Here are global energies of a moon in Capricorn or in 10th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

Interiorizing Capricorn feelings
This is the moon’s position of detriment (see Rulerships), so it’s a place where its energies do not express themselves most spontaneously and easily outside, the lunar vibrations are very present but extremely internalized, far from the great emotional outpourings.
It’s therefore in a way the antithesis of a Cancer moon, this moon is colder, ambitious, strict, productive, practical, concrete, farsighted and calculating, in short, more useful in the business world than in the world of affectivity.
With this moon in Capricorn or 10th House, there is great self-control, cold blood, sensitivity is restrained, the natives try to channel it and invest it in social achievement and in a form of charisma. This gives them increased reliability and stability, but also a potential tendency to repress their emotions and feelings, and thus overall difficulty in expressing their sensitivity.
These natives need “organization” as much at the level of their “square” mind, as in their daily life, their home, family, work.
They feel a deep desire for order, limits, structuring, mastery, also “of fundamental social utility”, their nature is very conservative and traditional, they can embody authority, or they like to submit to a hierarchy.
The influence of the moon and Capricorn combined places great emphasis on the strong need for security at all levels, the natives hate risk-taking, the lack of stability, even more so at the material level where they often show a great economical and conscientious sense.
They are great workers and logisticians, they embody a latent force, a real rock for their families as well as in their profession and in society. They manage to create confidence around them by their great ability to take on responsibilities and to be very pragmatic managers.
Their “social function” must be truly practical and useful to society, and allow them an influence, a recognition, within the whole community, a respectability that allows them to distinguish themselves. This moon can even in some cases aspire the native towards popularity, towards contact with the public, they will have an ease to be recognized by the crowds.
They have a much greater patience than normal, their relationship to time is serene, they know that it’s favorable to them, so it emerges from them a form of wisdom and calm. They like maturity and authority, being themselves very mature and responsible, their real skills often reveal themselves much better with age : they tend to get bored in their youth or in the midst of “young people”, but they enjoy growing old, they see it as a clear and imperative consecration of their talents.
Because of their great introversion, they easily hide their emotions, they can sometimes seem cold or distant, have a sad and deep mood. Demanding towards themselves, as towards others, they find it difficult to be light-hearted and to let things go… they find it hard to recognize that they cannot be everywhere and do everything.
This moon is probably one of the most serious moons of all the zodiac signs, including in Earth signs.

Capricorn Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
These lunar energies can have a very important sense of duty, they will prove their attachment by taking responsibility for the partners, by bringing them to maturity, by taking charge of them, by helping them to rise…
But then the affectivity of these natives can be rather “dry”, it will have difficulty for example to confess its deep feelings, to recognize its weaknesses, sensitivity, even more publicly and socially.
They will prefer for example to live a “hidden” love, in reserve, shyness, introversion, modesty, by proving their constancy, reliability, on the length, in time, and they will have an aversion for all that is too superficial, inconstant, unstable.
They may have an important evolution to lead in terms of openness, and will find it difficult to take the first step; they will appreciate being courted by the other person first, but this one may help them to loosen up.
This can lead them to restrain their impulses, their sexuality, but they may also have an important underground intensity to discover and let express, it’s just that they will have to find the “right partner” to help them to express themselves…
Their soulmate will have to be patient and reliable, long-lasting, to melt the ice and touch their heart, perhaps also proving to them the security and prosperity that they will be able to develop in a household.
It’s more perhaps through an important cerebrality that they will be able to be seduced beforehand, by showing for example what one is capable of doing with one’s life, the responsibilities that one can assume, it’s what will be the most magnetic for this lunar forces.
Read also my article on the behavior of the Capricorn archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Taurus – Virgo – Pisces – Scorpio
Capricorn Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Capricorn or 10th House may increase their dryness, mistrust, coldness, difficulty of emotional exteriorization…
This aspects may also have more direct repercussions on the maternal archetype, making it more difficult to contact, tame and control…
Celebrities with the Moon in Capricorn
George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Aznavour, Tim Burton, Ayrton Senna, Frederic Chopin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Yves Saint Laurent, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels…
Celebrities with the Moon in 10th House
Mahatma Gandhi, Kurt Cobain, Tina Turner, Salvador Dali, Bill Gates, Frida Kahlo, Celine Dion, Sylvester Stallone, David Lynch, Ramana Maharshi, Rudolf Steiner, Iggy Pop, George Lucas, Guy de Maupassant, Franklin D Roosevelt, Richard Wagner, Ray Charles, Lance Armstrong, Bobby Fischer, Charles Manson…