passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-23-Splitting Apart, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 23: Splitting Apart, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: There is a notion of going over the limit, such that things go too far and there is excess or a surplus, and this may be counterproductive.
The situation may ripen or mature and, like a bud, end up needing to spread out in the light, and the notion of a “revelation” may also be important, as well as sudden and unexpected.
Generosity and prodigality may also be heightened here, but they will not always be positive.
It is a good thing to be able to pay attention to those parts of yourself that you want to develop further and make sure that they have strong foundations for dealing with this turning point.

Astrological points to pay attention to: We encounter the excesses of Jupiter and Venus here, which sometimes lead to various sorts of “overflows,” which is not so good…
The symbolism of the Sesquisquare, which immediately follows the Trine, may also be relevant when it comes to tension that then enables a kind of emancipation.
Likewise, in certain cases, it may be the symbolism of an Opposition that provides this symbolic emphasis, this phase where we need to be put face-to-face with the objectification of a problem or of our actions and accept them.
Forces such as Mars or Uranus may also come into play in terms of their sudden, unpredictable nature, and they may be somewhat violent.

Remarks: This hexagram symbolically represents that which is close to yielding or that which is hanging by a thread, like the last drop of water that makes the vase overflow.

I-Ching Category

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