New Moon of July 17, 2023 in Cancer
All the 3rd decans of all the signs of the zodiac can have here a more important resonance, between Grand Cross and Venus retrograde…
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All the 3rd decans of all the signs of the zodiac can have here a more important resonance, between Grand Cross and Venus retrograde…
What is going on in the 3rd decan of Leo seems to influence the period a lot, we see in particular that Venus is already entering its retrograde loop…
Particularly important lunation in the year 2023 for the 1st decans of the Fixed signs, formation of a sensitive T-square…
The 3rd decans of the cardinal signs and the 1st decans of the fixed signs are more sensitized over the period, 1st quarter report…
Several elemental changes to be managed in a short period of time, which can sign an important energetic instability…
Important Lunation of the year, with always dynamic phases, acceleration, and the passage of Saturn in Pisces at the Full Moon…
Quite a few planetary functions contribute to medium-term unblocking and a sense of acceleration, interesting to exploit…
There is an in-between period but it remains pivotal, we have to balance the last 6 months on one side and accelerate to the 1st quarter 2023…
Mars retrograde is always very important on the period, it translates confusions into action and we must analyze its cycle