
Transit: Neptune in Aries 2025/2039

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After Pluto’s recent shift into Aquarius from March 2023, Neptune’s transition into Aries from March 30, 2025, and its final exit from Aries on March 23, 2039, marks another important elemental change in the background transits. That’s 14 years of development in this sign, enough to initiate a lot of changes!

Obviously, on such long transits, they can’t be “monochrome”, as they experience multiple twists and interactions, with other medium- and short-term transits, so this article is mainly intended to give a general archetypal tone to these forces, and you’ll have to refer to other astro news articles I might do to complete it.

Between idealization and the need for realism

The first point that seems important to underline is the major contrast that takes place in the fact that the planet leaves its sign of Pisces, where it was very strong in domicile, very at ease expressing its natural aquatic energies, to move into a flamboyant Martian sign, where inevitably there tends to be a Water/Fire confrontation that can play out.

And in the real world, we know very well what this mixture can lead to: either the fire is stronger and tends to boil the water, or the water dominates and tends to extinguish the fire! And it’s quite possible that this Neptunian transit will straddle one or other of these positions over the course of 14 years…

However, Aries remains the sign of the beginning of the zodiac, and therefore also the sign of “great starts”, of great new beginnings, where a whole new cycle can come into play and bring about surprising novelties that we hadn’t necessarily thought of, but which nevertheless form major changes in society…

To give you an idea, Neptune’s previous transit through Aries took place between 1861 and 1875, which brings us back to the American Civil War and the Paris Commune uprising. We were still in the midst of the expansion of colonial empires, and Karl Marx was publishing his “Capital”, which would set important milestones for socialism and communism…

This type of Neptunian transit in Aries seems to have a lot to do with stimulating a very idealized, utopian, egalitarian basic dynamic, with good basic feelings, but which end up disappointing over time…

We probably need to be wary of the misleading aspect that this transit can convey, between what we can imagine and idealize at the outset, in our achievements, and the final lessons we can draw from them over time, which can be quite different.

Whether it’s for the various personal projects we may launch at the time, or in the relationships we may form, in the intuitions and receptivities we may have, and which may also bring us back to the adage that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”…

Here, Martian dynamics inevitably invite you to take action, to take the initiative, to spur a change, to break with a previous balance, and at the time you may be fully excited by what you idealize!
But you need to be aware that what you ultimately reap over time may be quite different, even if you have all the good feelings in the world at the beginning…

If something is too good to be true, and someone tries to sell it to us, politically, ideologically, relationally, as a vector of equality and sharing, we have to be wary.

And don’t forget that the Neptunian function needs the Saturnian Earth to help it channel, structure and perpetuate itself, so the articulation of these forces will be very important to follow!

We can see that Neptune’s transit of Aries takes place under the influence of Saturn’s conjunction to Neptune in 2025, which is an important marker for the beginning of the cycle, and a good omen for the entire Neptunian transit of Aries

It’s as if the transit root was already warning us about this, to be pragmatic, realistic, to help us build our ideals and not get carried away by chimeras, unrealistic dreams, illusions, confusions.

This may act as a limiting and constraining factor at the outset, especially in the years 2025 and 2026, but at least we’re less tempted to put the cart before the horse and take our time doing things one after the other.

So perhaps 2025 and 2026 are vectors of austerity and recession, but it’s a form of breathing, of alternation, which can be just as welcome and requested by all cycles, especially in mundane astrology…

Neptune won’t be making any major aspects to the other transpersonal planetary cycles for most of its time in Aries, so you’ll have to follow its cycles with the 2 social planets Jupiter and Saturn, which will be the most rhythmic (there will be many aspects between them).

To help you situate things better if you have birth influences in the Cardinal cross (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn): Neptune will pass through the 2nd decan around May 2029 and through the 3rd decan in July 2033, but I’ll come back to this in my news posts.

Obviously, this Neptunian transit can be transposed differently in each person’s life, depending on how they experience their own Aries and Martian forces, and their relationship with the forces of fire and water.

If you’re very aquatic, you mustn’t overlook the fact that this Neptunian transit can help you find an important dynamic enabling major emotional externalizations, as can be found at artistic, mediumistic, devotional, sacrificial or spiritual levels…

If you’re more into Fire forces, beware of the elements of “confusion in action” that this can also generate.

For everyone, this passage of Neptune into Aries can be a good opportunity to question how we understand our own birth’s Neptunian energies, and how we’ve externalized them up to now?

Perhaps also by allowing an impulsive turn around these, as the sign of Aries favors this type of mechanism operating as an “explosion engine”! (you can suddenly have the energy to “dare” to do something).

In any case, be sure to analyze what’s at stake in this Saturn / Neptune conjunction of 2025, as it may mark a very important seed that could have the next 14 years to develop…

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