passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-46-Pushing Upward, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 46: Pushing Upward, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: We need to listen to our aspirations and intuition, and we may feel some sort of calling or have an interesting view of a situation or of something that needs to be achieved or modified.
We have to move on to a higher level of expression and aim to improve things, as this may allow for things to be sublimated in helpful ways, and emotional receptiveness is intensified.
This really evokes the rising of sap, the awakening of life and basic forces that come from the earth and which should be expressed upwards, towards the heavens.
High ideals are highlighted, that is, forces of selflessness, sacrifice, devotion, forgiveness, and contact with the Absolute, the divine, and that which is universal, transcendent, and greater than oneself.
Rising up requires that we be able to move past certain limitations, hinderances, or baseness, that we manage to calm ourselves and move on to a view of things that is more inclusive, metaphysical, and spiritual, and that we persevere through hardship and beyond.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Transpersonal energies are directly accentuated here, and we very much find a mixture between Jupiter/Sagittarius, which asks that we put things into perspective relative to that which is greater than we are, and Neptune/Pisces, which represents contact with mystical vibrations that are even more emotionally elevated.
Uranus’s planetary energies may also come into play and help with developing altruism and creating movement in terms of aspirations and effervescence.
It may also take effect through a Trine aspect, which would help with creating harmony between different parts of these planetary energies (in a birth chart or transits). Or in some cases, this may also for example occur through a new Conjunction that brings about and requires that we work on both a review and a fresh start.

Remarks: This hexagram evokes resilience, almost as though there are energies that had been “held back” and repressed (or perhaps suppressed) for a long time, and as though they now have to be freed so that they can hatch and erupt.

I-Ching Category

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