
Jupiter in Pisces or in 12th House in birth chart

These are global energies of Jupiter in Pisces and 12th House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Jupiter in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Jupiter.
The Jupiter planet is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs about the ideals, the philosophy of life, our capacities of expansion and perspective, it’s the faith and the morals, our optimism and our generosity.

Jupiter in Pisces : universalism and emotional receptivity

Jupiter is in the element of Water here, in its nocturnal domicile (under the more direct rulership of Neptune), and it’s thus a very strong position for the planet, and very favorable for its natural expansion, possibly even too much so. Jupiter in Pisces people may be very excessive and unable to bring their high aspirations down to a realistic level, even though they still have good discretion (which may make it easy for them to act a part and have multiple social personalities).

These people may be very idealistic, pacifistic, philosophical, spiritual, and even mystical, with a certain wisdom, and they may aspire to some sort of universality and have a very all-encompassing view of things.
Their optimism, sympathy, kindness, and even “faith” give them a kind of emotional magnetism, charisma, and an aptitude for being empathetic and compassionate.

They are also highly receptive (Jupiter exaggerates the qualities of whatever sign it is in, and Pisces is no exception), and may have a sort of highly developed set of “antennae” that allow them to sense a huge number of things that lie beneath the surface, unsaid things, which makes it easy for them to understand things on an emotional level.

In the best-case scenario, Jupiter in Pisces leads to the cultivation of the original, quirky, imaginative, and creative parts of these people’s personality : their imagination slips more easily into dreams and fantasies, and their intuition is highly developed. They may also have mediumistic or psychic gifts, and have an easier time connecting with both the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, thus extracting usable elements both for them and for others. In this way, they may be visionaries, and way ahead of other people.

At their worst, Jupiter in Pisces people may be much more likely than others to try to escape from reality. They sometimes lack the tools necessary to defend themselves and to deal with confrontation in social settings (they are fairly easily influenced and unstable, and easily lose themselves in illusions and artificial paradises, so other people are likely to take advantage this side of them). They may also tend to bear the weight of the entire world on their shoulders (seeing “only the oppressed”, and being very “social,” they may become a huge emotional sponge), and sometimes have a deep need to isolate themselves, which may get the better of them and lead them into solitude, withdrawal, and some level of marginalization.

It’s very much in their interest to find outlets for themselves and ways of expressing their gentle, sensitive nature, whether it be through various artistic disciplines or more spiritual or metaphysical disciplines, for which they often have an innate gift, such as Yoga, meditation, or prayer.

In this sign, Jupiter is not simply religious, nor connected to an individual’s revelations, but rather truly represents a principle of illumination through a union, a monad, and in this way this planet is very “universalizing” in its mysticism.

Jupiter in Pisces people’s devotion is truly ultimate, and may take the form of total sacrifice, or of them giving themselves completely, often to the extreme. They often create schemas of victimization, where they either need to save someone else or be saved, in a sort of quest for redemption and forgiveness (which are very much Christian values).

Jupiter in Pisces people should cultivate this charitableness and these powerful values, but should also put some limits on themselves and find some sort of structure or framework. It would be helpful for them to look at their Birth chart to find the Earth within, as well as Saturn, as these pieces of the puzzle may really allow them to get the most out of their Jupiter in Pisces energies by “setting them down” in reality, since Jupiter’s material side is not generally expressed very well when in Pisces (as an example, these people may have a very mixed relationship with money).

Often, Jupiter in Pisces people’s faith and spontaneous good luck allow them to get the most out of life and bring them good fortune. In this way, they have some things to teach the rest of the zodiac.

Jupiter retrograde in Pisces

Jupiter’s Retrograde motion in this sign has a tendency to make the planet’s energy more introverted, which may bring these people closer to Saturn and make them more emotionally introverted. They may have a greater tendency to retreat, withdraw, and be introspective.

Celebrities with Jupiter in Pisces

Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Friedrich Nietzsche, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Quentin Tarantino, Frank Sinatra, Edith Piaf, Casanova, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Edgar Allan Poe, Tolkien, Richard Branson, Lady Gaga, Benedict XVI, Lolo Ferrari, Oscar Pistorius, Robert Pattinson…

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