
Mars in Aries or in 1st House in birth chart

These are the global energies of Mars in Aries or in 1st House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Mars in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Mars.
The planet Mars is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, so it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs about the man side, the action, the desire, the lover, our impulses, the libido, but also more broadly on our way of asserting ourselves, our combativeness and the latent violence which results from it, it manifests qualities in the colors of the occupied sign. See Mars in the birth chart of a woman for the specific influence of this planet on the Anima.

Mars in Aries : audacity, instinct, and assertiveness

Mars is very strong here, in the midst of Fire and in its domicile (see Rulerships), which makes it very dominant in these people’s birth charts : it radiates its energy throughout the entire chart.

Mars in Aries people are impulsive and very impetuous, and are quite capable of taking the initiative and taking action. They are sometimes self-confident to the point of being arrogant. They are very quick to react and keenly analyze any situation, and they may quickly become angry and aggressive, even though the storm may leave as quickly as it came on : their rancor does not generally last very long.

Optimistic, they are intensely drawn to novelty. They like to innovate and start new projects, and they like competition, confrontation, and anything that can strengthen their position of dominance over others or affirm their ego. Also, conciliation with these people is not always easy ! They may have a distinct tendency to be egotistical and a very clear sense of their individualism.

People with Mars in Aries are the opposite of passive; they want things to happen quickly, very quickly, and so things start to occur at a blistering pace when they are around. Quite often, their liveliness, lightning speed, and spontaneity shocks and surprises many other, calmer signs.
This does not, however, keep these people from engaging with others in a refreshingly simple way in a social context.

It’s important to note that having Mars in Aries can make people truly brilliant in a way, as a result of their energy, dynamism, audacity, and bravery. They have already successfully done everything and braved every danger ! While they take action, others in their position would still be having doubts about whether something was feasible, how they would do it, and all of the details.

People say that they are “thoughtless” or disorganized, and it’s true that “the details” and planning in general are not really for them, or at least this is not their strong suit. They are so impatient and such free spirits that they consider these things to be a waste of time ! But no matter : their leadership skills allow them to surround themselves with people to delegate tasks to.

Thus, Mars in Aries people will need to be endlessly enthusiastic, and they also constantly need new challenges to confront or new conquests to carry out. This means that the people in their entourage will never be bored, but rather always surprised as they get pulled in to be a part of exciting adventures.

The only problem is that they may lack perseverance. They let things go quickly, and swiftly turn the page to move on to something else. They have an enormous amount of energy, but it quickly becomes diffused : they are sprinters, not marathon runners.

More than anything, Mars in Aries people hate a lack of directness and indecisive people who beat around the bush or who are extremely slow. These things have a knack for thoroughly exasperating them ! They can also be nasty, and don’t hesitate to put all of the cards on the table to make things perfectly clear.

Mars in Aries people have a significant libido and need contact to externalize their effervescent energy. This is both one of their best qualities in a romantic context and a potential weakness.

Mars retrograde in Aries

MarsRetrograde motion frustrates the planet’s energy a bit, because it forces it to be somewhat internalized. It also leads to more learning and patience, and so these people are more thoughtful about the actions they take. It’s also possible that they will be less sociable, and thus more solitary.
Nevertheless, Mars retrograde in Aries is strong, and the retrograde motion brings it closer to its exaltation, Mars in Capricorn, which grants these people good self-control, sangfroid, and organizational skills. The fire is mixed with earth, making it very solid and much more enduring.

Celebrities with Mars in Aries

Orson Welles, Steve Jobs, Angelina Jolie, Clint Eastwood, Rocco Siffredi, Stephen Hawking, Emile Zola, Frédéric Chopin, Lenin, Swami Vivekananda, Ursula Andress, Marquis de Sade…

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