I have already elaborated the notion of Animus in Jungian psychology, this article completes it by giving a general idea of its expression in a woman’s birth chart according to the location of her planet Mars.
Mars in a feminine chart indicates the type of man likely to create an attraction (especially sexual), or at least who will be most conducive to a Projection of her animus, this planet will tend to specify the desire and the wills of action that animate it.Whatever the type of relationship to be studied, the planet Mars will give us the dynamic type that is most likely to correspond to the “ideal man” or at least to a man who is “interesting” for this woman.
Note that a very different Mars and Sun will lead a woman to love very different types of men, sometimes even antagonistic ones.
The Sun also has an impact in the animus’ expression and projection in a feminine chart, but more in the “partner idealization”, i.e. when we no longer perceived the other one as an attractive short-term impulse, but as an “ideal reference”, a good husband, a good father, a good head of family … in the long term.
Nevertheless, Mars is indeed the “salt” that determines the lover, the attractive match, so it must be carefully analyzed when looking for a love compatibility because it always gives at least clues on the type of probable attraction (most especially the interconnection of the Astrological Elements is important).
Whatever the type of relationship to be studied, the planet Mars will give us the type of dynamic that is most likely to correspond to the “ideal man” or at least to a man who is “interesting” for this woman.
Note that a very different Mars and Sun will lead a woman to love very different types of men, sometimes even antagonistic ones.
To complete the analysis, it will obviously also be necessary to study the expression of the Anima in the woman’s birth chart (these are the 2 faces of the same coin), notably Venus and the Moon, which will refine the behaviour…
Mars in a woman’s birth chart : generalities
The woman who has MARS in Aries indicates an attraction for dynamism, strength, impetuosity, individualism, frankness, even a certain brusqueness. She will tend to look for a simple, independent, but powerful man, an extroverted leader who is self-confident, physically fit and is a sportsman. She will appreciate being asked out, including through “offensive flirting” by a dominant macho. The man must be enterprising and ambitious at all levels.
On the other hand, she will flee from the shy men who are too sensitive, insecure, hesitant, introverted, self-effacing…
The planet Mars is here very strong in domicile (see Rulerships), it probably indicates one of the birth chart’s major dominants planet and can fully express itself.

The woman who has MARS in Taurus express an attraction for stability, material security, solidity, simplicity and long-term durability. The epicurean and good living aspect of the man is also important, as well as sensuality and a certain softness in intimacy. But the man must be as hard as a rock, stocky, thick-skinned, hard-working, able to build his house with his own hands, this is more the “big teddy bear” archetype, the strength of nature outside but tenderness and kindness inside.
All men who are too abrupt, too volatile, too “complicated”, too thin or effeminate, or emotionally unstable, are really not her cup of tea.
Mars is here in nocturnal detriment (see Rulerships), its spontaneous tendencies have a predisposition to internalization.

The woman who has MARS in Gemini pushes her to seek alertness and intelligence in her partner. She likes a certain volatility and exuberance, versatility and adaptability. Optimism, cerebrality, fluency of language, eloquence in general, and beautiful writing will be important assets. She likes the type of man who is eternally adolescent (young in his mind), lively, thin, charming, always ready to use good words and clown around in antics, ready to distract her, and above all to surprise her.
On the other hand, men who are too simple, too discreet, internalized or sad, or too rough, do not interest her.

The woman who has MARS in Cancer tends to repress all the spontaneous qualities of the planet. She will look for a man who is sensitive, gentle, moody, dreamy, tender, with empathy, in need of protection, affectivity, affection… It will be her maternal qualities that will be predominant in the relationship, the need to “nurture” the partner at every moment, not only to assist him but probably also to “command” him, globally she will look for anything that can bring her a feeling of “emotional protection”, anything that can reassure her in her emotions. Men who are too independent and dominant do not interest her.
Mars is here in fall, which partly restricts its spontaneous expression (see Rulerships), the planet “afflicts” the global astral configuration.

The woman who has MARS in Leo will look for a partner who is socially elevated or at least ambitious, with the will to impose himself on the world, to dominate, proud of himself, courageous, playful but noble-minded, generous, with panache, jealous and possessive, sometimes with a slightly ostentatious style that is more in the appearance than in the being (the “flashy” side).
Men who are too cheap or stingy, or who seek to pity them, will make them flee, just as any form of baseness or weakness, any form of misery as well (intellectual, emotional, financial)… Above all, she likes to feel desired and unique in the eyes of the “dominant male” partner, she cannot bear to be ignored, the mutual belonging feeling is important in her mind.

The woman who has MARS in Virgo will look for a man who is helpful, simple but serious, kind, understanding, with a balanced mind (feet on the ground), thrifty, farsighted and hard-working, close to a certain purity too (both physical and mental). She likes intelligence and efficiency in her partner, his pragmatic and managerial side, the “quiet strength” he can release, but wants him to remain sober and modest in his achievements, to have a certain withdrawal, not to be too “forward” (Martian violence is largely moderate).
On the other hand, men who are too pretentious, who try to impose themselves, or who are too aggressive or violent, will make them very uncomfortable.

The woman who has MARS in Libra has a propensity to seek refinement, distinction, decorum, a “Dandy chic” side, natural class, even a certain snobbery with pomp and sociality. It’s the well-mannered man, charming with good manners, noble, romantic, with whom she can develop a real daily complicity (a regular dialogue made of friendly exchanges), eloquent but balanced in his language, with a beautiful and harmonious physique (delicate and neat, “fashionable”). She hates vulgarity as much in language (coarseness) as in behaviour, anything that lacks distinction, any lack of taste (aesthetic or behavioural), anything that is too banal, as well as brusqueness or violence.
The planet Mars is here in detriment (see Rulerships), this indicates a propensity to attenuate its natural energies.

The woman who has MARS in Scorpio has a “bubbling” temperament, powerful, passionate, but not necessarily always easy to live in. She tends to look for a dark, shady, powerful, deep, hypnotic, charismatic man, the “bad boy” who doesn’t reveal himself easily, who keeps a side of mystery and secrecy (a black, even gothic style), who is rough and dominant, including physically, even jealous and possessive, who has “sex appeal”, sexuality is also crucial in the relationship. All this mixture often produces complicated “love/hate” exchanges that are not in the half measure, but she likes that.
Men who are too kind, too superficial, too warm, too positive, volatile or insipid have no chance ! And if the loved one of the moment cannot manage to keep this mystery alive over the years, he will be in the hot seat…
The planet Mars is here very strong in its second nocturnal home (see Rulerships), its potentially more interiorized expression is nevertheless dominant in the birth chart, it will tend to be compulsive (to the rhythm of successive impulses).

The woman who has MARS in Sagittarius likes optimism, the jovial, simple and sympathetic side, the rustic and wild traveller who loves wide open spaces, the philosophical and mystical side as well (especially), the depth of spirit, not without sometimes a certain potentially moralizing conformism. She appreciates the scholarly and intelligent aspect, lively in debates, frank, energetic, honest, as playful and joking, more than anything else, she likes that man makes her laugh, and has an “offbeat” mind.
If man has no conversation, knowledge, or opinion on the great questions of this world and of life, has no humour, is too “delicate” or too superficial and artificial, too self-centred and self-absorbed, he has no chance.

The woman who has MARS in Capricorn, it means as a masculine quality the appreciation of a certain rigour, seriousness, ambition as well… The competent businessman type, or important man, the “good family man”, well established socially and financially, has all his chances; it’s not necessarily the status himself that will be attractive, but his experience, security and stability aspect. Older, more mature men will often appeal to her because they are responsible, know where they’re going, and take life seriously.
The immature, irresponsible, volatile, eternal adolescent, childish man, who does not know what he wants, will have a hard time seducing her.
Mars is here in its exaltation position which favours a harmonious and healthy expression (see Rulerships), the planet will display its qualities without too many defects, it’s a dominant position.

The woman who has MARS in Aquarius, it’s an explosive and dynamic alliance that will make her appreciate the “offbeat”, original, extravagant, unconventional, even eccentric or strange side, even marginal, of the character… for her, it’s all about being surprised ! It’s not necessary that routine settles in, but on the contrary that the man always manages to sharpen her curiosity, to maintain her astonishment, to energize the relationship. She will tend to like the clever, innovative and non-conformist aspect of his personality, his depth of analysis and alertness, as well as a certain ease in the social relationships he will demonstrate.
Men who are too conformist, too strict, too banal, too predictable, will bore her terribly !

The woman who has MARS in Pisces, will seek sensitivity, gentleness, patience, tolerance, humility, mystery also, that is to say, sometimes an incomprehensible man and whose thoughts cannot be guessed. Empathy and self-sacrifice, the ability to doubt and question oneself will also make him charming. If in addition he has artistic gifts (music, drawing, poetry), and the general ability to escape in the dream (to get out of reality), this will be an important additional asset. The mystical aspect that he will be able to release is also part of his attraction. She will appreciate the feeling that a man needs her help, needs her, the “soul mates” side (it’s a bit the “nurse” archetype).
Strong, independent, dominant, violent, rough men are generally not suitable for her.

See for the generality, “Mars in signs” descriptions.