passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-60-Limitation, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 60: Limitation, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Virtue can be found in self-control and mastery, and we find that it is more helpful to develop austerity and save, channel, and structure our strength rather than spread ourselves thin, disperse, and give in to the least of our ephemeral desires in a fickle way.
It is important to understand the healthy role that limits may play in a situation, boundaries that should not be crossed, both for ourselves and regarding what we are able to accept from others.
We must be able to put a stop to things, make this clearly understood by those around us, and stop putting up with the same patterns indefinitely.
It is a good to find the right amount of restraint to allow things to last over time and become more stable, more durable, and securer, with patience, discipline, and wisdom.
We should also avoid extremes, mortification, stinginess, greed, cupidity, pettiness, and withdrawal into solitude; we need to cultivate the middle way.

Astrological points to pay attention to: There is an intensification of Saturn’s and Capricorn’s various qualities, and here we will find everything “good” that this planet may give us when it is unhindered and its effects are well understood.
By extension, all Earth forces should also be surveyed and may allow us to progress in the best way possible and give structure to our plans to make them efficient, useful, practical, and concrete.
Saturnian energies may take time, so it would not be surprising for things related to this questioning of the oracle to be rooted in faraway things and develop in a long-term way (potentially also implicating long-term Retrograde motion or certain Progressions, for that matter), but as they say, slow and steady wins the race.
In our present-day world, we tend to place tremendous value in all of Jupiter’s qualities while fearing Saturnian lessons, without necessarily understanding how they operate, their qualities, and even their imperative functions, and this draw may actually force us to focus on this in a more pressing manner.
If you already have Saturnian affinities in your birth chart, you will find these things to be clear, simple, and obvious, and this may occur in a simple way, but if you already fear this planet’s forces, this is likely to impose itself on you in the form of constraints, obstacles, delays, or dead weights that you are faced with, and inevitably these things are likely to be “forced” upon you and thus be less pleasant, yet there are important lessons behind it all.

Remarks: This hexagram evokes a confrontation with a healthy boundary or a barrier that needs to be set up or respected, which we need to recognize for its utility and quality, and which we need to be able to respect.

I-Ching Category

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