
Uranus in Scorpio or in 8th House in birth chart

These are global energies of uranus in Scorpio or in 8th House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Uranus in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Uranus.
The planet uranus is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of it, in particular more especially the intellectual projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc), all that concerns more directly the affirmation of the spirituality and the social vision of the native…
It informs about our need for freedom, independence, to go towards the new, to break the Saturnian framework, and to tend towards our deepest ideals. It materializes our intuition, it electrifies us, it questions everything that is too conventional.
The planet fundamentally represents an evolutionary breaking point, of revelation, of creation.
As Uranus stays for about 7 years per sign, its position in houses is more meaningful for the personality. The energy of the sign gives above all an elemental background coloring common to a generation, which will apply more personally to the area of life signified by the house. Therefore, focus first and foremost on the house affected, as the sign gives a background tone.

Powerful energies of awakening

This is a very powerful position for Uranus to be in, as it’s in exaltation here, so it becomes much more intense, more magnetic, and deeper.
The combination with Plutonian energies here leads to a real synergy that is very conducive to an “awakening” or a revelation, which may be mystical or metaphysical, and these people’s perception of “reality” may change over the course of their incarnation, most likely as a result of some sudden psychological crisis (caused for example by various changes that occur through this planet’s Progressions or Transits) which leads them to realize that they are on the wrong path and then also forces them to relinquish or lose various things, but with the end goal of attaining some sort of fundamental emancipation and freedom (as was the case for Krishnamurti: see the different famous people listed below who have this position).

In this position, this planet is very intensely “charged” with energies that may push things to a breaking point, so it harbors both instability a kind of explosiveness and which we also see in the quadrature that the planet forms with its domicile in Aquarius. Its exaltation brings it to its peak, but it retains some degree of violence, even during Depressive episodes, which may of course be transformative and very helpful for one’s development, but are also generally very destructive, so people come out of them a little battered and bruised (even though “that which does not kill us makes us stronger,” as Nietzche told us).

This is a position of power and domination, but here this means a passion for “metaphysical control” rather than just social control. This may take effect clandestinely, in a way that is hidden, erratic, and chaotic, until a sudden, unexplained outburst occurs, as it “inevitably” will, in the same way that a fruit ripens at just the right time (for this reason, it’s important to carefully watch Uranus’s phase of opposition with its position at birth, for example, as this represents a significant midlife crisis : see the Generic cycles).

We often find fierce nonbelievers with this position, who do not notice that their atheism in fact hides another form of belief, one that represents another aspect of the same connection with the Absolute, the sacred, and the divine, which these people then rediscover. Or we may also find ultra-materialistic people who see the world through the lens of their physical needs, but who then have a “supernatural” experience that permanently upends their lifestyle and makes their way of thinking obsolete.

It’s very likely that people with this sort of planetary positioning may not open themselves up in any way to the occult elements of the world at any point during their lives, or seek to deepen their understanding, intuition, or visionary side, which are things that this planet of course has the potential to strengthen considerably.

There may in fact be a stark contrast for these people between their greatest ambitions and the reality of their daily life, with all of its cumbersome little problems which are quite low-down compared to what they are yearning for, especially if they are not really aware of these energies and don’t allow them to express themselves, but instead live in a sort of denial.

It’s important to be careful with material things and finances, as having this position really doesn’t do any good for things related to “management;” it may lead to both gains and losses that are totally unexpected and which often come from “others,” or from some sort of “social administration” (they may come from an inheritance or from patrons, as well as from tax problems, bank debt, a ruinous divorce, etc.: the highest highs may be mixed together with the lowest lows in terms of finances).

But the lucky thing, so to speak, about having this uranian position is these people’s great capacity for rebirth, as though they actually needed to get mixed up in all of this emptiness and destruction in order to be reborn from the ashes, with a new understanding, another personality, and newfound strength, all of which would have remained inaccessible without them first experiencing this “death to self” (see Kübler Ross’s stages of grief).

I mentioned freedom earlier, and it’s important to understand that this is no easy task. We could even talk about a kind of “liberation” here. As this Uranian symbol is mixed with Pluto, it essentially becomes very Promethean : these people want to steal “fire” from the heavens and keep it for humanity.

This planetary positioning is also directly connected to Tantrism (and to the sacred sexuality that comes with it), since theoretically one’s “awakening” results from the contact between the Animus and the Anima, which are two opposites, and between personal matters and the collective, and this electrical Uranian fire knows this instinctively as soon as it touches Pluto !

Practices like Yoga, meditation (breathwork), prayer, or really anything that allows people to work with subtle energies may be extremely useful for channeling these forces and learning which instincts to follow in concrete terms and how to give shape to them.

In any case, if we take the best energies from this mixture of Uranus and the 8th House / Scorpio, it may have so much to give us. I urge you to read more about the various analogies involving Pluto and uranus (which are symbols of both “death” and keen mindedness).

At their worst, these energies may cause people to be extremely uncompromising, especially with themselves for that matter, such that they cannot bear to look at themselves and their imperfections. They have a thirst for purity and a vision of an ideal society, which is difficult to achieve and unfailingly becomes a source of disappointment and frustration.

It’s very important to find a happy medium when expressing these energies. Learning to relax and be content with how things are is truly a huge challenge for these people, though they may overcome it when they experience death, loss, or some unfortunate fate, as these events will force this work to happen even if these people do not consciously make it happen.

One thing that may be difficult is that with this planet in this sector we theoretically don’t have access to our philosophical side, which would allow us to create structure and make sense of what we perceive (this is actually something that we find with Sagittarius and the 9th House). In addition, these people can be very “rough around the edges” and very crude, and it’s important for them to “anchor” these energies in various ways so as to structure them, which Earth might help with.

Uranus retrograde in the 8th House and Scorpio

Uranus’s Retrograde motion in this position has a tendency to give this planet even more depth, but of course it does not make expressing it any easier, so this planet may be more clandestine and hidden.

Uranus’s retrograde motion in one’s birth chart is much less important than for other planets, since it’s a slow, transpersonal planet, and it’s retrograde for more than a third of the year (about 5 months).
Nevertheless, it’s useful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions. Changes that occur here may not necessarily give rise to specific, noteworthy events, but they may indicate a non-negligible psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.

Celebrities with Uranus in 8th House

Marilyn Monroe, Heath Ledger, Lady Diana, Robin Williams, Helena Blavatsky, Leonard Cohen, Monica Bellucci, Alain Delon, Joseph Stalin, Stephen Hawking, Julio Iglesias, Coco Chanel, Abraham Lincoln, Conor McGregor, Silvio Berlusconi, Hillary Clinton…

Celebrities with Uranus in Scorpio

Dane Rudhyar, Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Heath Ledger, Mao Tse-tun, Frederic Chopin, Charles Darwin, Emmanuel Kant, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Shakira, Edgar Allan Poe, Clara Morgane, Buster Keaton, Beyonce Knowles, Tolkien, Tom Hardy, Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi, Giacomo Casanova, Charles Dickens, Joseph Goebbels, Emmanuel Macron…

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