
Neptune in the 11th House or Aquarius in birth chart

These are global energies of Neptune in Aquarius or in the 11th House which must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Neptune in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Neptune.
The planet Neptune is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a projection of this one, especially intellectual Projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc), everything that concerns more directly mysticism, and a notion of universality, or even a form of artistic sensibility…
It can at the same time lead to dreaming, to naivety, to the fantasy of reality, to drugs… as it can also be the driver of self-denial and of the most beautiful and deep feelings possible, an opening on the monad and on a “christic” aspect of existence (forgiveness, love and faith in God, redemption of sins, humanism, respect of the fellow, values of peace, justice and harmony).
Values that are too earthly and materialistic constitute a powerful antagonism to this planet.
As Neptune remains in each sign for about 14 years, its position in houses is more meaningful for personality. The energy of the sign gives above all a basic elemental coloring, common to a whole generation, which will apply more personally to the sector of life signified by the house. Therefore, focus first on the house affected, the sign giving a background tone.

An idealized social vision

This is a position where this planet has some highly social tendencies: it is still in the equivalent of a sort of culmination energy, which certain astrologers even consider to be its exaltation, just like Neptune in the 9th house or Sagittarius.

The reason for this is that these Neptunian energies are intensified in a very “electrical” way here under Uranus’s rulership, and their visionary, receptive, and artistic facets are very much accentuated!

We see these energies expressed favorably through altruism and self-denial, for example in the context of various service projects or spiritual volunteer work that involves sacrifice and giving oneself, all of which is truly very important.

Neptune in the 11th house / Aquarius can really open up these people’s individuality to the collective and the Absolute; these people will really need to feel included and invested in communal projects, and they even have an ambition of revolutionizing society and the morals of their era or their group.

The human social instinct truly reaches its peak here and is even connected to the universal nature of things. It is a very “Christlike” energy that is very much focused on one’s neighbor, forgiveness, basic unity, and the Monad.

This is in fact a complicated positioning in that it puts the bar very high in terms of social ideals (these people have a very “Star Trek” side, with a futuristic vision of a “worldwide union of humankind”), and on top of that it clashes directly with the formation and crystallization of the solar ego. In this way, it of course affects these people’s self-affirmation and overall-Fire-expression abilities, which it may circumvent or at least adjust in a way with its great emotional receptiveness, leading these people to readily sacrifice themselves for others.

This is another good positioning for expressing Neptune’s energies socially, so we may find that these people are often doctors or artists living in a very “quirky” world, or they may have some connection to magnetism, the realm of water, networks, humanitarianism, personal spiritual development, anything that may represent a community-focused lifestyle, etc. Depending on whether it is Uranus or Neptune that is predominant overall in these people’s birth charts, this position will be impacted by one planet or the other.

Unfortunately, this positioning can lead to a great deal of confusion in social relationships and friendships: betrayal and dishonesty may be more common, and these people may have lofty ideals that may not hold up well when confronted with the harsh, material reality of life, so there is a very great risk of disappointment.

As a result, with this planetary positioning the idea of reality being a hardship is very present, but rather than living in a dream world, these people need to confront reality! They should also only hold on to whatever passes this reality check and remain very doubtful of anything that they only imagine to be true or would like to be the case…

They need to be wary of any relationships they have, because although this positioning may lead to spiritual connections, it can also lead to connections with people who are strange, eccentric, and quirky, who may readily lead these people to become marginalized or take advantage of their situation, or who may encourage passiveness or drug use and generally foster confusion and amoral behavior.

There may also be a great temptation for people with this positioning to take responsibility onto themselves, carry other people’s crosses on their backs, and get invested in a social mission that goes beyond themselves and again encourages them to cut themselves off from concrete truths.

Much will depend on the nature of the aspects that this planet forms as well as the forces of Earth in their charts, for example, which may give structure to these energies, make these people’s visions more concrete, and weight down a degree of “elevation” that would otherwise be too great.

Neptune retrograde in the 11th house and Aquarius

This planet’s Retrograde motion here may be quite beneficial precisely because it brings in a touch of earth and introversion, which may allow this planet to be brought back to some degree of moderation, but much of this will depend on the rest of these people’s birth charts.

Retrograde motion of Neptune in one’s birth chart is less important than for other dominant features in the chart, since, as it’s a slow, transpersonal planet, it’s retrograde just over five months out of the year.
Nevertheless, it’s useful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions; a change of state here will not necessarily lead to a specific noteworthy event, but it may indicate a non-negligeable psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.

Celebrities with Neptune in 11th House

Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Voltaire, Molière, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, Nostradamus, Albert Camus, Stephen Hawking, Frida Kahlo, Alfred Hitchcock, David Lynch, Gary Kasparov, Hugh Hefner, Joseph Goebbels, Aretha Franklin, John D Rockefeller, Mike Brant. ..

Celebrities with Neptune in Aquarius

Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Edison, Emile Zola, John D Rockefeller, Genghis Khan, Ann Boleyn, Mark Twain, Ramakrishna, Claude Monet, Tchaikovsky, Antonio Vivaldi, Catherine de Medici, Andrew Carnegie, Lily-Rose Depp, Bernadette Soubirous, Paul Cézanne, Sarah Bernhardt, Alexander Graham Bell, Paul Verlaine, Georges Clemenceau…

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