These interpretations are based on solar energies only when one of the partners has a Sun in Virgo, a Earth sign, and they give an idea of the probable compatibilities with the other solar signs of the zodiac.
They have been written with a “love” perspective but their purpose can also be applied in the field of friendship, or relational in general.
For more precision, it is advisable to nuance them by a more thorough study, a true comparison of topics that we call a Synastry or at least a Study of rapprochement. It will obviously also be necessary to take into account its ruler planet, Mercury, as it is a little more complicated than just throwing the astro dice… 🙂
For other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.
Note that it is also important to analyze the various updates in the present, especially lunations and transits, to better understand the deep meaning of what you can go through in your relational life, your relationship with others, especially with your emotional partner, if there are couple crisis, it may affect your 7th House, or press your natal Venus, and my subscriptions to the Premium newsletters can help you better establish in advance what will be happening and when, better predict, date and anticipate things.
Virgo Love Compatibility
VIRGO-Aries : earth/fire (Mars)
Virgo has a sharp, cold, direct critical sense, which will greatly please aries, at least as long as the criticisms are not directly addressed to them ! Maybe then it will be a different story…
On the other hand, the daredevil side of aries who takes inconsiderate risks without always taking the time to reflect will cool Virgo down a lot.
Virgos especially like to plan and organize themselves, they have many rituals during the day that allow them to fight against their tendencies to inner tension and anxiety : foresight, organization, and meticulousness serve to alleviate their natural anxiety, and the impulsive will-o’-the-wisp side of aries may cause them to panic.
Aries are in action, virgo in internalization, which is the combination of impatience and patience.
Aries are individualistic and at times even associable, virgo are not, strictly speaking, very sociable, but they have a helpful nature, for them the sense of service, of social utility and devotion is important.
This couple will obviously require some breaking-in, but the 2 independent characters can be in harmony, if however aries does not try to exploit virgo, and virgo adapts to his unpredictability… which won’t be easy !

There is an earthy harmony between the two of you, you get along easily, you understand each other quickly, as soon as it is a question of building something solid, of doing something concrete, tangible, you speak the same language. You are both pragmatic, thrifty, hard-working, determined, meticulous, practical… even the legendary slowness of taurus does not scare virgo ! On the contrary, irgos appreciate the taurus’ prudence, their moderate and thoughtful, peaceful tendencies.
You make a beautiful couple, both in terms of work and love, you combine good understanding, calm and productivity, you are competent and modest… You can therefore build a prosperous and harmonious life, establish a sweet home that will never lack anything and will be protected.
Virgo will appreciate the great security (emotional and material) that taurus give them, and it is true that Taurus will be able to bring them emotional stability which will be a source of permanent comfort for them. Taurus will soothe them with their calmness, they are often a ball of nerves, and will even give them more self-confidence.
In fact, the point which separates you the most, is the epicurean side, which taurus have at times a lot of difficulty to curb, while virgo much more “moderate” will be likely to appear too rigid and strict for them. Or the virgo side is extremely picky, and perfectionist, with a maniacal attention to detail, even if it may amuse taurus more. But this is quite negligible on the bottom, because for the rest, it’s a very positive relationship…

VIRGO-Gemini : earth/air (Mercury)
You both share the mercury’s rulership, gemini in diurnal domicile, virgo in nocturnal domicile and exaltation (see Rulerships). You are both Mutable signs presenting an adaptability and flexibility superior to the other signs, but what makes you different are your 2 Astrological Elements, air and earth, they are the ones that bring the real nuances to your 2 personalities.
You both have a cerebral, intellectual nature, more focused on logic and rationality, you like to discuss together, you appreciate each other’s type of liveliness of mind. However, gemini have a spontaneous, optimistic and rather extroverted nature, whereas virgo will be more pragmatic, down-to-earth, calculating, analytical and internalized. Gemini loves knowledge for knowledge’s sake, for play, for the pleasure of its general culture, for the pleasure of structuring ideas, a bit like mental gymnastics. Virgo will need to find a practical and concrete use for their knowledge, they will also have in their enterprises a perseverance and tenacity superior to that of gemini, they are cautious and meticulous, organized and strategic, where gemini will often be more “crazy” and scattered.
However, you have an excellent mutual understanding of each other which produces a good match, and a good mental relationship unites you. Your elemental difference mentioned above, far from being a handicap, constitutes a very good source of complementarity. At most, it may lack the “emotional” sense, but that will not bother either of you…

VIRGO-Cancer : earth/water (Moon)
Despite some appearances, you two have a lot in common ! Virgo is a sign of devotion to others, of service, cancer is compassionate, empathetic, you have a very strong sense of “helping” that you can bring around you and of a certain “social” character of all existence.
You like to take care of your loved ones, your family, and to retreat into your home which is really a bubble where you have built security and tranquility.
You each have a very restless nature, cancer because of their sensitivity and intuitive receptivity, and virgo more because of an overheated mind due to excessive planning and mania of all kinds. However, it is likely that this point will bring you much closer together by producing in each of you a need for “enhanced security” which the other will be able to bring you on a platter.
You both also have mood swings that are not always easy to live with, cancer being nostalgic, melancholic, dreamy, which virgo will have a hard time following. Virgo are more in the “nervous breakdown”, their too great grip with the realities of everyday life can lead to an accumulation of nervous tension that they often have a hard time evacuating, they will then blame cancer for their passivity and their “artist” side while they’re totally focused on their work, their feet on the ground. This is when things can go wrong because cancer are very sensitive and resentful, the virgo’s criticisms, their sarcastic spikes and irony can make deep wounds that will have difficulty healing…
In the end you are both of a natural pacifist and conciliatory nature who should adapt well, you will find a form of complementarity where both partners can draw strength from each other…

In many ways you’re opposites. Virgo are discretion themselves, modesty, introversion, shyness, moderation, economy, where leo are rather in the showcase, confidence, expansiveness, excessiveness, even to the extreme the overkill…
If I wanted to summarize and simplify, virgo are the know-how, and leo are more “make it known”.
The discreet nature of virgo may be very uncomfortable with the flamboyant nature of leo, very grandiloquent, always seeking to be put forward.
Leos, on the other hand, who aspires to recognition, who seeks attention and admiration, who radiates socially, may find that virgo are a bit of a “ball and chain”, or else they will use them basically as a “subordinate” who must obey them and help them, making their skills their own…
Leo will get comfortable in the relationship and may very quickly “dominate” virgo, at least in appearance, because deep down virgo will be rather cold and indifferent to leo (which is even worse for them). Virgo can somehow “suffice themselves”, whereas leo need “relational”, arguments, love, admiration… and I’m not sure that a virgo marked by this sign to the tip of their fingernails will be willing to enter into this little theatrical game for a long time.
Virgo also have a manic, perfectionist, anxious side, leo are leaders and managers, they establishe a general roadmap, but don’t soak up the details, they tend to flee from them.
Moreover, leo will find it difficult to bear the virgo’s sharp criticism, especially since they always have a very analytical eye and a keen sense of detail that probably won’t spare their self-esteem : a headache in perspective.
Virgo in some ways is psychologically much more complex and “tortuous” than leo, so your understanding is not spontaneous. That said, in the rest of the birth chart there may be many other things to consider in establishing an understanding, and neighboring signs always have a share of “common ground”.

You both have manic tendencies, obsessed with details and perfection. The advantage is that you understand each other well, but the disadvantage is that your 2 eyes only see everything through a highly developed critical eye, which can produce in the relationship hesitations, lack of confidence, frustrations, and a pessimistic spiral that is difficult to break : I criticize myself, you criticize yourself, I criticize you, you criticize me, we criticize each other…
Your nervous temperament often dominates your personality, you are likely to be very self-centered, psychologically and even physically, there is a high probability of “mental boiling”. This can lead to cocasses situations, for example if you are both hypochondriacs.
But for sure, your duo will have a formidable efficiency, a sense of work and devotion to others very sharp and very voluntary, a precision and an important determination, also a marked sense of economy, but you will probably miss the step back, the detached global vision.
However, you will greatly appreciate the security of the relationship, this reliability and rigor, this practical and pragmatic side, very rational, these are the areas in which you are both very comfortable on a daily basis, and this is certainly for you the most important point that will help the couple to hold together ! You just have to be careful not to get too nervous internally…
It will be interesting to determine which are the secondary dominants of the Astrological Elements, because besides the earth of your sign, your Mercury ruler planet being of a rather neutral nature, the rest of the configuration will be able to bring a decisive coloration to the relationship by making it lean towards a tendency.

VIRGO-Libra : earth/air (Venus)
You have very contradictory temperaments on several points. Virgo are introverted, analytical, fussy, with sharp criticism, very rational, logical, cartesian, very demanding in her social relationships. Libra are naturally sociable, volatile, open, sensitive, they like friendly exchanges, verbal and intellectual jousting, they are open to endless debates and very tolerant, in the end psychologist, they like to discover and understand what the “other” thinks, to put themselves in their shoes. They have a natural theatrical expressive nature, very artistic, imaginative, attached to forms and aesthetics.
Libra probably won’t appreciate being under the fire of the virgo’s criticism as well as their nervousness and all those manic failings, their lack of open-mindedness and in some ways their “miserliness”.
Virgo, on the other hand, will find that libra really lack seriousness and constancy in their investment, that it is too light, too superficial.
However your 2 natures can be complementary, you also share a certain gentleness and pacifism that can bring you closer. Libra will appreciate the virgo’s aspects who are turned towards help, service, usefulness to others, and as they are curious and accommodating they can invest themselves in the relationship. For their part, virgos will be able to discover a much finer and more conscientious personality than at first sight, and who has a complex mind that can intrigue and delight them, as they are very cerebral.
It is thus a union which can be very interesting, all will depend on the other dominating of your natal charts.

VIRGO-Scorpio : earth/water (Pluto)
Unlike what you might think at first glance, you have a lot in common ! You share a taste for analysis, dissection of things, deep reflection “beyond things”, research, as well as a certain interiorization that can pass from an external point of view for a form of coldness.
You both have a practical and pragmatic nature, very attached to security, which you will appreciate to find in the other person on a daily basis.
However, scorpio have an underground fire, passionate, intense, primitive, magnetic, which can really destabilize virgo. Scorpio can have a cold blood and recklessness which also contrast with the extreme caution and reserve of virgo in all circumstances. In fact scorpio thrive at their best, often in periods of extreme crises, they are of the tough type, whereas these same periods are for virgo above all sources of stress and anxiety that they will have great difficulty to exteriorize and fight, or even rather they will want to flee.
Virgo are more modest, shy, where scorpios will be eruptive. Scorpios are much more dominant, possessive and jealous than virgo, they can perceive the latter as a “little weak thing” to protect and will like to assume this role. Virgo will like the stability and strength of scorpio but may have more trouble with their emotional temperament which is very demanding and sometimes violent or aggressive, they will judge them on their lack of rationality and temperance.
Scorpios have indeed a darkness often very marked, they do not hesitate to go “on the dark side” of the human soul and to take pleasure in it, at least until they reach a certain understanding of themselves or of a situation, virgo are incapable of such practices.
On the negative side, surely scorpio will find it difficult to bear the virgo’s criticisms, as well as their extreme perfectionism, and probably virgo will be able to blame them for being too “raw”.
But on the whole, your couple can show an astonishing complementarity, a bit like “the beautiful and the beast”.

VIRGO-Sagittarius : earth/fire (Jupiter)
In summary, we could say that virgo are the magnifying glass or the microscope, when sagittarius are the telescope !
You do have two opposing visions of things, virgo focuses on details, they break down each situation in an analytical and organized manner, sagittarians have a global, inclusive, even transcendental vision, they have a depth of analysis which puts all situations into their general perspectives.
Thus each have great difficulty in going into the other’s field, but the couple’s de facto complementarity is obvious.
Virgo are rather of an introverted and pessimistic nature; Sagittarius can bring them optimism and extroversion. They are all in relaxation, friendly, sociable, where virgo is often a ball of nerves…
Sagittarians will like the devotion of virgo, their independence, their poise, they will appreciate their organizational qualities and their morals.
Sagittarius will be able to make virgo come out of their shell a little, to drag them along in their excursions, so that they can relax a little, make them laugh… They will initiate them to metaphysical questions, where virgo will be able to bring their logic and rationality to this “faith” (they will probably appreciate the mental side of sagittarius).
More generally in the couple’s projects, sagittarians will be able to handle the great abstract concepts while virgo will take care of the practical and pragmatic implementation.
This said, nothing is certain because virgo are deeply rooted in their certainties and their earthy temperament has many “burdens” compared to the fiery temperament of sagittarius. One like the other, you will not necessarily easily recognize this complementarity and may have a tendency to ignore you, you’ll ignore each other …
However, as long as virgo have a little fire and/or sagittarians have a little earth, the union will be very interesting.

VIRGO-Capricorn : earth (Saturn)
You have a lot in common in good earth signs, you have a way of approaching things always in a very practical and pragmatic way, Cartesian, logical, rational, with your feet firmly on the ground.
You are both very reliable, attached to safety, you often show a maturity of spirit above normal, a strong sense of responsibility, you have at heart the work that is well done.
Capricorn have a very marked collective sense and appreciates the “service” side of virgo who devote themselves to be useful to society.
Virgo have a logistic and practical capacity which they use in their immediate environment and their daily organization without necessarily finding a purpose, a setting in perspective. Capricorn have a much more strategic and ambitious aspect, their mind elaborates a structured system to impose themselves socially.
You both have an introverted temperament, even pessimistic, even nervous (anxious), you find it difficult to open up to your feelings, your emotions, your intuitions, so much logic and rationality dominate your characters.
Your union is extremely efficient in business and finance, it will probably be very profitable, an alliance of skills, rigor, constancy… but in love ?
You have a good complementarity, and at the limit it is perhaps even the problem, you are very similar, perhaps too much so, your complementarity turns to the great similarity. You risk falling into a sclerosing routine, into a “dry” daily life, without much relief, if your birth themes do not show a little fire and/or water, you will miss a little spark in your eyes, a “level of color”…

VIRGO-Aquarius : earth/air (Uranus)
You have a very different temperament, virgo have a deep attention to detail, aquarians have a much broader, “globalizing” vision, but you both share qualities of perfectionism, independence, with a very developed mind and sometimes the same nervousness.
Virgo have the sense of service and help to others, this side will greatly please the idealist and utopian aquarius. Aquarians have a strong sense of the collective, virgo will be able to bring them constancy and pragmatism.
Aquarius will be able to bring the intuition and originality that may be lacking in virgo.
Aquarians are in the great ideals, the concepts, the great collective projects, the friendly network, they are sociable and extroverted. Virgo are much more introverted, attached to a more effective practice, more immediate, more daily, planned.
On the negative side, virgo may not understand the fundamental content of the aquarius psychology and may not be very comfortable with their versatility and their unconventional, dreamy, spiritual side, they may reproach them for their lack of stability. Aquarians may not like their mania, their tendency to be extremely critical, to put everything under the magnifying glass, without being able to link “the parts to the whole” as they do so well and easily, which may exasperate them.
But on the whole, there can be an astonishing complementarity in your union, both intellectually and in terms of relationships, based on the model that opposites attract each other. Your relationship may be a little cold but you may like this kind of couple, it may suit both of you. Other influences at the level of the Astrological Elements may strengthen your union, or for example according to the location of Uranus.

VIRGO-Pisces : earth/water (Neptune)
It is a union of logic, rationality, with emotions, feelings and intuition. You are opposites on the zodiac wheel, pisces represent the Exaltation of Venus, virgo represent its Fall, so there is both a mixture of antagonism and complementarity.
If virgo are the sign of service, of social utility, pisces push this logic to the point of total abnegation, compassion, even sacrifice.
Virgos are very organized, very focused, down to earth, their logic sometimes makes them very predictable, and pisces are much more messy, moving, elusive, secret, mysterious. As the pisces’ actions are based on a “logic” that is extremely intuitive and emotional, it can often evolve into a form of psychological “no man’s land”, sometimes even contradictory, of which only they have the keys to understanding and where virgo will lose their grip completely.
In other words, these 2 behaviors will tend to quickly exasperate the other.
Virgo need a mental security, a concrete daily life, “hard”, and pisces, despite their immense kindness, softness and tolerance, may have difficulty to provide for them due to their fluid and moody natural behavior.
Pisces need an escape on a daily basis, a dream, imagination, poetry, as for them, their imagination is really an important “organ” of their personality, and they may find virgo too dry, too cold, too brittle.
You both share a form of nervousness, virgo having a mental tension, pisces an emotional tension, and these 2 forms of anxiety are often cumulative, the remedy being in certain respects antagonistic, your union promises to be “nervous” (rather in the disabling and pathological sense of the term, not dynamic).
However, despite your differences, your gentle, devoted and introverted natures can find a form of understanding, conciliation and harmony, which may be the essential thing for you. The rest of your natal charts will indicate where there is complementary common ground…

For the other signs see Compatibility of Astrological Signs.