These interpretations are based on solar energies only when one of the partners has a Sun in Capricorn, a Earth sign, and they give an idea of the probable compatibilities with the other solar signs of the zodiac.
They have been written with a “love” perspective but their purpose can also be applied in the field of friendship, or relational in general.
For more precision, it is advisable to nuance them by a more thorough study, a true comparison of topics that we call a Synastry or at least a Study of rapprochement. It will obviously also be necessary to take into account its ruler planet, Saturn, as it is a little more complicated than just throwing the astro dice… 🙂
For other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.
Note that it is also important to analyze the various updates in the present, especially lunations and transits, to better understand the deep meaning of what you can go through in your relational life, your relationship with others, especially with your emotional partner, if there are couple crisis, it may affect your 7th House, or press your natal Venus, and my subscriptions to the Premium newsletters can help you better establish in advance what will be happening and when, better predict, date and anticipate things.
Capricorn Love Compatibility
CAPRICORN-Aries : earth/fire (Mars)
You have a same ambition, a same taste for success and self-assertion. The essential difference is in the means used to achieve all this.
Capricorn are hard-working, organized, strategic, prudent, patient, with a great self-control, a sense of economy, and even have a taste for restrictions and sacrifices necessary to reach goals, that does not scare them. They have a know-how and will meticulously implement it with stability and perseverance until their qualities impose themselves and pay off.
Aries, tend to do the opposite ! They are sure and confident from the beginning, they know their value and does not even ask themselves the question of making others accept it, they will impose it anyway by force. Caution ? What’s the point ? Don’t they say that luck smiles on the bold and that good fortune comes to the one who tempts it ? They will improvise on a case-by-case basis, throw themselves into battle, and they will triumph.
Aries will also be an original and iconoclast where capricorn will be moralizing, traditionalist. For aries, social norms and society in general are a straitjacket that restricts their freedom and prevents the expression of their individuality, whereas for the capricorn, all these norms and rules are not only necessary to structure life, but they take responsibility, respect them, and even add to them ! Consequently, aries will be at ease in an individualistic configuration, whereas capricorn will seek a collective and hierarchical social order where they can fit in and be at ease (army, big corporation, administration, etc).
Aries may feel excessively inhibited by capricorn, by their rigor and coldness, even if it can bring them appreciable capacities of organization and strategy. On the other hand, capricorn will be able to find in them a dynamism and optimism, a “fire”, which they often lack. If the emulsion manages to take between the two, it is a formidable alliance, at least in the social context.

CAPRICORN-Taurus : earth (Venus)
In good earth signs you share values of stability, responsibility, discipline, economy, reliability, you can trust each other and this is very important to you. You also like to find in the other one the same rhythm of patience (the other signs would speak of slowness), a kind of time conception which is specific to you and which pushes you to mature things well, to take a step back with prudence, to analyze… Capricorns probably have the zodiac record for patience ! (as strategic thinkers)
You like the realistic, practical, pragmatic and common sense side of each other, you share the same philosophy.
However, capricorn have a more ambitious nature than taurus on a social level. But also have a certain “intellectual” and potentially religious side that taurus will not express in the same way. On the other hand, taurus have a fierce will to enjoy life and its pleasures which will not always be shared by capricorn who have a spontaneous nature with more “ascetic” tendencies…
This union, an alliance of strategy and skills, can produce a very productive and prosperous couple, but with the risk of being extremely conservative and excessively turned towards materialism. A certain dose of fantasy will be welcome from time to time to get out of a too down-to-earth daily routine… if you feel the need to do so !

CAPRICORN-Gemini : earth/air (Mercury)
You are really very different and antagonistic. Gemini represent youth, effervescence, often even a certain immaturity and frivolity, they can quickly abandon one thing for another. Capricorn represent seriousness, responsibility, perseverance, maturity.
Capricorn are patient, tenacious, methodical, strategic, where gemini are fickle, volatile, crazy and gives up quickly.
Capricorn are ambitious, hard-working, they have stability and reliability in the long term effort, they seek social achievement in their field.
Gemini will not necessarily be less ambitious than them, but much more free electron, they will tend to scatter along the way according to their curiosity, to diversify their knowledge in a perspective of versatility (while Capricorn would rather tend to extreme specialization).
Gemini are extremely adaptable, sociable and loves change. Capricorn are much more rigid, inflexible and cold, at least from a less spontaneous contact at first glance when they don’t know the person.
Another important point of divergence is that gemini will tend to be frugal like the cicada, while capricorn will be frugal like the ant : one of the two will have a nervous breakdown !
The paradox is that in a working environment you have really very complementary qualities that can be useful to a company if you manage to combine them : creativity, originality and implementation skills.
The difficulty will be to succeed in combining them. And in a couple’s life, your paths are often likely to be very different and to recreate within the union a parent/child relationship, capricorn taking prerogatives of management and domination, giving orders to gemini, the malicious gemini always on the lookout for something stupid to do, a new game to start…

CAPRICORN-Cancer : earth/water (Moon)
You are 2 complementary opposites on the zodiac wheel. Your 2 ruler planets (moon and saturn) are in detriment with the partner, meaning that their energies are weakened there (see Rulerships).
Cancer have sensitivity, a need for protection, they tend to get emotionally involved in all the projects of their life, they have an extreme sentimentality, they also have a home-like nature, they often retreat into their fundamental values, their family, their home, their past which are powerful reference points for them.
Capricorn are cold and dry, calm, thoughtful, pragmatic, patient, ambitious, they can also be homebody. They have no problem to separate themselves from their feelings, to wonderfully control their emotions, they have a great restraint (at least in appearance). They have a sense of the collective that is as much more developed as in cancer, they may be less compassionate, but potentially more “mystical” or even religious in their relationship with society.
You both share a love of traditions, a form of prudence and reserve, capricorn exudes a maturity, stability, responsibility and fidelity that will greatly reassure cancer, the latter by their conciliatory temperament and their gentleness, by their deep attachment, will also reassure capricorn.
Your 2 signs are therefore more compatible than it would seem at first glance. But as both of you are naturally introverted, you will have to take a little more time to explore your partner and discover your common points. Time will generally be very beneficial to your union, once the relationship is well started, it is to last, it will age well, like good wines…

CAPRICORN-Leo : earth/fire (Sun)
It is an opposing alliance of the sun’s expansiveness with the coldness and restriction of saturn. Leo are theatrical, extroverted, sociable, where capricorn are introverted, reserved, discreet… Leo are demonstrative, they need to be admired and to love ostensibly, for capricorn, they would be rather “to live happily, let us live hidden”, they master and control their feelings wonderfully and have a lot of difficulty in general to express them, they are more in the concrete and the practical than in the superfluous effusion, for them the emotions are dosed in the drop.
Capricorn are often negative and pessimistic by nature, while leo are warm, enthusiastic and optimistic.
Leo are generous, expressive, exuberant, extravagant, expensive, ostentatious, playful, teasing; Capricorn are thrifty, serious, hard-working, conservative and guardian of traditions, very classical and conventional in temperament, even some would say “austere” or too simple…
There is definitely a clear contrast between the two of you, in fact what can bring you closer together is your need for security, fidelity, your sense of justice, your sense of constancy and tenacity, which are traits you share… even if you have a different way of expressing them here too.
That said, these values can form a good common basis ! If there is earth or saturn dominating in leo and/or values of fire and air in capricorn for example, this union can last for a long time…

CAPRICORN-Virgo : earth (Mercury)
You have a lot in common in good earth signs, you have a way of approaching things always in a very practical and pragmatic way, Cartesian, logical, rational, with your feet firmly on the ground.
You are both very reliable, attached to safety, you often show a maturity of spirit above normal, a strong sense of responsibility, you have at heart the work that is well done.
Capricorn have a very marked collective sense and appreciates the “service” side of virgo who devote themselves to be useful to society.
Virgo have a logistic and practical capacity which they use in their immediate environment and their daily organization without necessarily finding a purpose, a setting in perspective. Capricorn have a much more strategic and ambitious aspect, their mind elaborates a structured system to impose themselves socially.
You both have an introverted temperament, even pessimistic, even nervous (anxious), you find it difficult to open up to your feelings, your emotions, your intuitions, so much logic and rationality dominate your characters.
Your union is extremely efficient in business and finance, it will probably be very profitable, an alliance of skills, rigor, constancy… but in love ?
You have a good complementarity, and at the limit it is perhaps even the problem, you are very similar, perhaps too much so, your complementarity turns to the great similarity. You risk falling into a sclerosing routine, into a “dry” daily life, without much relief, if your birth themes do not show a little fire and/or water, you will miss a little spark in your eyes, a “level of color”…

CAPRICORN-Libra : earth/air (Venus)
You share respectively the rules and the exaltation of Saturn, which is in itself very revealing of your 2 deep temperaments and which makes you have much more in common than it appears at first glance.
You have indeed very different characters, and it is on the saturnian ground that we find the common points.
Let’s start with the differences. Libra are sociable, they need to connect with others for their development. Capricorn have a much more solitary, cold, responsible nature, they have a practical ambition, they structure the social according to their wishes and their interests, but does not seek to invest themselves in the relational too much. They are serious, even “austere”, where libra are light and voluble, even “superficial”.
Libra are very much focused on fashions, aesthetic change, the arts evolution, whereas capricorn are turned on the old, on antiques, on the practical and useful aspect which must come before beauty, fashion do not interest them.
What can bring you closer is a form of inner calm, an intelligence, a conscientious side, a patience, a poise, in general you have a perfect measure and mastery of yourself. You are good observers, good psychologists, calculators, strategists, with a good finesse of analysis.
Your 2 temperaments are therefore antagonistic and complementary, but there is an atmosphere of security in the relationship, a form of wisdom and durability, which will allow you to build a solid future every day.
On a daily basis, Capricorn bring stability and rigor, libra the sense of contact and pleasure, you can go a long way together if you perceive this interest in the relationship before the points that divide you…

CAPRICORN-Scorpio : earth/water (Pluto)
You share the same consistency, stability, safety and durability. Capricorn are more logical and rational, whereas scorpio tend to be deeper in emotions and feelings. Having said that, you are both of the introverted type, you hide your thoughts, feelings and weaknesses wonderfully, you do not want to be read in you like an open book and you do it very well !
The mysterious scorpio and the undaunted capricorn, the same cold-bloodedness, the same distrust, the same reserve.
It takes time to tame you and your confidence is quickly lost in case of betrayal, when it comes to relationships, you always give priority to quality over quantity.
However, there is a certain difference in your approach, capricorn have an ambitious and active nature, a sense of the society’s hierarchy, an objectivity with regard to social relationships, they manage to take a distance, a detachment and to be pragmatic, whereas scorpio have sometimes quite asocial tendencies and they are anchored on their positions, they take relational things much more to heart, their fundamental nature is very instinctive, deeply passionate and “boiling”, even violent.
This is probably your biggest difference, you might certainly have some miscommunication on this side. But apart from these few points, there can be a real effectiveness in your relationship, and you can find in the other one some form of complementarity. As long as scorpio have a bit of earth and capricorn a bit of water, it will be a truly perennial union !

CAPRICORN-Sagittarius : fire/earth (Jupiter)
You are a little 2 extremes, at the 2 positive and negative poles of life, well represented by the 2 social planets, jupiter expansion, inflation, and saturn the structuring, the limitations : sagittarius are optimistic, enthusiastic, sociable, extroverted, whereas capricorn are introverted and often pessimistic.
Sagittarians are in the fire, in “faith” and confidence, in philosophy, the quest for the absolute, capricorn are rather under the religious-moral angle, Cartesianism, and skepticism. Capricorn are often very serious, ambitious, organized, very realistic, sagittarians are much more in lightness, play and fun, often in abstraction.
Sagittarians are often a adventurous, even vagabond, versatile, attached to their freedom and independence, while capricorn are rather homebody, responsible, pragmatic, materialistic, they have a strong sense of stability and security to which they are extremely attached.
Also your antagonisms are likely to push you away and often to “telescope” you : capricorn will find that sagittarius really lack maturity and patience, whereas sagittarians will find them on their side very sad, dull, boring, even austere and even frustrating.
Having said that, what can bring you closer, as you are 2 signs side by side on the zodiac wheel, it is frequent that you have personal planets (Venus and Mercury) each influencing your 2 sectors, inducing some “chemistry”. So watch the rest of your astral configurations, you can find a form of advantageous complementarity : sagittarius bringing dynamics and ideology, the “vision”, capricorn bringing constancy, practice, pragmatism, feet on the ground…

CAPRICORN-Capricorn : earth (Saturn)
You share the same ideals of rectitude, very Cartesian, practical, down-to-earth. You care deeply about material security and moral security, loyalty. You are thrifty, pragmatic, realistic, highly organized and hard-working, discreet but with ambitions of social achievement that you lead with great constancy and stability. You like order and structure, you often show a great maturity of spirit, seriousness, always responsible, masters of yourself, from an external point of view you can even seem quite cold, detached and austere, a little “old before your time” because you are always attracted by old things and tradition, very conservative.
So between the two of you, you can build something really solid and safe, your couple can be very prosperous, especially materially, which is fundamental for you. Time is a factor that you master well in general and that can be favorable to you, your patience and calm are often remarkable, you aim at durability.
On the negative side, you can show too much rigidity, have a tendency to remain in a sclerosing routine, a lack of lightness and originality. Your great detachment can produce various difficulties in expressing your feelings and emotions. You may become too centred on materialism and socialising, too focused on business, with the risk that all other aspects of life will be “forgotten”.
Your introversion and great mistrust may also make it difficult for you to trust others, preferring to stay alone, in the background, but once you do, it’s for a long time.

CAPRICORN-Aquarius : earth/air (Uranus)
You both share the rule of Saturn, which is giving you a lot in common. You have the same social ambition, the same desire to invest in society, a certain “coldness” too, but you express it differently.
Aquarians are extroverted, original, utopian, endowed with great intuition, with a great liveliness of mind, very versatile and ingenious, with a marked sense of the collective, in sociability, the network.
Capricorn are introverted, practical, tenacious, hard-working, they have very good organizational skills, a great sense of responsibility and morality, prudence and mistrust too, they are fine strategists.
So there are a very good complementarity in your relationship, but also a certain potential for incompatibility, because obviously you are partly walking on different wavelengths.
Aquarians are very open-minded, turned on the outside, they will have difficulty to bring to the daily life the strong need of security and stability required by capricorn. On their side, capricorn are rather of the “silent” kind and aquarius are likely to get bored in a rather “austere” universe.
But as you are neighbors signs, it is likely that you also share some personal planets which will strengthen your psychological understanding. However, you may both find it difficult to express your emotions openly, as your two signs are not really known for that… In the absolute, it would be necessary the intervention of another mediating elemental energy to perfect your complementarity.

CAPRICORN-Pisces : earth/water (Neptune)
You are rather antagonistic signs, your rulers Saturn and Neptune reflect your differences. Capricorn are Cartesian, practical, realistic, very organized and structured, serious, responsible, pragmatic, down-to-earth and sometimes even pessimistic. Pisces are much more elusive and complex, sensitive, dreamy, creative, imaginative, in selflessness and self-sacrifice, they give a large part to emotions, always with their head in the clouds.
Capricorn fundamentally need material security and order, whereas pisces are artist who attaches importance to their feelings above all, disorder is something “creative” for them. Pisces are fundamentally open and adaptable, often even influenceable, whereas capricorn are inflexible, very rigid and often rather closed, entrenched in the past and traditions.
So you have 2 very different characters, 2 specific modes of communication. But you also share some common traits, the same modesty, introversion and great capacity for introspection, a reserve, a certain depth and seriousness of things, which can already be good seeds of complementarity to build something. Pisces will have open-mindedness and tolerance, capricorn will have patience and maturity. The most obvious mediations to bring you closer are probably through air or fire, for example from aquarius or sagittarius.

For the other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.