These interpretations are based on solar energies only when one of the partners has a Sun in Leo, a Fire sign, and they give an idea of the probable compatibilities with the other solar signs of the zodiac.
They have been written with a “love” perspective but their purpose can also be applied in the field of friendship, or relational in general.
For more precision, it is advisable to nuance them by a more thorough study, a true comparison of topics that we call a Synastry or at least a Study of rapprochement. It will obviously also be necessary to take into account its ruler planet, the Sun, as it is a little more complicated than just throwing the astro dice… 🙂
For other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.
Note that it is also important to analyze the various updates in the present, especially lunations and transits, to better understand the deep meaning of what you can go through in your relational life, your relationship with others, especially with your emotional partner, if there are couple crisis, it may affect your 7th House, or press your natal Venus, and my subscriptions to the Premium newsletters can help you better establish in advance what will be happening and when, better predict, date and anticipate things.
Leo Love Compatibility
You have in common a proud and independent character, you are dynamic, creative, extroverted and often very “self-centered”. However, Leos have a much more developed social sense, with, at the extreme, demagogic and theatrical tendencies that push them to interact with others, to seek social affirmation but by consensus, at least above all by the admiration of others and the “voluntary” approval of the world, they are very attached to appearances and to the reactions it provokes, whereas aries are more whole and seeks to dominate and assert themselves by force without really caring whether they are loved or not, without trying to preserve appearances in any way, they want to dominate…
Leos have possessive and jealous tendencies, and aries will find it difficult to be “the other’s thing”, to share that deep sense of belonging. For their part, aries will always want to have the last word, without giving up an inch of space, without compromise, which will make the leo roar…
The confrontation of these 2 personalities can bring real harmony within the couple; it will be necessary to make sure to respect the territory of each one and to make the most of the relationship on the positive side of dynamism, rather than on the confrontation side, which is likely to be endless.

LEO-Taurus : fire/earth (Venus)
You share values of loyalty and stubbornness, you like deep family values, and you would like to find stability and durability in the other one. You are both possessive but in a slightly different way : leos like to possess a thing or someone for the social status they derive from it, whereas taurus like to possess for the sake of possessing, to hold, the fact of being “owner” reassure them.
Leos have a sociable character that can quickly annoy taurus, they like to radiate and dramatize their social relationships, sometimes to the extreme point… Taurus like simplicity and to some extent even discretion. Taurus like their “home”, their tranquility, their routine, they will have trouble with the eccentricity and dynamism of Leo.
Leo are of fire, playful, extroverted, where the Taurus are of earth, pragmatic, thrifty, and compared to them, almost “austere”… but the opposites attract each other and what brings you together is that you both lack flexibility, you both have strong uncompromising personalities, and it is a form of “strength” that you will admire in the other one.

LEO-Gemini : fire/air (Mercury)
This is a good mix ! You share a sociability, a dynamism, a very playful and teasing side, even extravagant, in theory you won’t get bored. Gemini will like the very theatrical and grandiloquent side of leo, their flamboyant way of putting themselves forward will probably amuse them a lot, they will also admire their strength of character. Leo will appreciate the vivacity of the gemini’s spirit, their optimism, even their versatility. In fact you have found a perfect playmate…
On the other hand, leo will be less “sharing” than gemini, much more authoritarian, possessive and exclusive. Gemini have a natural tendency to flutter between ideas, projects and people, and leo will have a hard time putting up with this lack of exclusivity. Yet gemini have a vital need for this perpetual change, this mental and intellectual ebullition.
Leo will often reproach gemini for their lack of constancy and perseverance, which is really a crime for them, who are so stable, tenacious and stubborn in their commitments. Gemini often have a sharp analysis of their partner’s personality and leo may not appreciate their very fine and sarcastic criticisms when it comes to questioning their dominant position (due to the leonine pride).
But these are about the only big differences, for the rest you are compatible and you will have fun ! Do you need more than that ?

LEO-Cancer : fire/water (Moon)
You are both very different, you each represent the 2 luminaries, sun and moon, with all the antagonisms that this implies. Leo are outgoing, extroverted, where cancer will be on the contrary more introverted, dreamy and contemplative. Cancer are very subjective, turned on their own person, leo are sociable, friendly, open, active players in the social theater.
You both share a great susceptibility, you don’t take criticism well and you take everything to heart easily. For leo it is because of their pride and self-esteem, for cancer it is more about their great sensitivity and fragility, their permeability to the eyes of others and their lack of self-confidence.
The opposites that you represent can attract each other, leo can bring security, solidity and stability of feelings, and a strong sense of belonging to cancer. For their part, cancer will know how to pamper them, flatter them and give them importance, they will know how to make themselves essential.
Leo will however have difficulty expressing their feelings directly, while cancer will be in a much more spontaneous effusion on that side… there may be some “failures” of communication, cancer expressing anxiety, sadness, doubts, even weaknesses, while leo will be much more belligerent and vindictive…
Leo will take control of the couple and will dominate, but cancer, far from being displeased, will be very comfortable in this more submissive position which will bring a form of comfort and less stress…

You share the same strength of character, the same pride, the same enthusiasm, the same passionate and warm nature. You are honest, noble, honourable, and you have a very marked egocentric tendency, you need to draw attention to yourself, to feel admired, loved, “recognized”.
In fact, in the relationship, each one of you may want to pull the cover for yourself, that is to say dominate and be the leader, you may have a really hard time reconciling your two strong egos, yet this is the way to go if you want to last.
You will have to tolerate the frequent little conflicts and questioning of your partner, and probably also establish “hunting grounds” for each of you, where you will have all prerogatives in hand and full powers and where the other will not have a word to say…
On the basis of a balanced sharing, if each one respects the other’s creativity, as well as his or her radiance, you can become each other’s first admirer ! This is probably the most beautiful gift you can give each other as a couple.
Your 2 personalities can create a powerful emulsion, made of games, challenges, mischief, you can reinforce each other in the affirmation of your individuality, if you accept to leave your authoritarian side in the locker room.
As the storms are not far away, and your excessive, explosive and melodramatic nature to both of you may produce memorable clashes !
It’s a relationship where you won’t be able to stand “warm water”, it will take constant passion, sustained and proven love. Beware also of your jealousy and your spirit of possession. Even if you have a faithful nature in your feelings, you have a very marked instinct of ownership and will not bear the slightest possible affront or “penknife stroke” to the contract…
If your partner makes you lose face in any way, even more so if the humiliation is public, trust will be permanently lost and the relationship irretrievably ended without any recourse. Let’s hear it for what it’s worth.

LEO-Virgo : fire/earth (Mercury)
In many ways you’re opposites. Virgo are discretion themselves, modesty, introversion, shyness, moderation, economy, where leo are rather in the showcase, confidence, expansiveness, excessiveness, even to the extreme the overkill…
If I wanted to summarize and simplify, virgo are the know-how, and leo are more “make it known”.
The discreet nature of virgo may be very uncomfortable with the flamboyant nature of leo, very grandiloquent, always seeking to be put forward.
Leos, on the other hand, who aspires to recognition, who seeks attention and admiration, who radiates socially, may find that virgo are a bit of a “ball and chain”, or else they will use them basically as a “subordinate” who must obey them and help them, making their skills their own…
Leo will get comfortable in the relationship and may very quickly “dominate” virgo, at least in appearance, because deep down virgo will be rather cold and indifferent to leo (which is even worse for them). Virgo can somehow “suffice themselves”, whereas leo need “relational”, arguments, love, admiration… and I’m not sure that a virgo marked by this sign to the tip of their fingernails will be willing to enter into this little theatrical game for a long time.
Virgo also have a manic, perfectionist, anxious side, leo are leaders and managers, they establishe a general roadmap, but don’t soak up the details, they tend to flee from them.
Moreover, leo will find it difficult to bear the virgo’s sharp criticism, especially since they always have a very analytical eye and a keen sense of detail that probably won’t spare their self-esteem : a headache in perspective.
Virgo in some ways is psychologically much more complex and “tortuous” than leo, so your understanding is not spontaneous. That said, in the rest of the birth chart there may be many other things to consider in establishing an understanding, and neighboring signs always have a share of “common ground”.

You have the same sense of sociability, the same warmth, the same taste for beautiful things, the same attachment to appearances and shapes, a way of taking things very much to heart too. Leo and libra are at the bottom, fair and equal signs (even if leo are surely more individualistic, than libra which is really “social”).
More than other signs, you both feel a need to radiate socially, to love and be loved, recognized… you are also basically quite sentimental and need to be frequently reassured by proofs of love and understanding.
However, Leo will have a clearer tendency to possessiveness, which libra will find difficult to bear, they will want to be free, to mark their independence…
Libra are Cardinal, they impels action, leo are Fixed, they stabilize, preserve, secure.
Libra also have the adaptability and flexibility of the air, the balance, leo have the inner energy, the strength, the frankness, the “sacred fire”.
Your relationship can be enriching and very complementary. The very direct leo can decide and dominate, settle the indecisions of libra. They will love this incisive and protective aspect, they will be able to admire it and try to please it.
The risk is that libra do not appreciate over time the leo’s lack of diplomacy, which is so communicative, intellectual, conciliatory, devoted and generous, a little opposite to the leo’s marked egocentricity.
Another risk is that you both enjoy “acting”, especially taking on roles, making “drama”, you can be powerful manipulators in social relationships, nothing says how this cumulative tendency can impact the relationship. Leo will probably be more susceptible than libra if one day this little game goes wrong, on their side libra will not always be as submissive as they seem and may well hide their game…
But on the whole, this couple is efficient.

LEO-Scorpio : fire/water (Pluto)
Here are 2 strong personalities, your temperaments have many differences and yet you share a lot of common points. The same will and tenacity, you are strong and proud, attached to stability, constancy and security of feelings.
Leo will have a hard time dominating scorpio and being admired by them… but it can be a real challenge for leo, and if they succeed, they will undoubtedly be a powerful cement for the couple.
As often with scorpio it is about magnetism and possession, passion, intensity of feelings, and with leo, they are pounding on the right door ! Scorpio will appreciate to find in their partner all these traits that make their own dynamic, which can be a real emulsion in the relationship.
Where are the possible problems then ? Well, you both show a great strength of character, maybe “too” great in some ways, as much the attractiveness and the force of attraction can be important, as much if there is repulsion, the hostility will be massive ! Both your characters are sort of all-or-nothing and will not tolerate half measures, for better or for worse…
You are both as stubborn and inflexible as each other, any conciliation is difficult, everyone can pull the cover for themselves, which creates a permanent power relationship… but the worst is that you will probably like this element in the relationship ! (especially scorpio which is more complex)
Beware of jealousy on both sides, your 2 signs are not at all good at “sharing”… Your level of involvement in the couple is important, total, but you do not trust twice in case of betrayal.

LEO-Sagittarius : fire (Jupiter)
In good signs of fire you share a warm, friendly, optimistic, dynamic, proud, frank and you will often get along like thieves ! Your 2 forces adding up, you can deploy a really phenomenal energy… Leo bring a constant strength over time, sagittarians bring originality, creativity and flexibility.
You both have a very playful temperament, often “risk-taking” especially for sagittarius. They have a tendency to be “outdoor adventurers”, friendly, funny, which please leo a lot because, somehow, they set him free. Leo have a vision of the game more in playfulness in everyday life, not without a little mischievous side…
Sagittarians also bring them an intellectual effervescence, a metaphysical perspective, which can fascinate leo and correspond to their deep sense of fairness and justice (even if they probably find it “too abstract and complicated”)… at the same time sagittarius can have a “conformist and materialistic” side which can perfectly fit in certain aspects to the leo’s quest for stability and security.
On the other hand, the possessive type of leo may tend to quickly suffocate sagittarians who do not tolerate many concessions to their independence and freedom. Leo will indeed have a need for mutual belonging which is not really present in sagittarius. Moreover, the volatile sagittarians will not always spare the susceptibility of leo, who may have an exacerbated sensitivity and take some of their ironic remarks badly…
But these are the biggest problems you can have, otherwise on the whole your union is very complementary, very magnetic, you shouldn’t get bored together…

LEO-Capricorn : fire/earth (Saturn)
It is an opposing alliance of the sun’s expansiveness with the coldness and restriction of saturn. Leo are theatrical, extroverted, sociable, where capricorn are introverted, reserved, discreet… Leo are demonstrative, they need to be admired and to love ostensibly, for capricorn, they would be rather “to live happily, let us live hidden”, they master and control their feelings wonderfully and have a lot of difficulty in general to express them, they are more in the concrete and the practical than in the superfluous effusion, for them the emotions are dosed in the drop.
Capricorn are often negative and pessimistic by nature, while leo are warm, enthusiastic and optimistic.
Leo are generous, expressive, exuberant, extravagant, expensive, ostentatious, playful, teasing; Capricorn are thrifty, serious, hard-working, conservative and guardian of traditions, very classical and conventional in temperament, even some would say “austere” or too simple…
There is definitely a clear contrast between the two of you, in fact what can bring you closer together is your need for security, fidelity, your sense of justice, your sense of constancy and tenacity, which are traits you share… even if you have a different way of expressing them here too.
That said, these values can form a good common basis ! If there is earth or saturn dominating in leo and/or values of fire and air in capricorn for example, this union can last for a long time…

LEO-Aquarius : fire/air (Uranus)
You are 2 complementary opposites on the zodiac wheel. Leo like the liveliness of aquarius, their originality, their idealism, their lightness, their dynamism… Aquarians like the sociability, the sympathy and the vitality of leo. You share the same excessiveness, the same exuberance and extroversion, the same sense of pioneer and the taste for projects.
What separates you the most is that aquarius are fiercely independent and love their freedom, they like to wander in their friendly network according to their desires without necessarily becoming attached, while leo need to belong, to possess, they must be reassured in their feelings by proofs of love and attachment, they want to see admiration in the eyes around them, and even more so in those close to them.
In fact, aquarians may sometimes seem quite “cold and distant” to leo, whereas aquarians will not understand why leo are so invested in social relationships by taking things so seriously, by being so clingy (in their opinion) and by being so sensitive (although they may not be less sensitive than they are). All the dramatisation that leo can sometimes display to the point of grandiloquent may make aquarians smile, but in the end it will probably lack a lot of rationality in their point of view.
Aquarians also have a very strong sense of the collective, they have integrated the notion of “necessary cooperation” and the importance of human society in general, as much for their personal development as for that of humanity (it is the sign of utopia), whereas leo are frenzied individualist often very egocentric, much more pragmatic, skeptical and cartesian, they might taking them as enlightened…
Nevertheless your couple is interesting, and you probably have a lot of things to do together, you can learn a lot from each other, and in theory you will have the tolerance and curiosity necessary to at least try the experience.

LEO-Pisces : fire/water (Neptune)
You are very different, leo represents almost the pinnacle of individuality, the very egocentric nature, individualism. Pisces are sacrifice, devotion, empathy, compassion, self-sacrifice, the pinnacle of collective and universal meaning itself.
Leo are sociable, stable, they need to shine socially, to exhibit themselves proudly, to “show off”, to feel important, they are superficial and aspire to great things for themselves and their people. Pisces are much more discreet, in an apparent simplicity, and are attached to the bottom of things, to the depth of feelings, they never try to impose themselves socially with the same strength as leo (with the technique of “get out of my way, let me take your place”).
In fact, in the couple, leo may dominate pisces excessively, and pisces will tend to let them do so, simply because they are not interested in entering into power relationships ! This is not their conception of human relationships, in the end, the very fact of remaining in the shadows would rather be a blessing for them. Leo will probably judge all this as a weakness…
Leo like challenges, games, competition, anything that may require the powerful affirmation of their personality, and they won’t hesitate to go to confrontation, whereas pisces hate any form of aggressiveness and prefers conciliation, they will prefer to retreat into their sensitive world, nourished by their highly developed imagination.
Pisces have a very lunatic emotional nature, very soft, very artistic, very receptive, therefore very nervous and changeable too, it is a psychic sign with a complex mind that works a lot on “feeling” more than on logic, including sometimes even the irrational (for their relatives, but they know very well what they are doing), pisces have a global “listening capacity” that the leo will have a lot of difficulty to follow and understand, they are much more cartesian and simple…
As a result, you often risk not speaking the same language… in spite of the respect, curiosity and tolerance you may have for each other, frustration can quickly set in on both sides.
A bit of cancer, a dominant Moon or Neptune in leo and/or a good dose of Aries and Mars in pisces will greatly balance things out !

For the other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.