These interpretations are based on solar energies only when one of the partners has a Sun in Aquarius, a Air sign, and they give an idea of the probable compatibilities with the other solar signs of the zodiac.
They have been written with a “love” perspective but their purpose can also be applied in the field of friendship, or relational in general.
For more precision, it is advisable to nuance them by a more thorough study, a true comparison of topics that we call a Synastry or at least a Study of rapprochement. It will obviously also be necessary to take into account its ruler planet, Uranus, as it is a little more complicated than just throwing the astro dice… 🙂
For other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.
Note that it is also important to analyze the various updates in the present, especially lunations and transits, to better understand the deep meaning of what you can go through in your relational life, your relationship with others, especially with your emotional partner, if there are couple crisis, it may affect your 7th House, or press your natal Venus, and my subscriptions to the Premium newsletters can help you better establish in advance what will be happening and when, better predict, date and anticipate things.
Aquarius Love Compatibility
AQUARIUS-Aries : air/fire (Mars)
Originality, a fierce desire for independence, dynamism, optimism, are qualities that you both have in common.
Aquarius like to be surprised by their partner, they like novelty, they hate to get bogged down in a daily routine, read in the other as in an open book… and with aries, it will be served on these sides so much the one is sometimes mounted on springs.
Aries will like the autonomy and the frank emancipation of aquarius, their lightness, they will admire their free electron side, their direct side and the fact that, just like them, they do not always worry about the consequences of their actions, they act first and foremost.
On the other hand aries may sometimes have difficulty following the exuberance and fantasies of aquarians, the latter can indeed sometimes be very idealistic, spiritual, enlightened, elusive, unpredictable, versatile… even for aries ! (that is to say)
Aquarius loves great philosophical and artistic ideals, they have a highly developed sense of the collective and of society’s necessity; they are sociable, like teamwork, putting ideas together and working on them, in fact it is even this “mixture” that gives them the rich creativity that they display and allow them to assert themselves socially, they perceives in a visceral way the interest of their active participation in society.
Aries will not have such a social ease and will only see the interest of their personal development.
In fact the main challenge for this couple will be to find a reason to unite and above all to remain united, but if the two find a complementarity, that each individuality manages to remain intact and to blossom within the “whole” that this union will form, it is possible !

AQUARIUS-Taurus : air/earth (Venus)
It’s the conservative and the reformer’s clash. Taurus stabilizes their achievements, seeks to keep them (and to make them grow), in a way they want to “freeze” time, and they will resist with all their might any attempts at change. Aquarians are the opposite, they are “progressive”, not only do they not attach themselves to the achievements, but they turns the table upside down in defiance of the established order, they go ahead with the changes, wishing them and implementing them themselves ! They flourish in a kind of permanent revolution, always in search of they freedom and independence, they assimilate the traditionalist taurus values to a straitjacket that oppresses them. Aquarians will be up to date with the latest fashions, will have the latest gadgets, will know the latest news, while taurus will always work with the tools of their grandparents and will be interested in the “classics” that have already proven themselves, that are timeless…
So you have 2 different philosophies of life, which often lead to different tastes. Taurus are stable, constant and prudent, where Aquarians are volatile, sociable, exuberant and utopian. For Aquarius any change is good as long as there is a change, the interest is in the future, whereas taurus consider any change as a form of amputation of themselves, a denial of the past. One will be bored, the other will be anxious.
You are two strong heads, each as inflexible as the other (with perhaps an additional stubbornness for taurus) so you will have a hard time reconciling your differences. You have to look at the other elemental energies that dominate the both charts to look for common values.

AQUARIUS-Gemini : air (Mercury)
You are both of the same element, the air, which creates a connivance and an easier mutual understanding. You share the same intellectual vivacity, a certain lightness and spontaneity, the taste for surprise and change, the sense of exchange and communication is moreover a pillar of your personalities. Aquarius are not only sociable, but they also perceives the transcendent importance of society in general and the need to regroup and unite around collective projects, they have a philanthropic and spiritual sense often sharpened. They are even more free, original and revolutionary than gemini. Gemini will love this permanent effervescence that it exudes, this perpetual attraction for novelty and this way of always being turned towards the future.
You will like to share your ideas in long discussions, aquarius bringing an ideal and a utopia, gemini distilling their logic and rationality, you will stimulate each other.
Also your life perspectives often meet, you can build common goals, you can have fun, be accomplices, good friends… what is essential in your eyes, neither of you will try to stifle the other.
The threat in your union is that you both miss too much to have your feet on the ground, you will pass for exuberant enlightened, not always very consistent and reliable in their decisions. Gemini may find aquarius too irrational, while aquarians will reproach them for their overly logical approach or their tendency to give up something too easily…

AQUARIUS-Cancer : air/water (Moon)
This is a very disparate alliance. Aquarians are extroverted, very volatile, exuberant, original, followers of a total independence and fierce freedom, amateurs also of permanent change and surprises, they are very eclectic in their choices, in their tastes, in their life… Cancer are introverted, homebody, they like routine, they hate change in their environment which they equate to a threat or a loss of security, which for them is one of the most serious things. They need to be reassured by solid “foundations” at all times, they have a huge fear of being abandoned, they function with sensations, emotions and feelings all the time.
Everything in aquarius is focused on the future, innovation, creation, reform, sociability and the objective federation of the world.
Everything in cancer is focused on the past, traditions, family, nostalgia, melancholy, conservatism, and their subjective inner states.
Aquarians have an open, transcendental vision, cancer have a focused, local vision.
Cancer need stability, softness, durability, security (material and emotional), aquarius go with the winds, with the flow, and adapt themselves according to the fixed objectives they have given themselves.
Aquarians can be without problem in a form of lightness and superficiality, whereas cancer have a great need for depth…
I could still play this little game of differences for a long time because there are really many differences and your degree of compatibility is quite low…
To keep the relationship going, aquarius need a much more developed emotional sense than normal (for example some personal planets in Pisces) and/or a lot of air in cancer to give it a lively mind more capable of changes (some personal planets in Gemini or a Libra ascendant for example).

You are 2 complementary opposites on the zodiac wheel. Leo like the liveliness of aquarius, their originality, their idealism, their lightness, their dynamism… Aquarians like the sociability, the sympathy and the vitality of leo. You share the same excessiveness, the same exuberance and extroversion, the same sense of pioneer and the taste for projects.
What separates you the most is that aquarius are fiercely independent and love their freedom, they like to wander in their friendly network according to their desires without necessarily becoming attached, while leo need to belong, to possess, they must be reassured in their feelings by proofs of love and attachment, they want to see admiration in the eyes around them, and even more so in those close to them.
In fact, aquarians may sometimes seem quite “cold and distant” to leo, whereas aquarians will not understand why leo are so invested in social relationships by taking things so seriously, by being so clingy (in their opinion) and by being so sensitive (although they may not be less sensitive than they are). All the dramatisation that leo can sometimes display to the point of grandiloquent may make aquarians smile, but in the end it will probably lack a lot of rationality in their point of view.
Aquarians also have a very strong sense of the collective, they have integrated the notion of “necessary cooperation” and the importance of human society in general, as much for their personal development as for that of humanity (it is the sign of utopia), whereas leo are frenzied individualist often very egocentric, much more pragmatic, skeptical and cartesian, they might taking them as enlightened…
Nevertheless your couple is interesting, and you probably have a lot of things to do together, you can learn a lot from each other, and in theory you will have the tolerance and curiosity necessary to at least try the experience.

AQUARIUS-Virgo : air/earth (Mercury)
You have a very different temperament, virgo have a deep attention to detail, aquarians have a much broader, “globalizing” vision, but you both share qualities of perfectionism, independence, with a very developed mind and sometimes the same nervousness.
Virgo have the sense of service and help to others, this side will greatly please the idealist and utopian aquarius. Aquarians have a strong sense of the collective, virgo will be able to bring them constancy and pragmatism.
Aquarius will be able to bring the intuition and originality that may be lacking in virgo.
Aquarians are in the great ideals, the concepts, the great collective projects, the friendly network, they are sociable and extroverted. Virgo are much more introverted, attached to a more effective practice, more immediate, more daily, planned.
On the negative side, virgo may not understand the fundamental content of the aquarius psychology and may not be very comfortable with their versatility and their unconventional, dreamy, spiritual side, they may reproach them for their lack of stability. Aquarians may not like their mania, their tendency to be extremely critical, to put everything under the magnifying glass, without being able to link “the parts to the whole” as they do so well and easily, which may exasperate them.
But on the whole, there can be an astonishing complementarity in your union, both intellectually and in terms of relationships, based on the model that opposites attract each other. Your relationship may be a little cold but you may like this kind of couple, it may suit both of you. Other influences at the level of the Astrological Elements may strengthen your union, or for example according to the location of Uranus.

In good Air signs you share the sense of sociability, alertness, volubility, a certain dynamism.
You both have an imperious need of contacts, of involvement in the social framework, libra seek their individuality through their alter ego, aquarians even see beyond by seeking it in the framework of society, in big collective projects, in the establishment of a network.
You have a very egalitarian vision of the couple, very free and independent, you perceive above all your partner as a friend, you like harmonious and peaceful atmospheres.
Aquarians are however much more rebellious and revolutionary than libras. They have an extreme unpredictability, versatility, impulsiveness, a utopia that pushes them to perpetual change, never to be spiritually satisfied with the current state, they are elusive and insatiable. This often give them an original, extravagant, eccentric and exuberant side which destabilizes a lot certain signs, but which also makes all their genius and visionary side.
Libra are much more conformist and conventional, more “simple”, less exuberant, in fact despite all the admiration they may have for aquarius, they may even be afraid of their excessive versatility, they want a “play partner” on a daily basis, capable of revealing their personality as in a set of mirrors.
There are very subtle differences between your 2 signs, which are fundamentally in the nature of your relationship with others, but your characters are complementary, there is a great dynamic that emerges from your relationship, an optimism, curiosity, creativity, cerebrality, vivacity, to the point that it will probably take a bit of earth to bring you back to a more concrete reality and to perpetuate your couple (well placed Saturn or Mercury will not hurt)…

AQUARIUS-Scorpio : air/water (Pluto)
You two are very different. Scorpio is dark, instinctive, passionate, very attached to the notion of mutual belonging and to the depth of feelings. Aquarians are utopian, optimistic, idealistic, very attached to the notion of independence and freedom. Aquarius like to handle abstract concepts, their sociability pushes them in exchanges where they exercises all their liveliness of spirit, they elaborate big collective projects, they realize their “revolutionary” vision of society, establish their “network of knowledge”. Scorpio are much more introverted, more psychological, more secretive and asocial too, sometimes even more violent and destructive.
You have indeed 2 extremely distinct modes of communication, aquarians are volatile, cerebral, rational, scorpio are more complex, subtle and mysterious. When the scorpio’s side attached to the emotions speaks about fidelity, durability, aquarius answer indifference, liberation, deliverance, revolt…
Yet in some respects you share the same “coldness”, the same coolness towards events, the same tenacity, the same stubbornness, the same inflexibility, the same excessiveness too, the same attachment to a form of security. You can also have a form of complementarity, scorpio bringing the necessary destruction for the aquarius’ renewal !
It’s just that you may express things one by one without being able to find common ground. As a result, there is a risk of developing a form of frustration of your deepest nature on both sides.
However, all is not lost, depending on the rest of your birth charts you may manifest traits that will bring you closer to each other, especially if there is mediation from a third elemental energy.

AQUARIUS-Sagittarius : air/fire (Jupiter)
You have a lot in common, the first and probably the most important thing in your respective eyes is this deep sense of freedom and independence. You have a very open and very free vision of what a union should be, not question here of mutual belonging and a sclerosing relationship, but on the contrary about autonomy and volatility.
You base your relationship on exchange, sharing, friendship, sociability, dynamism, the attraction of new things, of “elsewhere”, of travel and discovery.
You are also 2 idealists, aquarius being a utopian, revolutionary, seeking to concretely combine philosophy and society, “political” life, sagittarius being much more abstract, philosopher, in the mytic quest, a transcendent metaphysical absolute, a meaning of life.
Your 2 temperaments can therefore have something explosive and very complementary. In a sense sagittarius can even pass for traditionalist and much more conformist next to aquarius which will be much more reformist and perpetually turned towards the future and change (influence of Uranus obliges).
Your union promises to be very enriching, with great debates, with a great evolutionary potential for both of you, if however you find a way to catalyze and channel it, because the risk of explosion is very present !
Aquarians may blame sagittarians for their lack of concreteness and practicality, whereas sagittarians will not always appreciate or understand the massive investments made by aquarians for the benefit of a “collective” which will seem “distant” to them.
By dint of independence and thirst for extreme freedom, each one saying somehow “I’m doing fine without you”, they may wonder about the feelings and the cement of the couple, an area from which you are both well detached, even “allergic”.
Having said that, these few risks are well worth it and will certainly not scare you, you will even appreciate each other for your “flaws” and in spite of your differences. Be careful, however, of the great danger of excess and inflation that awaits your relationship…

AQUARIUS-Capricorn : air/earth (Saturn)
You both share the rule of Saturn, which is giving you a lot in common. You have the same social ambition, the same desire to invest in society, a certain “coldness” too, but you express it differently.
Aquarians are extroverted, original, utopian, endowed with great intuition, with a great liveliness of mind, very versatile and ingenious, with a marked sense of the collective, in sociability, the network.
Capricorn are introverted, practical, tenacious, hard-working, they have very good organizational skills, a great sense of responsibility and morality, prudence and mistrust too, they are fine strategists.
So there are a very good complementarity in your relationship, but also a certain potential for incompatibility, because obviously you are partly walking on different wavelengths.
Aquarians are very open-minded, turned on the outside, they will have difficulty to bring to the daily life the strong need of security and stability required by capricorn. On their side, capricorn are rather of the “silent” kind and aquarius are likely to get bored in a rather “austere” universe.
But as you are neighbors signs, it is likely that you also share some personal planets which will strengthen your psychological understanding. However, you may both find it difficult to express your emotions openly, as your two signs are not really known for that… In the absolute, it would be necessary the intervention of another mediating elemental energy to perfect your complementarity.

AQUARIUS-Aquarius : air (Uranus)
You are like 2 very positive polarities, extroverted, permanently active. There is a very electric side to the relationship, you share the same volatility, the same versatility, a certain lack of constancy also sometimes. It is likely that you may find it difficult to adjust to each other, so much so that you have a fundamentally independent, free, autonomous nature, loving perpetual change, you may find it very difficult at times “to find” each other.
You also have a great sociability that constantly pushes you to invest yourself in social relations and in the collective, in the evolution of society : clubs, associations, parties, large companies, are part of your lives.
You are very innovative, always in search of novelties, progress, reforms… so you are often attracted by science and new gadgets.
You can also have a very brilliant, eclectic, eccentric side at times, which pushes you in more artistic or philosophical ways.
You will like to find in the other one this same liveliness of mind, with all the debates of ideas that it implies. You will understand the need of the other one to never feel caged, you will like this optimism and this effervescence which emerges, in short on certain sides, you have everything to get along with each other.
The concern is perhaps that there will be too much distance between you, a certain coldness at times. You may find it very difficult to express your feelings, and as much as in friendship you will like the aspect of camaraderie, in love it can considerably alter the relationship by making it too impersonal. So it will be a matter of finding a good compromise. If your 2 birth charts are very marked by the air, it may be difficult…
And do not forget either, a relationship under Uranus control is necessarily of a totally unconventional nature, and you will like it !

AQUARIUS-Pisces : air/water (Neptune)
You share a great deal in common, especially in your relationship to human nature. Pisces are in self-denial and sacrifice, where aquarians are very utopian, turned towards the relational and the collective. You share the same altruism, the same tolerance and open-mindedness.
Pisces are however more complex and introverted, very turned on their emotions, in a great receptivity and intuition, we often even lend them “antennas” allowing them to perceive the slightest vibrations of their environment, which in the extreme can even go as far as the gifts of mediumship, or make them considerably more permeable and therefore more easily influenced.
Aquarians are original and extroverted, totally unconventional, atypical, they like intellectual exchanges and communication, they tend to conceptualize and rationalize everything, with a strong power of persuasion, even a certain stubbornness in their relationships.
Your couple is a bit of a mixture of reason, logic, with feelings and irrationality, so you may find it difficult to understand each other in certain situations. Pisces have a complexity that tend in some ways towards a deep sense of universality and extreme compassion. Aquarians are more intellectual, more detached and philosophical, they handle ideals and great principles in a form of emotional abstraction, which allow them to remain quite objective from a distance, without getting too involved intimately, something that the real and more subjective pisces will have a hard time doing.
This is the point that is most likely to separate you, aquarius being fiercely independent and free, whereas pisces will be looking for a more marked affectivity and sense of mutual belonging. But as neighboring signs, you will certainly share personal planets, which would greatly contribute to increasing your compatibility and complementarity.

For the other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.