
Venus in Libra or in 7th House in birth chart

It’s a question here of the global energies of Venus in Libra or in 7th House which it’s imperative to nuance according to your birth chart, see the article Venus in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Venus.
The planet Venus is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs on the woman side, pole of attraction, lover, but also on our system of valorization (affective and material), on our relational base to the others and to the world, on our artistic dimension, it manifests qualities to the colors of the occupied sign. See Venus in a man’s birth chart for the specific influence of this planet on the Animus.

Venus in Libra : sensitive elegance

The planet Venus is very strong here in its nocturnal domicile (see Rulerships), in the midst of Air and masculine energies (in sharp contrast with Venus’ rulership over feminine Taurus), and so it fully expresses its natural qualities.

Venus in Libra people are often very sociable, sympathetic, kind, and cheerful, with a keen, impartial sense of justice. They are fairly comfortable with feelings. These people are always very courteous, polite, well-mannered, and sophisticated; they also have a natural sense of style, and are sensitive in an airy sort of way.

They have an excellent grasp of other people’s affectivity, and their tremendous empathy and compassion allow them to easily make their way into their partners’ hearts.
In the context of romance, Venus in Libra people are constantly looking for consensus. They are experts in mediation, compromise, and negotiation, and they are always able to “split the difference”.
They have an excellent sense of fairness, and are always open to all aspects of a situation, in all of its complexity. In addition, they are often remarkably intelligent, not just socially speaking, but also emotionally : they have a good understanding of emotions.

These people are so attached to peace and their freedom that they may frequently appear to be very superficial, too lightweight, too fickle and volatile, and too apathetic. Paradoxically, for their own development, especially emotionally, they need a union, a partner, and the ability to share, but they also like to stay somewhat detached, independent, and autonomous ! They need to reconcile these two opposing elements of their personality. These people may really have a tendency to idealize “relationships” in general : they idealize social relationships and romantic relationships, putting them at the center of their lives, and often showing themselves to be very helpful to others.

But Venus in Libra people hate aggression, conflict, criticism, and especially anything that is vulgar, including people who are too “rough around the edges” or boorish. They are much more interested in charm, social niceties, frills, seductiveness, and esthetics. They appreciate beauty, and they are always seeking out harmony.
They often have a tendency to avoid certain things or try to get out of anything that they do not like or that they find unpleasant, which may create some deeper issues over time in the context of a relationship.

In order to seduce a Venus in Libra person, be affable, kind, and romantic. Show them all of your good manners, be fashionable, show them your intellectual vivacity, show them that you are just and equitable, and then share everything with them, and be playful. Always keep the conversation going, since to them the worst thing is almost definitely silence. They also can’t stand it if they sense that the relationship is imbalanced, for instance if they are giving more than they are getting back, but the opposite is also a valid issue. They like to be treated in exactly the same way that they treat you, a bit like an emotional mirror.

Artistically, Venus in Libra people are the most conscious out of the entire zodiac; they are true esthetes. Art and beauty, as well as the notions of harmony and balance, are truly part of their everyday life, and they put these principles into practice in every form of art (music, painting, architecture, fashion, interior design, etc.), despising anything that is vulgar, lacking in style, or too “cheap”.

Financially, Venus in Libra people are fairly extravagant. They do not really look at prices, but focus much more on quality, beauty, and elegance. Very attracted to luxury, they try to find things that meet their standards. To them, money allows people to be happy, live comfortably, and enjoy things, and they have a hard time if they feel deprived in any way.

Venus retrograde in Libra

VenusRetrograde motion in this sign tends to make people more sensitive and elegant, but also makes them much more introverted, less sociable, and more solitary and deprives them of self-confidence. These people take on a much more serious, rigorous side, and are much less casual. In a romantic context, they are more focused on having security, consistency, and durability.
In addition, they may have a tendency to fantasize about their ideal relationship rather than living in reality, and they are afraid of conflict and of hurting themselves. Their sensitive nature makes them indecisive, hesitant, and unable to separate out their feelings, so they tend to be in a constant state of equanimity.

Celebrities with Venus in Libra

Sister Emmanuelle, Freddie Mercury, Claudia Schiffer, Helena Blavatsky, Arthur Rimbaud, Oscar Wilde, Bill Clinton, Charles Bronson, Stephen King, Pablo Picasso, Matthew McConaughey, Mickey Rourke, Richard Gere, Warren Buffett, Usain Bolt, Bachar el-Assad…

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