Here are global energies of a moon in Pisces or in 12th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

Pisces imagination and sensitivity
It’s a very feminine position for the moon, which is very soft, imaginative, dreamy, artistic, very intuitive. The natives can have a hard time keeping their feet on the ground in everyday life, constantly preferring to flee and escape from practical realities.
On the other hand, they have an excellent capacity for abstraction, an ability to perceive the unity of the world and the universal nature of humanity, with an often underlying “faith” and a mystical inclination. They show great capacity for empathy, for true self-sacrifice, which in the extreme easily leads this moon in Pisces or 12th House to feel responsible for the whole world, with a strong sense of sacrifice at the risk of losing themselves, and they are as open of heart as they are of mind. This gives them a remarkable sensitivity, compassionate and emotional qualities above normal, a thirst for love, even in some cases mediumistic abilities… They have great mimetic capacities, they absorb like sponges their surroundings’ emotions and are then able to easily manifest the same emotions as their interlocutors.
On the negative side this also increases their tendency to be influenced, fickle and lunatic, they can be extremely sensitive to their environment, very sensitive to the nuances of the energies emanating from a person or a situation, finely feeling the slightest subtleties, so with time they can develop a good discernment of this manipulation and an accurate perception of sincerity. Their great receptivity can trick them by seriously increasing their internal nervousness, making them more easily prone to anxiety, hesitation and withdrawal.
They have, however, a lively, creative, sparkling and mischievous mind, it’s true that they are quite easily distracted, but they can be as spiritual as they are playful, turned to humor.
The natives can have an “offbeat” appearance, or a form of marginality with a tendency to be sometimes a little ” high “, or an artist’s temperament as one can say more modestly, but they cannot be otherwise. They have very good introspection skills, they frequently need to withdraw into solitude, this often would make them look mysterious and in fact they are often very enigmatic to those around them. They have a real need to make their imaginary world run at full speed, as much to distract themselves as to support a life sometimes too raw for their liking. On the negative side, this can give them a reputation of unreliability, inconsistency, lightness…
Their deeply emotional nature pushes them to show a lot of tenderness and gentleness, not only to those around them, but more universally to all humanity. They have a “nursing” side, always wanting to take care of others, to care for them, even if it means taking on responsibilities that go far beyond their small shoulders. It’s a behavior that is difficult to understand for certain signs that will blame them for their passivity (their receptivity), their too great sensitivity and their too “sticky” facet imbued with good feelings.
These natives may appear weak to some, but in reality they just hate confrontation and violence. For them, it’s aggression and violence that are weaknesses, they largely prefer the understanding and forgiveness values. They often have a developed shyness, but if they manage to overcome it, it gives them a lot of facilities in the social theater game, to conciliate and in some cases, to acting. They often have many different artistic talents, poetry, drawing, music, theater, are sensitive ways for them to express their overflowing emotions. They can also have a tendency to often withdraw into the past, falling into melancholy and nostalgia (a trait they greatly share with the Cancer natives).

Pisces Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
Affectivity is important for these natives, and they will need to express their emotional, sentimental, romantic, dreamy, imaginary, receptive, or even artistic parts with their partner…
They will prove their attachment a lot by helping and even caring for the other, by devoting and sacrificing themselves for their loved ones, they will find it difficult to put up emotional barriers and can easily be made aware of their lover’s fragilities, which risks easily activating a “victim / nurse” emotional relational pattern, where they risk finding themselves emotionally overwhelmed, that their kindness is abused.
They can have an important sensuality, with erotic needs just as important, they will easily be very carpe diem, and will need to enjoy the senses and pleasures, awakened by their partner.
Their soulmate will have to show gentleness, tenderness, bring them harmony, but also be able to demonstrate qualities that will sometimes be lacking them, to avoid too much passivity in the couple, such as authoritative, enterprising, energizing, combative forces, more Fire forces.
The partner will have to show an important complementarity, prove also that he or she knows how to be a good, responsible, loving, devoted, reliable parent, capable of providing security in the home and for the children.
He or she should not overwhelm them too much and abuse their passivity and influenceability, but try to preserve them, to bring them peace, attention, contemplation, at the same time respect their fickleness, but help them to rise if necessary…
Read also my article on the behavior of the Pisces archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Cancer – Taurus – Capricorn – Sagittarius – Libra
Pisces Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Pisces or 12th House can increase the lunatic, perched, elusive side, they can increase cyclothymic energies, nervousness, but also in some cases passivity, submission…
It will be necessary to be careful with the notions of escape from reality or emotional excesses of all kinds which can be activated and produce various drifts.
Celebrities with the Moon in Pisces
Che Guevara, Martin Luther King, Goethe, Moliere, Michael Jackson, Prince, Elvis Presley, Robin Williams, Robert De Niro, Coco Chanel, Marie Curie, Tolkien, Ramakrishna, Usain Bolt, Mata Hari, Hillary Clinton…
Celebrities with the Moon in 12th House
Emmanuel Kant, Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela, Kirsten Dunst, Jean Claude Van Damme, Warren Buffett, Russell Crowe, Mick Jagger, Scarlett Johansson, Renée Zellweger, Bjork, Bob Marley, Arthur Rimbaud, Jean Sebastien Bach, Stephen Arroyo, Gary Kasparov, Charles Aznavour, Yves Saint Laurent…