These are global energies of Neptune in Aries or in the 1st House which must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Neptune in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Neptune.
The planet Neptune is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a projection of this one, especially intellectual Projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc), everything that concerns more directly mysticism, and a notion of universality, or even a form of artistic sensibility…
It can at the same time lead to dreaming, to naivety, to the fantasy of reality, to drugs… as it can also be the driver of self-denial and of the most beautiful and deep feelings possible, an opening on the monad and on a “christic” aspect of existence (forgiveness, love and faith in God, redemption of sins, humanism, respect of the fellow, values of peace, justice and harmony).
Values that are too earthly and materialistic constitute a powerful antagonism to this planet.
As Neptune remains in each sign for about 14 years, its position in houses is more meaningful for personality. The energy of the sign gives above all a basic elemental coloring, common to a whole generation, which will apply more personally to the sector of life signified by the house. Therefore, focus first on the house affected, the sign giving a background tone.
Transcendent magnetism
This planet is in the element of Fire here, under Mars’s rulership, which is somewhat antagonistic, though it also gives the planet a dynamic, lively nature in terms of how it is expressed and imagined; these people have a sort of serene, quiet charisma.
These people’s personality is colored by some level of gentleness and sensitivity. They are more receptive, selfless, and empathetic, and their mystical, dreamy side may be more present, as well as their “faith” in God, in existence, and in the beyond.
Spirituality and an opening up to transcendence are frequent and spontaneous with the planet in this position, even though this may only be revealed after some time and after many twists and turns in these people’s lives.
This idealistic, dreamy side may also readily lead to delusions and fantasies about the world, or even escapism with the goal of staying in various artificial paradises that allow them to live in a painless modified state of consciousness.
These people may desperately seek out this expansion of their consciousness and this ability to access the universal, the infinite, and the absolute. This may even turn into an obsession and lead to all sorts of confusion, for example leading these people to follow bad people or false prophets or to themselves become some sort of guru, with their own philosophy and eccentric side.
Having this planetary positioning may make people “elusive,” magnetic, hypnotic, mysterious, impenetrable, secretive, incomprehensible for those around them, and even rather “timeless.” In a way, these people are on their own planet and in their own little world, and sometimes they have trouble connecting socially, or they may be highly polymorphic, capable of changing and readily adapting to all sorts of environments.
Having Neptune in the 1st house / Aries truly gives people “antennae” that allow them to perceive whatever lies beneath people’s appearances: both unsaid things and thing that seem to come from “elsewhere.” This is positive in terms of these people’s inspiration, for example, although it also increases the burden on them in terms of their emotional receptiveness, which may weaken them in the long run. This is a position that may, for example, grant people medium-like gifts or make them very interested in the esoteric parts of existence.
These people’s artistic side is generally also more highly developed, often in relation to music (which is a typically Neptunian discipline), but possibly other disciplines as well depending on the rest of their birth chart. Even if these people are not themselves artists, they know how to tap into this sort of resonance.
Unfortunately, their “pacifism” and kindness may readily lead to passiveness, a belief in fatality, do-nothingness, or a feeling of powerlessness, futility, pointlessness, or weakness.
With this planetary position, the ego may have a harder time establishing itself; it may be “delayed” or fragile, or have a “shifting” aspect which may quickly prove to be destabilizing and make it more “impressionable.”
These people’s personalities may be very much like sponges, becoming saturated as a result of being too receptive and empathetic.
Therefore, Earth would be helpful here in terms of “settling” these Neptunian energies, setting limits, and allowing them to do something productive and more concrete (for example if these people also have accentuated earth Signs, a strong Saturn, etc.).
This is a position that may lead people to be more predisposed to Depressive episodes (which may be seen as phases of tension that lead to evolution in life). It’s somewhat like a split between having a truly mystical, transcendent side and having a side that may lead them to go mad and abandon both themselves and reality (this is actually a peculiarity of the three transpersonal planets, but it is particularly present with Neptune). These people may have more of a tendency than others to carry the world’s cross on their back, feel responsible for anything and everything, and want to sacrifice themselves for everyone else.
Hence, they are at a higher risk of becoming dependent on alcohol, drugs, medications, or anything else that might allow them to separate from reality and understand or connect with another dimension and another perception of the universe.
And there is a truly significant risk of this distortion of reality occurring in any number of forms! Some of them may have extremely positive effects, but others may be quite catastrophic…
In extreme cases, it may lead to marginalization of some sort, misunderstandings, or a great need for solitude and sleep (these people may only feel good when they get sleep), and these people may also tend towards acts of fraud or manipulation.
When Neptune is in this position in a birth chart, the planet is very sensitive and central, and any aspects of harmony or tension may have direct effects on these people’s vitality and personality.
The planet really needs to be “tamed;” it takes time to get to know it and for it to fully reveal its positive spiritual, transcendent, and supernatural aspects.
Practices such as Yoga or meditation are helpful here, since they create a positive structure and lead to full, favorable expression.
More than for other people, Neptune’s various transits are very important for these people in a direct way in terms of the realization of their individuality. And these transits are very slow: this planet takes about 168 years to go all the way around the zodiac. This rhythm also goes hand in hand with people’s evolution, and its lessons are learned very, very slowly on the scale of a human lifetime; in fact, they are often only perceptible well after the relevant passage through a sign (this is one of Neptune’s characteristics: we often do not understand the planet as its transits are occurring, but rather only well after the fact, as though in a resurgent flashback).
It is especially important to look out for the ages of 42 (increasing square, a pivotal year for Uranus as well) and 52 (a trine and an important date that also coincides with the second return of the progressed Moon); see my article on the Generic cycles.
The more angular this planet is in this sign (the closer it is to the Ascendant), the more prominent the traits mentioned here will be in one’s personality.
Interpersonal projections with other people who have Pisces and/or Neptune as a predominant feature will be of particular interest for these people, helping them to see and experiment with these energies differently, in a more “direct” manner.
It should be noted that this planetary positioning is likely to have a greater effect on men than on women because of the Martian rulership here and its importance in relation to the Animus. Nevertheless though, the Anima of women with the planet in this position is strengthened, making them even more feminine, integral, gentle, and sensitive.
Neptune retrograde in the 1st house and Aries
Retrograde motion here has a tendency to make this planet slightly more introverted, thus making it more receptive.
Retrograde motion of Neptune in one’s birth chart is less important than for other dominant features in the chart, since, as it’s a slow, transpersonal planet, it’s retrograde just over five months out of the year.
Nevertheless, it’s useful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions; a change of state here will not necessarily lead to a specific noteworthy event, but it may indicate a non-negligeable psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.
Celebrities with Neptune in 1st House
Marilyn Monroe, Victor Hugo, Charles Darwin, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Hegel, Ramakrishna, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Andy Warhol, Eminem, Bill Clinton, Vanessa Paradis, Jim Carrey, Björk, Courtney Love, Jean Claude Van Damme, Mike Tyson, Lance Armstrong, Bernard Madoff…
Celebrities with Neptune in Aries
Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Therese of Lisieux, Marie Curie, Rasputin, Lenin, Sri Aurobindo, Alexandra David Neel, Georges Gurdjieff, Henry Ford, Rachmaninoff, Munch, Louis Lumiere, Albert Schweitzer, Marcel Proust, Houdini, Camille Claudel, Claude Debussy…