
Mars in Gemini or in 3rd House in birth chart

These are the global energies of Mars in Gemini or in 3rd House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Mars in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Mars.
The planet Mars is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, so it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs about the man side, the action, the desire, the lover, our impulses, the libido, but also more broadly on our way of asserting ourselves, our combativeness and the latent violence which results from it, it manifests qualities in the colors of the occupied sign. See Mars in the birth chart of a woman for the specific influence of this planet on the Anima.

Mars in Gemini : the pen and the sword

Mars is a very energetic planet. In fact, this is the least we could say : it encourages action, motivates desire, and represents the element of Fire, and in this sign it enters into contact with the air of Gemini, which, rather than creating focus, tends to disperse it and make it more explosive and fickle.

Mars in Gemini people often have a tendency to be unstable. They seek out constant effervescence, and they have a need for change, originality, and surprises. The air of Gemini causes these people to move at a blistering pace, and it’s difficult to follow them through all of their wanderings.

Mars in Gemini people dread boredom and immobilism; doing nothing is the worst possible thing to them, even more exhausting and physically trying than running a marathon ! These people need to expel their excess energy, the explosive power of Mars, through activities that can keep them occupied night and day. They would be wise to take part in physical activity, because otherwise there is a good chance that this force will turn on them, transforming into nervous disorders.

People with Mars in Gemini have an Animus that marvelously unites physical energy with intellect, wielding the pen and the sword equally well and reacting vivaciously with both body and mind, with reflexes of fire and adaptability that is enhanced by this mutable air sign. Indeed, these people are able to easily mix and match these powers, using a verb as an assassin or words as a weapon, or theorizing about a fight or conceptualizing a battle.

Mars in Gemini people are very playful, very adaptable, flexible, and versatile. They flourish when they are able to move around, and they like multitasking and feeling busy, or even “overwhelmed” : it’s how they live their lives.

Unfortunately, these people have a tendency to quickly spread themselves too thin, waste their tremendous energy, lack perseverance, loudly say whatever comes into their head, and get tangled up in useless social jousting matches.
With both eloquence and good argumentation skills, they like debates so much and have such a lively mind that it’s hard to find the stop button once they have started ! But this is something that they enjoy : they like captivating an audience of people who reverently lap up whatever they say.

Mars in Gemini people often age very well, their energy enabling them to “stay young” even at a ripe old age and preserving a juvenile side of them so that they stay very playful for their entire lives. But beware the nervousness that I mentioned before, as these people are so wound up that they may get thrown for a loop, often leading to psychosomatic problems if they do not find an outlet.

Mars retrograde in Gemini

MarsRetrograde motion in this sign may lead people to be more introverted, and so they may have an easier time channeling their vigorous energy. They are more efficient, more structured, and more strategic. On the whole, it’s much more natural for them than for Mars direct in Gemini people to learn patience. It’s as though the planet’s retrograde motion somehow gives a touch of moderation, a touch of earth, to their effervescent nature, and this may allow them to perform much better and be more tenacious in the long run.

Celebrities with Mars in Gemini

Martin Luther King, Beethoven, Al Pacino, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Morrison, Sean Connery, Dane Rudhyar, Coco Chanel, Mike Tyson, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Marc Chagall, Edward Snowden, Henry Kissinger, Teddy Riner, George Soros…

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