
Mars in Sagittarius or in 9th House in birth chart

These are the global energies of Mars in Sagittarius or in 9th House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Mars in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Mars.
The planet Mars is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, so it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs about the man side, the action, the desire, the lover, our impulses, the libido, but also more broadly on our way of asserting ourselves, our combativeness and the latent violence which results from it, it manifests qualities in the colors of the occupied sign. See Mars in the birth chart of a woman for the specific influence of this planet on the Anima.

Mars in Sagittarius : explosiveness and persuasion

In this sign, the planet Mars finds itself in its element, Fire, and its energy can be expressed easily and spontaneously.

Mars in Sagittarius people are dynamic, effervescent, and often rather excitable. Patience and consistency are not necessarily their strong suit, and they may well be very explosive.

Mars in Sagittarius people are very adventurous, audacious, and playful, and like to wander. They have an enormous amount of energy, which they would do well to channel somehow ! For example, sports, or any form of physical activity, would be helpful : otherwise they run the risk of exploding on the inside, because they do not expend enough energy just by debating and crushing everyone else’s arguments with their remarkable powers of persuasion. If they like to move around, travel, and explore new places, this can be an excellent outlet.

These people are so versatile that they may quickly become scattered : they start a huge number of projects all at once and may have trouble finishing what they have started. They energetically take the initiative, have brilliant ideas, and are wonderful with concepts, but they find it tiresome to deal with mundane details. Optimistic, they live in the present and the future, and have a global, transcendent perspective. They like to flit from one thing to the next, and so being stuck dealing with more down-to-earth elements can really bore them.

Mars in Sagittarius people place a lot of importance in humor, casualness, friendship, and philosophical discussions, but they are so passionate that they may also be fairly extreme in some ways. They are very open-minded, but they also have a very conventional side which can make them quite rigid, conservative, and moralistic.

Mars in Sagittarius people also have a fairly animalistic, boorish side. This is the animal half of the centaur coming out : as much as they may be inspired by the great philosophers, they can also be violent, fly off the handle, and be sorely lacking in tact. They do not hesitate to dig into something when they judge it to be necessary. Their excessive honesty and spontaneity can come back to bite them when their words overstep socially established boundaries. They may alternate between the simplest, most casual air and a very serious tone so frequently that those around them do not know where they stand with them.

In terms of their libido, Mars in Sagittarius people are robust, joyful, very demanding, passionate, and all about having fun. We could say that this is the stud side of the centaur expressing itself : their fire side is intense and physically extravagant. Do not try to put them into a cage : you would be wasting your time ! They require a lot of space and freedom, since their wild side needs to express itself and wander at will. These people often have a need for solitude, in order to take time alone with themselves, take stock, and discover their own limits. Give them the time that they need : they will come back on their own when it’s time for them to do so.

Mars retrograde in Sagittarius

MarsRetrograde motion in this sign has a tendency to focus these people’s scattered nature, which is not a bad thing ! They are more introverted and also more level-headed. Mars retrograde in Sagittarius may either be expressed entirely from a human perspective, thus favoring extreme intellect, or from an animal perspective, thus highlighting their physical side. The best thing would be for these people to learn how to reconcile the two.

Celebrities with Mars in Sagittarius

Carl Gustav Jung, Jules Verne, Agatha Christie, Vladimir Putin, Maurice Ravel, Jack Nicholson, Janis Joplin, Johann Sebastian Bach, François Mitterrand, Oscar Wilde, Angela Merkel, Hugo Chávez, Richard Nixon, Saddam Hussein, Ted Bundy…

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