
Mars in Taurus or in 2nd House in birth chart

These are the global energies of Mars in Taurus or in 2nd House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Mars in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of Mars.
The planet Mars is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, so it can indicate a Projection of it.
It informs about the man side, the action, the desire, the lover, our impulses, the libido, but also more broadly on our way of asserting ourselves, our combativeness and the latent violence which results from it, it manifests qualities in the colors of the occupied sign. See Mars in the birth chart of a woman for the specific influence of this planet on the Anima.

Mars in Taurus : quietly powerful

In this sign, Mars is in detriment, across from its domicile in Scorpio (see Rulerships), and so its natural Martian energies are extremely subdued.

The planet Mars is often described as instinctive, like an explosion, or impulsive, and here it’s in the slowest and most rigid sign in the entire zodiac : Taurus (a Fixed, feminine, earth sign). In addition, Mars’ energies are somewhat constrained, channeled, and frustrated in this sign. As a result, people with Mars in Taurus are more persistent, tenacious, reliable, resistant, and focused on durability and safety, and are also more cautious and very hardworking.

Mars in Taurus people are thus calm and poised, a symbol of “quiet power” : they are relatively easy to live with but nevertheless sometimes erupt in a massive fit of anger ! As they say, “it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for”, because even though they are slow to get started (they are less impulsive and, in a way, more passive), they are not any less likely to use a huge amount of force if they see red. If they have good self-control, Mars in Taurus people can represent a quite formidable force !

A large portion of Taurus’ Martian energies are used for the purposes of possession; that is, for preserving what these people already possess, or somehow increasing the value or productivity of their “assets” (see the 2nd House). This is because the security that they vitally need is always tied to something physical, and also they have a fear of lacking material comfort and of living in rugged conditions.

This tends to make them very hard-working. They invest all of their energy into their social life in order to reach a higher social status, or at least improve their lot in life, and time does not scare them, but rather is frequently on their side ! Like in the tale of the tortoise and the hare, they probably will not be the first ones out of the gate, but there is no doubt that they will make it eventually.

The advantage of having Mars in this sign is that it allows these people to take a step back and take their time, so they are better able to plan. Of course, they are still far from being like Mars in Capricorn people, who develop more elaborate strategies, but Mars in Taurus people are levelheaded enough to define long-term goals, and patiently stick to them.

They are nothing like Mars in Aries people, who are all over the place; Mars in Taurus people like to do one thing at a time, at their own pace, and they prefer either taking their time or simply doing nothing at all, rather than feeling like they are botching things up and being pressured (which is something that they cannot stand).

We would be remiss if we did not mention the stubbornness that dominates these people’s Animus; indeed, it’s difficult to change their mind given where Mars is positioned in their birth chart ! Once their opinion has been established, it’s set in stone.

This has an impact on how they behave on a day-to-day basis. They tend to be homebodies and like to take advantage of their comfortable homes, and you will have a hard time getting them to move. You will have to negotiate patiently and, most importantly, give them advance warning (never rush things; they hate that).

The whole fixed, rigid side of their Martian energy has a tendency to hugely restrict the planet’s natural flexibility, adaptability, and initiative, which would normally send them to the forefront of the action.

Mars in Taurus people’s strengths are more evident when they are tasked with defending or resisting against something to preserve the status quo, rather than initiating a change in inertia (their resistance to change is truly remarkable).

With Mars in this position, the planet is directly under the rulership of Venus, so an alliance is formed between desire/libido and sensuality/eroticism. Mars in Taurus people are often vigorously sexual beings, with considerable emotional needs that need to be satisfied.

Mars retrograde in Taurus

MarsRetrograde motion gives people extraordinary self-control, and the planet’s energies are also repressed. These people’s relationship with possession and material goods is emphasized : either they greatly depend on this relationship or they are able to break free from it and sublimate it.

Their strength and energy may be more explosive in nature. These people’s extreme rigidity may play tricks on them, and they may desperately cling to the past and what has gone by, fighting against inevitable changes.

Celebrities with Mars in Taurus

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Madonna, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Mohammed Ali, Robert De Niro, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Franz Kafka, Salvador Dalí, Osama bin Laden, Fidel Castro, Rudolf Steiner, Stanley Kubrick…

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