Interpretation: We are faced with “time” here, with the notion of a duration, and thus with patience, and thus perseverance, durability, and posterity. In some cases, this may take the form of a setback or a delay, where we wait for something that does not come. But the deeper meaning of this brings us back to a notion of wisdom that needs to be developed, as well as a notion of accepting the rhythms of the universe as they are, not as a function of our own rhythm, even if this means that we will be champing at the bit.
Astrological points to pay attention to: In astrology, time is represented directly by the planet Saturn and by the sign Capricorn, which are forces of Earth that fittingly require that things be structured and solidified rigorously and for the long haul.
In fact, in traditional astrology, Saturn represented the “problem” that often prevented things from being carried out, but there are often deep-seated reasons for this hold-up!
This may be because, for various reasons, we are not ready, or because we would have to be more mature and in the mean time we need to experience other evolutive cycles, which may be very transformative for us, before being able to move on to the higher level to which we aspire and which we are hurrying towards.
An age of greater maturity is known to favor these energies more, but they also certainly tend to activate a great duality with the forces of Fire, if you have any (see my article on the connections between Mars and Saturn).
Studying Saturn’s generic cycle may be of particular interest for you: have you passed by your first or second return? Does this planet create tension in a particular way in your birth chart or through transits?
In addition, any Retrograde motion should be analyzed closely, and this may be relevant for retrograde motion in Transits (especially for Mercury, Venus, and Mars) as well as in your own Progressions; perhaps a celestial body is about to be retrograde, or it may soon return to direct motion, but not in the immediate present.
Remarks: This hexagram represents a sort of locking up, and the keys are not really within our purview here. We are asked to sharpen our “self-control,” to be patient, and to wait for the right time, and this may also in some ways represent more of a “preparatory” phase, as though we are stepping back to take a great leap forward when the time comes.