people’s sensuality or need for security, nor their innate strength for that matter. They may just internalize things to a greater extent, which paradoxically makes them more excessive ! They may lack self-confidence or feel vulnerable, as though they have been shunted by destiny. They have a tendency to withdraw, to be shy, and sometimes to be egocentric. As a result, they have a tendency to overcompensate and take huge steps to develop a sense of security in their relationships.

Celebrities with Venus in Taurus

Leonardo da Vinci, René Descartes, Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx, Charlie Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Che Guevara, Bear Grylls, Salvador Dalí, Henry Kissinger, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, George Lucas, Muammar Gaddafi, Mark Zuckerberg…

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