
New Moon of April 12, 2021 in Aries

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This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on April 12, 2021, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac. This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts. Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Challenge of exteriorization, first Uranian fruits, but risk taking is necessary

This new moon is full of Fire energy, forces of Mars, with this Stellium of fast personal planets in Aries, it’s very “energizing” for this beginning of spring, the Sun hardly exceeding the vernal equinox point, it symbolically represents the beginning of a new astrological year !

Naturally, the planet Mars is to be analyzed particularly closely in its journey of the moment, we see that it’s ahead of all the fast planets in the zodiac since the sign of Gemini, a mercurian, aerial sign, therefore very “mental”, intellectual, social, sociable, where it can allow different interesting social exteriorizations.

On the other hand, we also see that this new moon period represents the “peak of influence” of the Mars square with Neptune in Pisces which settled in the medium term these last weeks, and which is a rather “complicated” aspect, thus risking to be reflected by Rulerships on all the Aries stellium, and on a part of the lunation…

In the best of cases, we can think that this marks a “peak”, a turning point, and that the action “will be forced”. However, basically the Mars / Neptune quadrature represents more an astrological aspect of “confusion in action”, the Fire of the first planet tends to be “drowned” in the Water of the second, and this can make a “damp squib” or “ignition mess” effect, so one must be careful if at this time you want to undertake or initiate something, and depending on the project in question.

Moreover, it’s therefore an increasing Square, which in the overall symbolism of the cycle of Aspects represents not only “the rupture of inertia”, but also a first “test of emancipation”, a confrontation, a turning point in the cycle.

Therefore, there may be an “externalization challenge” for example at this time, perhaps the need to show something to an audience in order to assert oneself, and it may also awaken powerful emotions or idealizations that need to be confronted with reality.

In addition, the Uranian social forces rising in Aquarius (Jupiter, Saturn), remain very active ! We could already start to feel some of the first “Uranian fruits” of what may have germinated in December / January with the Uranian wave of this period (see my various articles on the corresponding Lunations).

These 2 planets in Aquarius provided a large “social impulse” on the first quarter of 2021 (in terms of changes, breaking force, “revolution”), it’s really there that their energies could be maximum, Jupiter already reaches the 3rd decan of Aquarius (decan which is therefore much more sensitive over this period) and Saturn already the 2nd decan of this same sign (this decan knows for its part some “foretaste” of what it can develop on 2022 especially).

The square from Jupiter to Uranus in Taurus is therefore also largely undone over the period, so we must take advantage of it, all the Air signs will have facilities for this at different levels (Gemini, Libra), as well as Sagittarius and Aries therefore, whose developments / exteriorizations will be maximized over the period (it would still be interesting to do a training for example, or to teach things to others).

Then the fast transits will not be long in the course of the lunation to also go up Taurus, thus activating the Uranian forces and the Black Moon which transit this sign, while Saturn will still insist on Uranus in a clear quadrature, that can always sensitize in fast phase elements of the “security/freedom duality“, reactivating for the occasion some fears or security wounds (more acute feeling of not being able to both at the same time).

This will be particularly highlighted at the Full Moon on April 27, 2021, when the emotions of security, or the “lack of security”, of stability, may prove to be more prevalent, we see moreover with the entry of Mars into Cancer in its sign of fall, that this may greatly exacerbate these elements, fears, etc…

The lunar and Venusian energies will have a very important weight on the period of full moon, therefore more of the feminine receptive forces, of Anima, this being able to activate more easily cyclothymic parts, or certain frustrations for example, also at the emotional level, the “lacks” will be felt more strongly, the fears of abandonment, rejection, loss, and this may weigh on our personal confidence, on our sense of value (especially all the Fixed signs will also be very sensitive to this period, therefore Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

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