These interpretations are based on solar energies only when one of the partners has a Sun in Libra, a Air sign, and they give an idea of the probable compatibilities with the other solar signs of the zodiac.
They have been written with a “love” perspective but their purpose can also be applied in the field of friendship, or relational in general.
For more precision, it is advisable to nuance them by a more thorough study, a true comparison of topics that we call a Synastry or at least a Study of rapprochement. It will obviously also be necessary to take into account its ruler planet, Venus, as it is a little more complicated than just throwing the astro dice… 🙂
For other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.
Note that it is also important to analyze the various updates in the present, especially lunations and transits, to better understand the deep meaning of what you can go through in your relational life, your relationship with others, especially with your emotional partner, if there are couple crisis, it may affect your 7th House, or press your natal Venus, and my subscriptions to the Premium newsletters can help you better establish in advance what will be happening and when, better predict, date and anticipate things.
Libra Love Compatibility
Libra is the embodiment of poise, of right action; Aries are excessive, not always well thought out and organized. When aries will pass in force, libras will seek first consensus, negotiation, and are followers of the maxim : “A good agreement is better for all than a bad confrontation”. Also the natives libra are sociable, they like to share their opinion and to convince by words and ideas, to defend their concepts, and they also likes to listen to the opinion of others, to debate it, so much that they can hesitate a long time on the turn to give to certain subjects, so much they make real efforts to try to put themselves in the place of the other to better understand them, their history, their behavior…
Here we touch on the exact opposite point of the dominating aries that want to impose themselves, with a very clear-cut opinion on the question, even extreme : when it is white, it is not black, and not even grey. You can say whatever you want, but the point of view of society in general and of others is indifferent to them, but in some respects they are very egocentric.
This is a very big difference in temperament to be reconciled, libra will find aries rude and often disrespectful, aries will blame them for their constant indecision, their good manners and their exacerbated sensitivity to others, which they will assimilate to weakness.
If the 2 birth charts are very marked by these only signs, the cohabitation will be complicated. It will require in the absolute a little bit of air and/or water in the aries birth chart, and fire in the libra’s chart.

LIBRA-Taurus : air/earth (Venus)
You both share the rulership of Venus, so you each express a different but complementary facet of the planet. It is thus a complementarity which dominates this couple, taurus are in the pleasures of the “concrete” senses, sensuality, sweetness, while libra are in the pleasures of the “abstract” senses, arts, aesthetics, literary subtlety, any realization of the spirit, harmonious in general… you have many common features, you do not necessarily have the same tastes in these different pleasures, but you share the same fundamental taste for sweetness, peace, sharing.
Taurus will like the balanced and moderate side of libra, as for libra, they will appreciate their conscientious and hard-working side.
The major differences are found in the exacerbated sociability of libra. They are much more communicative and outgoing than taurus, so they may get bored with the too homely and routine side of them. It is a bit like the oak and the reed, libra have a flexibility and versatility that gives them a great adaptability, while the “oaks” taurus are the unchanging, conservative, unrooting rock, guardians of tradition.
It will be necessary in the absolute that the natives possess a bit of the astrological element of the other for that the couple is truly perennial and not stop at a simple exchange of good practices.

You’re from the same element, the air, which brings you very close together. You are both sociable, volatile, versatile, optimistic, you appreciate the intelligence and the mind of the other one for these qualities that you will find in each other.
You share the same sensitivity in communication, you blossom in social interaction, in the constant search for new cultural knowledge, in the “abstract”, libra will even have a very pronounced aesthetic side that can greatly seduce gemini.
Libra will love gemini’s youthfulness of spirit and their way of always seeking movement and novelty. Gemini will like the neat, refined and romantic aspect of libra, their poise and pacifism, their side that always seeks to understand and reconcile others.
Gemini like to initiate projects and libra too, you can encourage each other and thus increase your perseverance.
You will have a relationship really based on friendship, complicity and mutual respect, it is really this equal relationship that you are both looking for, a “fun” relationship, and it is likely that you will not get bored.
The threat in your union may be to accumulate all the flaws of the air, tendency to indecision, extreme superficiality, lack of maturity and perseverance, frivolity, propensity to lie and manipulation… but depending on your birth charts the mediation of another elemental energy may nuance this analysis.

LIBRA-Cancer : air/water (Moon)
Your signs are Cardinal and in quadrature, which denotes tension but complementarity. Tensions are mainly due to differences in temperament, libra have a balanced and rational logic, and know how to show objectivity and sociability in everyday life, cancer on the contrary are very personal and subjective, turned on feelings and emotions, often introverted, and sometimes even irrational (dreamy, imaginative).
On the other hand, you share a certain volatility, pacifism, sweetness, sensitivity, empathy, a taste for arts, poetic and romantic beauty…
In fact, your communication will be adapted to your differences in temperament but in a very complementary way, cancer will be conciliatory, listening, ready to console, libra will be diplomatic, seeking harmony and tranquility above all. On the other hand, it will tend to intellectualize much more than cancer, and to ask for more words and intellectual exchanges, where cancer will be in the pure exchange of feelings.
Libra also have a much less stressed and anxious nature than cancer, they will tend to take certain things a little “over the top”, whereas cancer will react strongly either by taking things very much to heart, personally, or by being “petrified”, withdrawn into themselves.
Cancer have a need to belong, they feel a need to be safe, protected by the relationship, and also to protect themself and their partner in return, or even to mother it excessively. Libra are in danger of suffocating in this relationship, since they need a “friend”, an accomplice partner with whom to be “out on the town” on an equal basis, an “alter ego”, they will misunderstand this kind of “domination” relationship that Cancer seeks to install.
This is the paradox of your relationship : on the surface, there may be an appearance of calm and harmony, you never raise your voice, or each will be on their tracks, but deep down there will be profound differences and difficulties in understanding, sometimes leading to an underlying “gap”…

You have the same sense of sociability, the same warmth, the same taste for beautiful things, the same attachment to appearances and shapes, a way of taking things very much to heart too. Leo and libra are at the bottom, fair and equal signs (even if leo are surely more individualistic, than libra which is really “social”).
More than other signs, you both feel a need to radiate socially, to love and be loved, recognized… you are also basically quite sentimental and need to be frequently reassured by proofs of love and understanding.
However, Leo will have a clearer tendency to possessiveness, which libra will find difficult to bear, they will want to be free, to mark their independence…
Libra are Cardinal, they impels action, leo are Fixed, they stabilize, preserve, secure.
Libra also have the adaptability and flexibility of the air, the balance, leo have the inner energy, the strength, the frankness, the “sacred fire”.
Your relationship can be enriching and very complementary. The very direct leo can decide and dominate, settle the indecisions of libra. They will love this incisive and protective aspect, they will be able to admire it and try to please it.
The risk is that libra do not appreciate over time the leo’s lack of diplomacy, which is so communicative, intellectual, conciliatory, devoted and generous, a little opposite to the leo’s marked egocentricity.
Another risk is that you both enjoy “acting”, especially taking on roles, making “drama”, you can be powerful manipulators in social relationships, nothing says how this cumulative tendency can impact the relationship. Leo will probably be more susceptible than libra if one day this little game goes wrong, on their side libra will not always be as submissive as they seem and may well hide their game…
But on the whole, this couple is efficient.

LIBRA-Virgo : air/earth (Mercury)
You have very contradictory temperaments on several points. Virgo are introverted, analytical, fussy, with sharp criticism, very rational, logical, cartesian, very demanding in her social relationships. Libra are naturally sociable, volatile, open, sensitive, they like friendly exchanges, verbal and intellectual jousting, they are open to endless debates and very tolerant, in the end psychologist, they like to discover and understand what the “other” thinks, to put themselves in their shoes. They have a natural theatrical expressive nature, very artistic, imaginative, attached to forms and aesthetics.
Libra probably won’t appreciate being under the fire of the virgo’s criticism as well as their nervousness and all those manic failings, their lack of open-mindedness and in some ways their “miserliness”.
Virgo, on the other hand, will find that libra really lack seriousness and constancy in their investment, that it is too light, too superficial.
However your 2 natures can be complementary, you also share a certain gentleness and pacifism that can bring you closer. Libra will appreciate the virgo’s aspects who are turned towards help, service, usefulness to others, and as they are curious and accommodating they can invest themselves in the relationship. For their part, virgos will be able to discover a much finer and more conscientious personality than at first sight, and who has a complex mind that can intrigue and delight them, as they are very cerebral.
It is thus a union which can be very interesting, all will depend on the other dominating of your natal charts.

You are both very sociable, the relational exchange occupies an important place in your character, your temperament is revealed through the contact with your partner. As a good sign of Air, you like the liveliness of spirit, intellectual jousting, the effervescence that can emerge from communication and dialogue.
You have the same desire to share, the same gentleness, the same pacifism, the same sense of equity and justice.
You flourish mutually in a harmonious, balanced communion, you have tact, diplomatic and conciliatory skills that enable you to smooth out the angles when necessary.
You have a vision of what a union is and what a partner should be, very equal, very friendly, based on a fair sharing of everything, far from any balance of power or domination.
As a good charmer you can also be extremely manipulative at times by telling the others just what they want to hear, but as you both practice this exercise, you will fight on equal terms !
You share a common interest in aesthetics, beauty, fashion, arts, architecture, style, this can really be a common passion that will continually bring you together.
Not much of a shadow in the picture… On the negative side, being of an indecisive nature, you can accumulate hesitations and have a certain tendency either to flee from conflicts, or to passivity, or to extreme consensus (make lukewarm water)…
But apart from these few small points, you have a good adaptability, and you will find in the other one a real alter ego which will be able to send back to you at the right time the good image of you. In itself, your union tends to be “neutral”, it will be interesting to study the rest of the birth charts to see the reliefs and possible stumbling blocks.

LIBRA-Scorpio : air/water (Pluto)
It’s a combination of poise and passion. Libra are logical, they work to the concept, they rationalize, while scorpio invest a lot of emotion in everything. Even if they are very cold-blooded, scorpio tend to take things to heart a lot, they have great emotional depth and feelings.
Libra are lighter, more voluble, more versatile, they have a need for sociability almost diametrically opposed to that of scorpio who are rather of the “silent”, dark, seemingly cold, distant type.
Basically, you have the same goal, the search for complementarity in your partner, but you have a very different way of looking for it and expressing it. Scorpio aspire to security, they seek mutual belonging and are often very possessive and jealous. Libra on their side, like excitement, they flutter, but remain in a form of superficiality and distance because they doe not really invest themselves emotionally in all relationships. It is basically the eternal dilemma between the subjectivity of water and the objectivity of air.
Your Rulerships are also revealing, Pluto and Venus do not “box” in the same category. By nature, venus is harmony, balance, while pluto is in intensity and excess. Even at the level of exaltations one notices your differences : Saturn for libra and Uranus for scorpio. On the level of symbols again, libra represent balance, moderation, justice; scorpios appreciate justice without any problem, but they are much darker and hasty, they sting without moderation !
What brings you together is that, as you are neighboring signs, you often have personal Planets in the partner, which contributes greatly to a better understanding. Scorpio can be a “good ember” that will be fed by the air of libra. You have an obvious complementarity that can emerge, libra have curiosity and sufficient tolerance, and… the scorpio’s magnetism is redoubtable !

LIBRA-Sagittarius : air/fire (Jupiter)
You share the same dynamism and sociability, you are sympathetic, tolerant, open-minded, attached to morality and a sense of justice. You have a nature as independent as each other, yet libra flee from loneliness, they have a strong need to find an alter ego, whereas sagittarians have a strong sense of freedom which allow them much more “autonomy”.
Sagittarius can “nourish” libra with their great ideals, their great principles, their philosophy and their morals; it brings them a fire, a drive, which they often appreciate.
For their part, libra can channel sagittarius’ overflow of energy, their excessive, perpetually outgoing tendency; they weight it, they orient it, they give it an intellect, a logic and a rationality which will exacerbate them.
Libra, as a good aesthete, will love to share with sagittarius their love of art, which is not to be outdone in cultural knowledge, travel, discoveries, it promises beautiful and long discussions that you will enjoy…
On the negative side, only maybe superficiality and libra’s indecision can irritate sagittarians, who often lack tact… Libra have the finesse and the diplomatic sense which can be a sorely lacking to sagittarians, they will be able to complain about their excesses of all kinds.
Your union is thus extremely complementary, soft and pleasant. Alliance of strategy, imagination, intelligence, generosity, a clear effervescence can emerge from the couple, you can establish a compromise more than advantageous for each. The rest of your 2 natal charts will specify if there is another elemental dominant that mediates…

LIBRA-Capricorn : air/earth (Saturn)
You share respectively the rules and the exaltation of Saturn, which is in itself very revealing of your 2 deep temperaments and which makes you have much more in common than it appears at first glance.
You have indeed very different characters, and it is on the saturnian ground that we find the common points.
Let’s start with the differences. Libra are sociable, they need to connect with others for their development. Capricorn have a much more solitary, cold, responsible nature, they have a practical ambition, they structure the social according to their wishes and their interests, but does not seek to invest themselves in the relational too much. They are serious, even “austere”, where libra are light and voluble, even “superficial”.
Libra are very much focused on fashions, aesthetic change, the arts evolution, whereas capricorn are turned on the old, on antiques, on the practical and useful aspect which must come before beauty, fashion do not interest them.
What can bring you closer is a form of inner calm, an intelligence, a conscientious side, a patience, a poise, in general you have a perfect measure and mastery of yourself. You are good observers, good psychologists, calculators, strategists, with a good finesse of analysis.
Your 2 temperaments are therefore antagonistic and complementary, but there is an atmosphere of security in the relationship, a form of wisdom and durability, which will allow you to build a solid future every day.
On a daily basis, Capricorn bring stability and rigor, libra the sense of contact and pleasure, you can go a long way together if you perceive this interest in the relationship before the points that divide you…

In good Air signs you share the sense of sociability, alertness, volubility, a certain dynamism.
You both have an imperious need of contacts, of involvement in the social framework, libra seek their individuality through their alter ego, aquarians even see beyond by seeking it in the framework of society, in big collective projects, in the establishment of a network.
You have a very egalitarian vision of the couple, very free and independent, you perceive above all your partner as a friend, you like harmonious and peaceful atmospheres.
Aquarians are however much more rebellious and revolutionary than libras. They have an extreme unpredictability, versatility, impulsiveness, a utopia that pushes them to perpetual change, never to be spiritually satisfied with the current state, they are elusive and insatiable. This often give them an original, extravagant, eccentric and exuberant side which destabilizes a lot certain signs, but which also makes all their genius and visionary side.
Libra are much more conformist and conventional, more “simple”, less exuberant, in fact despite all the admiration they may have for aquarius, they may even be afraid of their excessive versatility, they want a “play partner” on a daily basis, capable of revealing their personality as in a set of mirrors.
There are very subtle differences between your 2 signs, which are fundamentally in the nature of your relationship with others, but your characters are complementary, there is a great dynamic that emerges from your relationship, an optimism, curiosity, creativity, cerebrality, vivacity, to the point that it will probably take a bit of earth to bring you back to a more concrete reality and to perpetuate your couple (well placed Saturn or Mercury will not hurt)…

LIBRA-Pisces : air/water (Neptune)
You share a lot in common, you are gentle, calm, you have a receptivity and empathy that is superior to other signs. The libra’s receptivity is intellectual, whereas the pisces’ receptivity is more emotional and sentimental.
You have great capacities to put yourself in the other’s shoes and you will generally understand each other very well. You also have in common tolerance, open-mindedness, diplomacy, a sense of conciliation, fairness, justice, and in some respects a similar hesitant nature.
Libra, very sensitive to the notion of harmony, will love the pisces’ delicacy. For their part, pisces will appreciate the libra’s finesse and their weighting.
You will be able to share a love for beauty, for the arts and aesthetics, you have the same sensitivity, after all you also share the same rulership on Venus, respectively at home (libra) and in exaltation (pisces).
In reality what differentiates you the most is your relationship with others and your communication. Libra have a deep need for social relationships, intellectual exchanges, to flourish. While pisces have a more contemplative, moody, dreamy, imaginative nature, for them exchanges are emotional and they often need to “escape” (from the real world, from the relationship).
Libra are in logic and rationality, they might be very dubious towards this “universal” and very compassionate aspect of pisces.
Pisces can be extremely mysterious and elusive to a libra’s mind, which will tend to question themselves in a loop about this or that action. Libra can also blame them for their too easily influenced side and sometimes their apparent passivity (it is a cardinal sign extremely devoted to the action).
You can wonderfully harmonize together, but your union might miss a dynamic and a stability to make it more durable, a little “spice” and “hard”. The mediation of another elemental energy will be greatly useful to perfect your complementarity…

For the other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.