
Neptune in the 8th House or Scorpio in birth chart

These are global energies of Neptune in Scorpio or in the 8th House which must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Neptune in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Neptune.
The planet Neptune is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a projection of this one, especially intellectual Projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc), everything that concerns more directly mysticism, and a notion of universality, or even a form of artistic sensibility…
It can at the same time lead to dreaming, to naivety, to the fantasy of reality, to drugs… as it can also be the driver of self-denial and of the most beautiful and deep feelings possible, an opening on the monad and on a “christic” aspect of existence (forgiveness, love and faith in God, redemption of sins, humanism, respect of the fellow, values of peace, justice and harmony).
Values that are too earthly and materialistic constitute a powerful antagonism to this planet.
As Neptune remains in each sign for about 14 years, its position in houses is more meaningful for personality. The energy of the sign gives above all a basic elemental coloring, common to a whole generation, which will apply more personally to the sector of life signified by the house. Therefore, focus first on the house affected, the sign giving a background tone.

Heightened magnetism and receptiveness

This planet has significant aquatic depth here that is truly extraordinary, but these waters may also be rather dark, violent, and harsh. This planet gives people a highly unusual level of receptiveness, in particular in terms of their receptiveness to metaphysical energies and the collective unconscious.

The good thing is that this often gives people a very charismatic and hypnotic side which allows them to easily seduce other people (whether this be romantically or in a more general social context); these people know how to be very “persuasive” and convincing because they give off a mixed air of self-control, serenity, and mysteriousness, so they can “coax” others relatively easily and also dupe and manipulate them.

This planetary positioning may in fact harbor opposite extremes, and so we may find that these people are mystics or clergymen, are very open to the Absolute and universality, and have more spontaneous access to divine love than most people, but we may also find that they are crooks of various kinds, smooth-talkers, manipulators, lunatics, or visionaries, or they may be lost in some way.

We are in the axis of possessions here (as is the case for Neptune in the 2nd house), which is the axis where value systems are at play, both in terms of how we value ourselves, which may be partially determined by “others,” and in terms of our connection to money and material things.

This positioning of Neptune in the 8th house / Scorpio can make things quite blurred when it comes to “social management;” when it comes to money from others, shared money, debts or loans that have been taken out, or inheritances, this planet can sow confusion, and frequently this does not benefit these people. As a result, they need to be wary of any and all loans, anything that they sign, and anything else that might be associated with these things.

Managing money can be quite problematic, especially when it comes to excessiveness, as this planet does not necessarily indicate “poverty,” but rather trouble finding the right limits, including in terms of generosity or profits.

Energies that are linked to occultism or esotericism and metaphysical forces may be routes that should be explored and deepened over the course of one’s incarnation; they may lead to important realizations and understanding, like a sort of awakening.

It may also be very important to actively facilitate the expression of these energies, and anything that could promote the expression of emotions would be very helpful here! Thus, for people with this planetary positioning we again find all sorts of artistic disciplines, Yoga, prayer, and meditation, all of which can allow these people to cultivate these forces and do something useful with them both socially and personally for themselves.

It is important to set limits here, in fact, and Saturnian forces are very useful since this planet in this position tends to pick up a whole lot of things, like a sponge; it “receives” a huge amount, and it is truly like an antenna that picks up on everything, but this planet doesn’t necessarily know “what to do with it” if it isn’t also able to find the right “decoders” (there is this notion of a real “quest for meaning” in the face of any paranormal forces that are picked up on; also see my article How to make the best use out of Neptune).

Another good thing about this positioning is that it can lead people to be easily filled with wonder by various things in life and to more naturally perceive the divine side of things, though this means that they may be immature in a way and have a naive side.

Unfortunately, there is a significant danger of these people losing themselves in their illusions and fantasies and mistaking their imagination for reality. Their imagination is so highly developed that it may lead to various forms of mythomania, and they may often live in their dreams, avoiding any truths that are too abrupt.

As a general rule, it is important to channel these powerful Neptunian forces so as to not be subjugated or swallowed up by other people! This is because this planet may give rise to a huge number of things but not provide instructions on how to use them, so there is a risk of being given bad advice or poor assistance by people who are trying to take advantage of the situation.

This planet in this position gives people some degree of psychological “passiveness,” with a highly developed conception of self-sacrifice which may actually almost lead to masochism; the notion of “safety” and securing their surroundings may be harder to define and even more difficult make a reality.

It may also be important with this planetary positioning for people to take a close look at the forces of Fire in their chart to see how their ego is structured, as well as what their capabilities are in terms of affirmation and defense in relation to these powerful Neptunian perceptions.

Neptune retrograde in the 8th house and Scorpio

This planet’s Retrograde motion in this sign may provide a welcome dose of Earth, which would allow these people to better channel or structure their receptivity, even if they may also be more introverted as a result.

Retrograde motion of Neptune in one’s birth chart is less important than for other dominant features in the chart, since, as it’s a slow, transpersonal planet, it’s retrograde just over five months out of the year.
Nevertheless, it’s useful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions; a change of state here will not necessarily lead to a specific noteworthy event, but it may indicate a non-negligeable psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.

Celebrities with Neptune in 8th House

Adolf Hitler, Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, Edith Piaf, Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Anthony Hopkins, Malcolm X, George Clooney, Jules Verne, David Bowie, JK Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir, Catherine Deneuve, Warren Buffett, Pablo Escobar, Kim Basinger, Stromae, Giacomo Casanova, Jean Paul Sartre

Celebrities with Neptune in Scorpio

Victor Hugo, Brad Pitt, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Nicolas Machiavelli, Louis XIV, Nicolas Copernicus, Baruch Spinoza, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Michelangelo, Kurt Cobain, Nicole Kidman, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Monica Bellucci, Franz Schubert, George Sand, Barack Obama

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