Passion Astro New Moon august 04 2024 in Leo

New Moon of August 04, 2024 in Leo

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This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on August 04, 2024, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts.
Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

All mutable signs, especially 2nd decans (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).

Focus on the 2nd decade of August

The New Moon opens very quickly with a retrograde motion of Mercury, from the 1st decan of Virgo, where the planet will insist for several weeks on squaring the transit of Uranus.

This can set the tone for the beginning of the lunation, in the need to review something, to come back to points from previous weeks to insist on them, to deepen, to reflect.

This may involve notions of emancipation, taking on independence, confronting an authority against whom you may need to stand up, and this may be your boss, the state, but also, for example, an affective relationship, especially as Venus is gaining speed and will clash with the square of Mars for a good part of this lunation (this may form an Anima / Animus conflict which will have repercussions more easily on a relational level).

Mid-August is a particularly good time to watch out for, as the transit of Mars joins the transit of Jupiter in conjunction, which could confirm a short-term trigger not to be overlooked!

Depending on how the transit of Jupiter in Gemini expresses itself in your own birth chart, it can be energized in the current social forces (and everyone’s sky can be very different in this respect).

These are good energies for furthering learning, doing an apprenticeship, discovering a new culture or philosophy of life, or taking a trip.

Be careful, however, as the squares to Venus and Saturn will also be activated during this period within a T-square, so this second decade of August may not be a restful one, highlighting the need for independence, autonomy, for no longer putting up with the same patterns as before, especially if you feel that someone tends to abuse your kindness and devotion.

The full moon on August 19, 2024 could represent a very important phase of awareness about all these things, of bringing them to light, but with therefore also a risk of more increased and sensitive confrontation.

Don’t forget the points I’ve also raised about the transit of the Black Moon in Libra, which began recently at the end of June, and which is very favorable to notions of “relationship and emotional sorting”, which can be linked to the need to cut a link, or to finalize a relational choice…

Let’s just say that this isn’t something new, it’s something we’ve already been well aware of for several weeks, or even months, but this full moon phase in the 2nd decade of August could act a little like the straw that breaks the camel’s back, saturating us to the point of saying “enough is enough, stop”.

The good thing is that these energies are good for helping us make a final decision about a choice, and this can have a significant karmic charge (we can see that the lunar nodes are quite sensitized during this period, especially with the Black Moon approaching the South Node), so this can be favorable to our fundamental realization, even if the energies remain rather rough and violent at the moment (Mercury retrograde’s square to Uranus also forces a certain impetuosity, a rather electric, effervescent aspect).

In any case, the full moon phase seems much more energetic than the new moon phase, so you’ll need to analyze what’s going on in this 2nd decade of August, as it’s likely to have a greater impact on your personality and destiny.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that the Venus/Mars square will last for almost the whole of the second half of August, so it has a certain depth to it, and it’s not surprising that during this period, it’s harder to make yourself understood or to understand the other person, if you’re a bit “on different planets”, especially with the Mercury retrograde motion still encouraging misunderstandings and delays of all kinds.

The last 5 days of August seem to be an interesting time for various unblockings, with the Moon coming into contact with Mars / Jupiter, the Venus / Mars square unravelling and Mercury back in direct motion, so perhaps try to wait until this time of the month and until the end of the lunation if you have a communication to make or a contract to sign.

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