
Venus in Aquarius or in 11th House in birth chart

It’s a question here of the global energies of Venus in Aquarius or in 11th House which it’s imperative to nuance according to your birth chart, see the article Venus in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Venus.
The planet Venus is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs on the woman side, pole of attraction, lover, but also on our system of valorization (affective and material), on our relational base to the others and to the world, on our artistic dimension, it manifests qualities to the colors of the occupied sign. See Venus in a man’s birth chart for the specific influence of this planet on the Animus.

Venus in Aquarius : originality, freedom, and surprises

The planet Venus is in the midst of Air and masculine energies here, under the rulership of Uranus, which puts it in touch with its domicile, Libra, making it more volatile and lighter.

People with Venus in Aquarius are cerebral, with a very keen mind. Their affection and feelings are filtered through their rationality, and you need to charm their intellect before doing anything else in order to seduce them.

These people are generally very open. They appreciate change and are very apprehensive about any aspect of a relationship that could limit their mobility in any way. They are eccentrics, non-conformists, rebels, and agitators, and they are always looking to stand out, to surprise or shock people, and to feel different and unique. They are always doing something unexpected, and this is exactly what gives them their charm.

Venus in Aquarius people thus flourish in unconventional relationships. But they always want to remain free and independent, and they only express their affection when they are fully autonomous. They do not subscribe to the somewhat “clingy” idea of mutual belonging, which people with Venus in other signs feel that they need.

This causes them to be intransigent and egotistical at times in how they relate to other people : they are completely uncompromising, and believe that freedom should not be limited in any way. They have their own rules about these things, and they have a lot of trouble with other people imposing restrictions on them.

These people like to seduce others with their ideas. They like to convince other people of things, and they also like it when they have a partner who has a vision of society and the future that they admire. They need to consider their partner to be a “friend”. To them, on a basic level, love can be thought of as a casual friendship, where people share and have fun. The best way to prove your love to them is to give them space, trust them, and not limit them, which are all things that they do for you naturally !

Fundamentally, they need to have dreams, to be able to learn about different perspectives, to constantly stay active, and for other people to arouse their interest and curiosity. But if you want to scare them away, just be jealous and possessive, tell them to give up their freedom, bore them, and don’t talk : there is only one possible result !

To seduce a Venus in Aquarius person, be a nonconformist, surprise them, be sociable, open, and optimistic, give them a glimpse of all of the things that you can teach them, try first and foremost to be a good, reliable friend to them, and give them control over their own freedom. Even if this means letting them leave, do it ! Do not chase after them : if they are going to come back, they will do it on their own terms, and you won’t get anything from them by begging.

Artistically, Venus in Aquarius people are very drawn to all modern and contemporary art, or even abstract art, interior design, fashion, “electronic” music, and the performing arts, including film.

Financially speaking, Venus in Aquarius people are completely selfless. They like novelty, gadgets, and various elements of new technology, but to them money is first and foremost a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. They are very reasonable and fair in the way that they manage budgets, and they engage in careful reflection rather than acting on their impulses.

Venus retrograde in Aquarius

VenusRetrograde motion makes these people even more unconventional, and extremely exuberant. Because they are so different, they might be more introverted and repress parts of themselves more. They may have trouble opening up emotionally, and show themselves to be more egotistical and independent.

Celebrities with Venus in Aquarius

Sharon Stone, Mozart, Janis Joplin, Mel Gibson, Mohamed Ali, Stephen Hawking, Marlene Dietrich, Pope François, Olivia Wilde, Rudolf Steiner, Tolkien, Quentin Tarantino, Elton John, Mao Tse-toun, Carlos Castaneda…

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