Passion Astro New Moon november 13 2023 in Scorpio

New Moon of November 13, 2023 in Scorpio

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This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on November 13, 2023, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts.
Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

The 3rd decans of Fixed signs in the first half of the lunation, and the 1st decans of Mutable signs at full moon.

3 distinct times during the lunation month

This New Moon remains one of the most particularly energetic of the year, as it forms in conjunction with its ruler of the moment, Mars, as well as in frank opposition to the transit of Uranus in Taurus, in other words 2 types of energies that are not really “calm”, but rather, on the contrary, of a nature to kick up a fuss, to overthrow previous established orders, to seek emancipation, and so on.

If at the previous lunation I spoke of ” cleaning needs ” (of purging / purification), this new moon seems well armed to form an impulse of realization throughout the end of 2023!

The New Moon here seems to underline a need for personal affirmation, whether it’s to externalize oneself, to project oneself onto the world, or to defend and emancipate oneself. In any case, there’s an electric, eruptive, explosive side to it, but it’s also perhaps “compulsive” here due to the Plutonian Scorpio forces.

Compulsion refers to something that can escape consciousness and willpower, i.e. something that can impose itself “by force of circumstance and fate”, without any real desire on our part, but which basically forces us to react in a certain way according to our own energies…

So, there may be a symbolism here of something of this order, which forms a particular trigger at this moment, and which may represent an interesting energy for example to form a creation, an undertaking, a revelation.

The trine to Neptune in Pisces is also activated at this time, and this aspect is bound to be very interesting in terms of emotional and transpersonal receptivity! Very useful for people involved in artistic, spiritual, devotional or medical activities (helping and caring for others)…

Saturn in Pisces has also just resumed a direct motion at the end of the previous lunation, so this may help a symbolic “unblocking” around Neptunian energies too, especially on the first third of the lunation.

The Full Moon of November 27, 2023 takes place in the Sagittarius/Gemini axis and at apex between Saturn in Pisces and the Black moon in Virgo, so it reconstitutes a Grand Mutable Cross not to be overlooked, which can form a challenge to adapt, externalize or learn.

So, above all, try to maximize your creative energies in the first third of the lunation, until around November 22, because from then until around the beginning of December, in the second third of the lunation, energies are likely to be more “introverted”…

In particular, we see the square of Mars to Saturn, which is very much symbolic of stepping on the gas pedal and the brake at the same time, of finding it more difficult to balance the impulse to be given with the constraints and limits to be respected and maintained.

And the last third of the lunation finds quite a few harmonic forces, especially around the elemental energy of Earth
We see the Black moon reaching a Grand Trine pattern with Jupiter in Taurus and Mercury passing through Capricorn, and we also see Venus tightening the trine to Saturn as it passes through Scorpio, quite a lot of useful energies at the socio-professional level above all, and which can help in this field to structure an achievement, a recognition.

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