I have already elaborated the notion of Anima in Jungian psychology, this article completes it by giving a general idea of its expression in a man’s birth chart according to the location of his planet Venus.
Venus in a masculine chart indicates the type of woman who is likely to create an attraction (especially sexual), or at least who will be most conducive to a Projection of his anima, this planet will tend to specify what he values, what he finds pleasing and enjoyable.
The Moon also has an impact in the anima’s expression and projection in a masculine chart, but more in the “partner idealization”, i.e. when we no longer perceive the other one as an attractive short-term impulse, but as an “ideal reference”, a good wife, a good mother, who can be trusted to manage the home, make children, able to “maternalize”, to take care of… in the long term.
Nevertheless, Venus is indeed the planet which determines the lover, the sentimental complicity, it’s thus necessary to analyze this one attentively when we are looking for a love compatibility because it always gives at least clues on the type of probable attraction (in particular the imbrication of the Astrological Elements is important). Contrary to Mars, the planet Venus never moves very far from the natal Sun, it’s frequent to find it in the same sun sign, further reinforcing this sign importance in the personality.
No matter what type of relationship to be studied, the planet Venus will give us the attraction type that’s most likely to correspond to the “ideal woman” or at least to a woman who is “interesting” for this man.
Note that a very different Venus and Moon will lead man to love very different types of women, sometimes even antagonistic (for example if there is an internal conflict within the anima through a difficult aspect between these planets).
To complete the analysis, it will obviously also be necessary to study the expression of the Animus in a man’s birth chart (these are the 2 faces of the same coin), especially Mars and the Sun, which will refine the behaviour…
Venus in a man’s birth chart : generalities
The man who has VENUS in Aries indicates an attraction for strong, dynamic, impulsive, independent, sporty, extroverted, “male-like” women… a bit of the tomboy type ! These men like women who take initiatives and be proactive, undertake things, take risks (intellectually and socially), be direct, frank, a true dominant alpha female, capable of asserting herself, and also of flirting with them first.
On the other hand, women who are too shy, too sensitive, self-effacing or internalized, too delicate, too serious and complicated will make them run away.
The planet Venus is in nocturnal detriment (see Rulerships), its spontaneous tendencies have a predisposition to internalization.

The man who has VENUS in Taurus, loves “femininity”, for him it goes through generous, voluptuous, pulpy, sensual shapes, through a daily sensitivity and softness, a calm and simple attitude. He will look for a natural woman who can bring him lasting emotional security, who will pamper him every day (for example with good food and cuddles), he will appreciate to find in his wife a good housekeeper, good manager of the household savings.
All women who are artificial, superficial, fickle, too complicated to live with, aggressive, too “skinny”, not very sensual or who do not like to enjoy the life pleasures, may not be at all suitable for him.
The planet Venus is here very strong in domicile (see Rulerships), it probably indicates one of the birth chart’s major dominants planet and can fully express itself.

The man who has VENUS in Gemini makes him appreciate women who are original, offbeat, optimistic, ingenuous, spontaneous, extroverted, lively, slender, with humour, always staying young in their minds, even a little crazy. He likes women who have a certain intelligence, who like to read and write, open to knowledge with a wide range of skills, who are sociable and communicative.
A woman who is too internalized, too dark, too simple, not very talkative, too possessive or too aggressive will not interest him. Same if the woman is mature, or too old, he will prefer one who is youthful and carefree in general.

The man who has VENUS in Cancer will make him look for a very feminine, gentle and truly maternal (voluptuous) woman, simply loving to take care of her home and family with dedication. He will seek fusional emotional security and will implicitly ask his wife to reassure him permanently with the dread of being abandoned. He may even find charm in her whims and moody behaviour when she escapes into her dreams, the whole point is that she knew how to be a “protective mother”.
On the other hand, women who are dominant, aggressive, too independent, not very affectionate and not very maternal will not please him at all.

The man who has VENUS in Leo like women who put themselves forward, dominant women, courageous, proud, socially accomplished or at least ambitious, who have character, know how to assert themselves, are very playful too. Everything is in the appearance, the man will like the idea of conquering an “inaccessible” woman for him, and he will like the social recognition that this conquest will bring him, he will have succeeded in “getting the moon”, even if he gets tired of her charms very quickly and move on to a new love challenge. He will appreciate “to possess” his partner, but the latter will have to constantly resist him, be playful, make sure that nothing will ever be won for him, make him question himself periodically, at the risk of the couple’s death if things are too routine.
Shy and self-effacing women, or too “easy”, too serious and thrifty, weak, will quickly put him off.

The man who has VENUS in Virgo tends to repress all the spontaneous qualities of the planet.
He likes classy women, simple but distinguished, intelligent, modest, pure, with a good lifestyle and feet on the ground. He will appreciate that they are devoted, kind, discreet (even with a certain coldness), sensitive, natural in everyday life, good managers, hard-working.
Extroverted, dominant, pretentious, volatile, unstable women will not catch his attention.
Venus here is in fall, which partly restricts its spontaneous expression (see Rulerships), the planet “afflicts” the global astral configuration.

The man who has VENUS in Libra, for him femininity goes through a refined, distinguished behavior, beauty is important, physical harmony, a well-groomed look, a fashionable style, as well as a certain level of comportment in society. The natural class will have to be allied to a social ease and sociability in general, he likes to be able to be in daily communication with her, to discuss as with a friend.
All women who are vulgar, provocative, lacking in taste, elegance or finesse (body and spirit), too classic, are not his cup of tea.
The planet Venus is here very strong in its second nocturnal domicile (see Maitrises), its different expression is nevertheless dominant in the birth chart, it will tend to be compulsive at the rhythm of successive impulses).

The man who has VENUS in Scorpio is attracted by the archetype of the “femme fatale”, dominant, passionate, mysterious, sensual, who will give off a real love and sex magnetism… Domination relationships will be almost inevitable, but they will probably be desired. This ideal woman must be a true free electron, independent, strong, emancipated. She has to be comfortable sexually, sex being a real means of mediation and a cement for the couple.
Women who are too “easy”, too simple, too ordinary, too nice, too prude, in which one can read like an open book, will not please him.
Venus is here in detriment (see Rulerships), which indicates a propensity to attenuate its natural energies and expressions.

The man who has VENUS in Sagittarius will appreciate women who are offbeat, open, funny, friendly and warm, playful, simple, spontaneous, but intelligent with a depth of spirit (fine body and mind). The optimistic, philosophical and mystical side is important in the relationship, which is really perceived as the culmination of the moral ideals exchanged. She will have to be fun of traveling and outdoor life, or perhaps she will be of a foreign culture.
A woman who is too superficial and delicate, lacking in-depth analysis and flexibility, too cold and selfish, too homely / housewife (physically and especially mentally), may not match.

The man who has VENUS in Capricorn implies an attraction for serious, hard-working women, more of the businesswoman type, ambitious, strict, picky, mature, of cold temperament. He will look for women older than him, with more experience, because women who are too young seem to him too “childish”, too superficial. For him, women must be “competent”, good managers, intelligent, determined to hold their social position correctly (whatever it may be), it’s this determination and strength that will please him.
Women who are too frivolous, exuberant, superficial, incompetent, dependent, sensitive, will quickly tire him out.

The man who has VENUS in Aquarius is attracted by the feminine qualities of originality, exuberance, eccentricity, curiosity. He is looking for a woman who is out of the norm, out of the ordinary, iconoclastic, extravagant, full of fantasy, vivacity, humour, who lives life in the fast lane but with her head in the clouds. He wants his wife to be perpetually offbeat and surprising, dynamic, sociable, open, innovative, intelligent.
A woman who is too ordinary is not for him, if she is too dejected, too routine, too simple, and down to earth, he may quickly get bored.

The man who has VENUS in Pisces, loves a woman with qualities of gentleness, sensitivity, shyness, humility. He likes touching, delicate, tender, dreamy, intuitive, mysterious, mystical, passionate women… Her soul qualities are equally important, tolerance, self-denial, high-mindedness in general will attract him greatly, all philosophical feelings will have to be shared. He will also appreciate to share with his wife his attraction for artistic disciplines, that his partner is receptive to aesthetic emotions, to the sense of the wonder.
He is really looking for a fusional “soul mate”, women who are too independent, too masculine, too direct, extroverted and dynamic, will be a turn off for him. He likes the “nurse” type, devoted, ready to sacrifice herself.
Venus Pisces is here in its exaltation position which favors a harmonious and healthy expression (see Rulerships), the planet will display its qualities without too many defects, it’s a dominant position.

See for the generality, “Venus in signs” descriptions.
“Note that a very different Venus and Moon will lead man to love very different types of women, sometimes even antagonistic”
Hi Christophe. What if the man’s venus is in Taurus but his moon and pluto are in Scorpio?
Hello Sophie,
To read already the article on Pluto very strong here, which will color Venus a lot: