These interpretations are based on solar energies only when one of the partners has a Sun in Taurus, a Earth sign, and they give an idea of the probable compatibilities with the other solar signs of the zodiac.
They have been written with a “love” perspective but their purpose can also be applied in the field of friendship, or relational in general.
For more precision, it is advisable to nuance them by a more thorough study, a true comparison of topics that we call a Synastry or at least a Study of rapprochement. It will obviously also be necessary to take into account its ruler planet, Venus, as it is a little more complicated than just throwing the astro dice… 🙂
For other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.
Note that it is also important to analyze the various updates in the present, especially lunations and transits, to better understand the deep meaning of what you can go through in your relational life, your relationship with others, especially with your emotional partner, if there are couple crisis, it may affect your 7th House, or press your natal Venus, and my subscriptions to the Premium newsletters can help you better establish in advance what will be happening and when, better predict, date and anticipate things.
Taurus Love Compatibility
TAURUS-Aries : earth/fire (Mars)
A seemingly unlikely alliance of impulsiveness and slowness. One is vibrant, the other one calmer, thoughtful, cautious and pragmatic. Aries will quickly become really exasperated and impatient in front of the Taurus’s peace and quiet, sometimes bordering on passivity.
But opposites attract each other, and after all, the two can also find a certain complementarity : Taurus can bring stability, endurance, poise and organisation, more structured and strategic ideas as well, while Aries will push them to get out of their routine and even out of the too homely routine, they will bring their daily dynamism, their drive to always undertake something new. Then Taurus, even if it takes longer to start up, can also become explosive and even powerfully angry, this eruptive side can attract Aries.
The difficulty for this couple will be to find the right rhythm for the duo, even if it means alternating the pace; not too fast for one and not too slowly for the other. How fast can they go then ? It will be necessary to adapt according to the periods…

This is an alliance that promises to be rock-solid ! You share prudence, perseverance, pragmatism, fidelity, and are both reliable and competent workers… You also share a taste for sensuality and the pleasures of life, you like to enjoy your senses, which confirms a very epicurean daily life.
You are looking for security, stability, calm, gentleness, and you will certainly like to find this in the other, you will strengthen each other, you will form the 2 pillars of a solid framework for a family.
The main problem you may encounter is that you are 2 mule-heads ! and when a disagreement will point the tip of his nose (which will certainly happen), it promises a nice tug-of-war… Difficult to say how to get out of it because each one will stay on their position, and even if, on the surface, one of the two seems to agree with a “yes yes”, it is very likely that everything went in by one ear and came out instantaneously by the other… Fortunately, you often favor harmony, which prevents a lot of escalation, but the lack of communication may weigh, at least in the sense of real exchanges, a dialogue with mutual listening.
But apart from that, this is a couple that can hold out over time without any problems, and even become very materially profitable. Routine and the domestic aspect will certainly dominate, but is this a problem for you ?

TAURUS-Gemini : earth/air (Mercury)
Taurus have their feet on the ground, in the concrete, they are responsible; Gemini tend rather to have their head in the stars and to handle rather abstract theories. Gemini are volatile and exuberant, indecisive, where taurus are stable, prudent, slow, constant and firmly decided.
However, Taurus also like this liveliness of mind, they seek to understand them and admire their intelligence, but they also fear the too great versatility that characterizes them, their indeterminacy, their lack of persistence, including also their too great sociability… Taurus are not too much a follower of endless exchanges, so they may easily be overwhelmed by the mental speed of gemini. As for gemini, they will tend to get bored and feel constrained if their mind is not regularly solicited, if they cannot fully extrovert themselves, if they cannot fulfill their need to communicate, and if overall there is not enough “dynamism” in the relationship…
These are 2 very different temperaments, but gemini will have the curiosity necessary to take the first step, and taurus will have the sweetness and tolerance to cement the relationship; in the absolute, it will just need a good amount of earth in gemini and/or a large amount of air in taurus to perfect the couple, or else the mediation of a 3rd other elemental energy.

TAURUS-Cancer : earth/water (Moon)
You two have a lot in common ! You share the Moon’s Rulerships, home for cancer, exaltation for taurus. It sharpens your sensitivity, your mutual needs for gentleness, protection, warmth, affection… You both share a love for sense pleasures (good food, good wine, sensuality), for calm, simplicity.
You are both home-like in nature, you like to be lulled by the daily routine, your home is really your refuge, one of the pillars of your existence. Your family is important to you, you devote yourself to it, you protect it, beak and nails, it is really one of your foundations, you find it difficult to conceive a logic of life that would be too individualistic and solitary, especially without children.
You might form a very fusional couple, perhaps even too much so. Cancer will often be the most sensitive part of the couple, taurus will be the rock bringing their pragmatism, but the 2 roles will be potentially interchangeable depending on the periods. It’s a solid couple, marked by the moon…

You share values of loyalty and stubbornness, you like deep family values, and you would like to find stability and durability in the other one. You are both possessive but in a slightly different way : leos like to possess a thing or someone for the social status they derive from it, whereas taurus like to possess for the sake of possessing, to hold, the fact of being “owner” reassure them.
Leos have a sociable character that can quickly annoy taurus, they like to radiate and dramatize their social relationships, sometimes to the extreme point… Taurus like simplicity and to some extent even discretion. Taurus like their “home”, their tranquility, their routine, they will have trouble with the eccentricity and dynamism of Leo.
Leo are of fire, playful, extroverted, where the Taurus are of earth, pragmatic, thrifty, and compared to them, almost “austere”… but the opposites attract each other and what brings you together is that you both lack flexibility, you both have strong uncompromising personalities, and it is a form of “strength” that you will admire in the other one.

TAURUS-Virgo : earth (Mercury)
There is an earthy harmony between the two of you, you get along easily, you understand each other quickly, as soon as it is a question of building something solid, of doing something concrete, tangible, you speak the same language. You are both pragmatic, thrifty, hard-working, determined, meticulous, practical… even the legendary slowness of taurus does not scare virgo ! On the contrary, irgos appreciate the taurus’ prudence, their moderate and thoughtful, peaceful tendencies.
You make a beautiful couple, both in terms of work and love, you combine good understanding, calm and productivity, you are competent and modest… You can therefore build a prosperous and harmonious life, establish a sweet home that will never lack anything and will be protected.
Virgo will appreciate the great security (emotional and material) that taurus give them, and it is true that Taurus will be able to bring them emotional stability which will be a source of permanent comfort for them. Taurus will soothe them with their calmness, they are often a ball of nerves, and will even give them more self-confidence.
In fact, the point which separates you the most, is the epicurean side, which taurus have at times a lot of difficulty to curb, while virgo much more “moderate” will be likely to appear too rigid and strict for them. Or the virgo side is extremely picky, and perfectionist, with a maniacal attention to detail, even if it may amuse taurus more. But this is quite negligible on the bottom, because for the rest, it’s a very positive relationship…

TAURUS-Libra : earth/air (Venus)
You both share the rulership of Venus, so you each express a different but complementary facet of the planet. It is thus a complementarity which dominates this couple, taurus are in the pleasures of the “concrete” senses, sensuality, sweetness, while libra are in the pleasures of the “abstract” senses, arts, aesthetics, literary subtlety, any realization of the spirit, harmonious in general… you have many common features, you do not necessarily have the same tastes in these different pleasures, but you share the same fundamental taste for sweetness, peace, sharing.
Taurus will like the balanced and moderate side of libra, as for libra, they will appreciate their conscientious and hard-working side.
The major differences are found in the exacerbated sociability of libra. They are much more communicative and outgoing than taurus, so they may get bored with the too homely and routine side of them. It is a bit like the oak and the reed, libra have a flexibility and versatility that gives them a great adaptability, while the “oaks” taurus are the unchanging, conservative, unrooting rock, guardians of tradition.
It will be necessary in the absolute that the natives possess a bit of the astrological element of the other for that the couple is truly perennial and not stop at a simple exchange of good practices.

TAURUS-Scorpio : earth/water (Pluto)
It’s a very complex union that’s being formed here. Your signs are opposite in the zodiac and in many ways you are also diametrically opposite in life. Taurus have a simplicity and gentleness that is totally antagonistic to scorpio which are complex, mysterious and harsh. Scorpio are “tortured” psychologically and emotionally, flayed alive, seek, delve into the depths of things, even beyond appearances in the abstract spheres of reality… and that is a lot to ask Taurus who are very attached to the concrete, to the practical, to pragmatism and to the “solid”. One of your common points and on the other hand your tendency to hide your feelings and not to be very “expressive” about your states of mind.
However, there may be something “magnetic” that brings you together, a story without words. Scorpio magnetism invariably works well, and they will love the stubbornness and the strong head of taurus. You both have a possessive nature and will appreciate the mutual belonging you will show to each other, especially the loyalty and constancy of taurus will be for scorpio a pledge of confidence (They are also extremely jealous). Scorpio will need a permanent emotional intensity, but this can be spoiled by the taurus’ routine and home-like nature. In addition, the lack of regular communication can also lead to a “permanent estrangement” that can be detrimental to the strength of the union.
You are both tough and you will certainly need to soften each other up a bit if you want to reconcile your core personality and your couple harmoniously.

TAURUS-Sagittarius : earth/fire (Jupiter)
You have a very different way of working, it’s a bit like the clash of the abstract and the concrete, the sociable and the homely. Sagittarians are often in the “high spheres” of philosophy, religion, mysticism, and handles ideologies and concepts, not without a certain utopia sometimes, whereas taurus will prefer what they can touch and evaluate concretely, with their feet on the ground. Taurus are also domestic and routine, where sagittarians are adventurous and dynamic. Speaking of “dynamism”, the taurus’ slowness may well quickly and profoundly exasperate the vivacity of sagittarius, who, as a good sign of fire, is often on the hot coals, with remarkable speed and finesse of analysis. Sagittarius will also be sociable, probably too much for taurus who do not always make the effort to play the game of social theater as much as they do.
All this really makes a lot of difference, and even assuming that opposites attract, keeping the couple together over time will be complicated… Sagittarians will have to be given a lot of freedom and independence, and respect the taurus’ rhythm; you will also have to ask ourselves the question : what do you share in common ?
But sagittarius have the necessary tolerance to respect taurus and even open up to their domain, and if taurus accept some concessions to their routine, then you can learn from each other and why not find some form of synergy ?

TAURUS-Capricorn : earth (Saturn)
In good earth signs you share values of stability, responsibility, discipline, economy, reliability, you can trust each other and this is very important to you. You also like to find in the other one the same rhythm of patience (the other signs would speak of slowness), a kind of time conception which is specific to you and which pushes you to mature things well, to take a step back with prudence, to analyze… Capricorns probably have the zodiac record for patience ! (as strategic thinkers)
You like the realistic, practical, pragmatic and common sense side of each other, you share the same philosophy.
However, capricorn have a more ambitious nature than taurus on a social level. But also have a certain “intellectual” and potentially religious side that taurus will not express in the same way. On the other hand, taurus have a fierce will to enjoy life and its pleasures which will not always be shared by capricorn who have a spontaneous nature with more “ascetic” tendencies…
This union, an alliance of strategy and skills, can produce a very productive and prosperous couple, but with the risk of being extremely conservative and excessively turned towards materialism. A certain dose of fantasy will be welcome from time to time to get out of a too down-to-earth daily routine… if you feel the need to do so !

TAURUS-Aquarius : earth/air (Uranus)
It’s the conservative and the reformer’s clash. Taurus stabilizes their achievements, seeks to keep them (and to make them grow), in a way they want to “freeze” time, and they will resist with all their might any attempts at change. Aquarians are the opposite, they are “progressive”, not only do they not attach themselves to the achievements, but they turns the table upside down in defiance of the established order, they go ahead with the changes, wishing them and implementing them themselves ! They flourish in a kind of permanent revolution, always in search of they freedom and independence, they assimilate the traditionalist taurus values to a straitjacket that oppresses them. Aquarians will be up to date with the latest fashions, will have the latest gadgets, will know the latest news, while taurus will always work with the tools of their grandparents and will be interested in the “classics” that have already proven themselves, that are timeless…
So you have 2 different philosophies of life, which often lead to different tastes. Taurus are stable, constant and prudent, where Aquarians are volatile, sociable, exuberant and utopian. For Aquarius any change is good as long as there is a change, the interest is in the future, whereas taurus consider any change as a form of amputation of themselves, a denial of the past. One will be bored, the other will be anxious.
You are two strong heads, each as inflexible as the other (with perhaps an additional stubbornness for taurus) so you will have a hard time reconciling your differences. You have to look at the other elemental energies that dominate the both charts to look for common values.

TAURUS-Pisces : earth/water (Neptune)
You share values of kindness, sweetness, sympathy and pacifism (common point in the Rulerships of Venus, exalted in pisces, domicile for taurus). Pisces tend to flee conflicts and taurus are not of an extremely dominant nature seeking to impose themselves, so they will not abuse it. Pisces like stability and security that taurus can give them, this produces a fundamentally harmonious relationship based on good daily understanding.
However taurus are very cartesian, very down to earth, simple, pragmatic, whereas pisces are much more complex, more universalist, more sensitive, mysterious in some ways, they are “open-minded”, in the emotional and intuitive where taurus will be totally in the concrete.
It is often said that pisces have “antennas” which allow them to capture the emotional “flows” in social relations and society in general (sometimes even as far as the mediumship gift) and this is a point that taurus will have a hard time understanding… Pisces will have a sharp opinion on a question that they won’t really be able to explain concretely when taurus ask “Why rationally ?”, they will just feel it.
Pisces will have adaptability that taurus lack, and will be able to easily adapt to them, including their slowness, their strong head and their stubbornness. The two can form a very positive complement in the long run…

For the other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.