
Neptune in the 6th House or Virgo in birth chart

These are global energies of Neptune in Virgo or in the 6th House which must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Neptune in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Neptune.
The planet Neptune is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a projection of this one, especially intellectual Projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc), everything that concerns more directly mysticism, and a notion of universality, or even a form of artistic sensibility…
It can at the same time lead to dreaming, to naivety, to the fantasy of reality, to drugs… as it can also be the driver of self-denial and of the most beautiful and deep feelings possible, an opening on the monad and on a “christic” aspect of existence (forgiveness, love and faith in God, redemption of sins, humanism, respect of the fellow, values of peace, justice and harmony).
Values that are too earthly and materialistic constitute a powerful antagonism to this planet.
As Neptune remains in each sign for about 14 years, its position in houses is more meaningful for personality. The energy of the sign gives above all a basic elemental coloring, common to a whole generation, which will apply more personally to the sector of life signified by the house. Therefore, focus first on the house affected, the sign giving a background tone.

Between social devotion and passiveness

This planet is in detriment here relative to its domicile of Pisces, so there is a tendency here for its weaknesses as a planet to be emphasized more than its strengths.

This is a “difficult” positioning, in that this planet may create quite a lot of confusion in relation to these people’s practical, everyday reality: it may make it harder for people to find their calling and a way to be useful on a fundamental level in society, or it may cut them off from the concrete, logical, and pragmatic side of things, thus favoring flight to an “imaginary world” (so they may have a tendency to do drugs, drink alcohol, and take sleeping pills, and also to be immature, unconcerned, and thoughtless).

With this planetary positioning, it is important to not get taken advantage of by other people who lean on you for support, as they may consider you to be like a life preserver, taking advantage of your sympathetic ear for immoral purposes and/or while completely ignoring the limits to your own emotional tolerance and energy.

Neptune in the 6th house / Virgo does not promote stability in the socio-professional sphere, and we may find that these people are directly linked to occupations related to medicine, psychology, nutrition, spirituality, or art, or they may be connected to water, the ocean, alcohol, drugs, or petroleum, as this planet may present a wide variety of different analogies.

By definition, when it comes to labor, which we may generally attribute to Earth, these people “don’t want to work;” they like to dream, and in particular they feel the need to have a calling, an aspiration, or passion for what they do. They need to be doing something with a fundamentally “higher” goal, or else they are likely to get bored and feel useless and sterile in their repressive subway-work-sleep routine.

It is important to watch out for this feeling of uselessness, as it can be more devastating in this sector than in others and it may also be activated by this planet in particular, so we may frequently find that these people are forced to do the work they do just to pay the bills or because of the fact that they were not able to truly listen to their intuition and follow their dreams, for various reasons.

In some cases, this planet may also point to rather complicated hierarchical relationships, either with superiors or subordinates; these other people may be dishonest and unreliable, and they may tend to hide their true intentions, so they are likely to take advantage of people who have this planet in this position.

It is important to consciously express this planet to the best of your ability so that it is not expressed in a negative way (notably in terms of anxiety). In addition, techniques such as meditation (or Yoga) may be very important and allow you to surpass yourself in remarkable ways which may then resurface in the social sectors.

In spite of all that, this positioning has great potential for sublimation: if its receptive, emotional sides are listened to and exploited, it can lead to much selflessness, sacrifice, and devotion, and this can be very useful in terms of helping others, giving advice, serving people, and revolutionizing the company or business that these people are invested in by leading to more “Christlike” values, i.e., cultivating energies such as tolerance, forgiveness, benevolence, peace, harmony, empathy, and really anything that allows people to take others into consideration and help them. To better understand this all you need to do is read the list of important people with this planetary positioning at the end of this article (also see my article on How to make good use of Neptune: Leaning how to catch a fish).

One important way of making the best use of this planet is to take advantage of Saturn’s meditation, as this planet’s earth will help to structure and channel these Neptunian forces, depending on the its positioning of course.

Any earthen energy will be important for these people to nurture, i.e. anything that promotes organization, discipline, maturity, patience, or perseverance or allows them to stand on their own two feet, and for that matter they may even find these energies in the context of Projections, especially with their romantic partner or their close friends and family.

Unfortunately, this positioning can really lead people directly away from precision, timeliness, meticulousness, and those aspects of Virgo that are often very perfectionistic; here, we find a much more “artistic,” shifting, passive, and inconsistent energy.

These people should make sure to be very wary of anything “toxic:” the notion of poisoning may play a bigger role with this planet and these people’s health may be more fragile. They may poison themselves in various ways, with an unhealthy lifestyle, a poor diet, or an unknown allergy or sometimes by taking the wrong medications (sometimes even self-medication if they are hypochondriacs).
It is also important for them to take special care of these things or even periodically undergo special treatments, diets, or fasts to detoxify their bodies and monitor their digestion and assimilation (see my article: Astrology and health, notions of balance), and it may be important to see a naturopath regularly and also to see several doctors when anything is being diagnosed so that mistakes are not made.

Neptune retrograde in the 6th house and Virgo

This planet’s Retrograde motion here may add a dose of earth, which may of course make people more introverted and passive, but may also in the best-case scenario make this planet easier to exploit materially speaking.

Retrograde motion of Neptune in one’s birth chart is less important than for other dominant features in the chart, since, as it’s a slow, transpersonal planet, it’s retrograde just over five months out of the year.
Nevertheless, it’s useful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions; a change of state here will not necessarily lead to a specific noteworthy event, but it may indicate a non-negligeable psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.

Celebrities with Neptune in 6th House

Dane Rudhyar, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon, Giuseppe Verdi, Pamela Anderson, George Lucas, James Dean, Ben Affleck, Charlie Sheen, Serge Gainsbourg, Michael Schumacher, Ricky Martin, Jean Dujardin, Johnny Cash, Barbra Streisand, Tim Burton, Morgan Freeman, Oscar Wilde, Anders Breivik…

Celebrities with Neptune in Virgo

Martin Luther King, 14th Dalai Lama, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Brigitte Bardot, Grace Kelly, Napoleon I, Al Pacino, Beethoven, Bruce Lee, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Alain Delon, Jack Nicholson, Sean Connery, Osho, Clint Eastwood, Tina Turner, Johnny Hallyday, Mohamed Ali, Jacques Chirac, Harrison Ford, Dalida, Leonard Cohen, Warren Buffett, Stephen Hawking, Charles Manson…

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