
Mercury in Aries or in 1st House in birth chart

These are the global energies of a mercury in Aries or in 1st House that must be nuanced according to your chart, see the article Mercury in signs; see also the article on the general meaning of the planet Mercury.
You will also have to take into account whether the Sun is in this sign, in Pisces, or in Taurus.
The planet mercury can also indicate the type of Projection of mental qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

The quick mind of Aries

With the planet Mercury in this position you are keen-minded, pioneering, impulsive, communicative, and enthusiastically optimistic. You will make decisions quickly, easily and without equivocating or beating around the bush.
This could also potentially be a shortcoming : without much thought or reflection, you do not take the time to step back and analyze the situations you are in, and you may be sorely lacking in patience.

This may be detrimental to all aspects of your learning. You may lack analytical abilities, the details may not interest you, and “learning something by heart” may bore you. You feel as though you are losing yourself in the learning experience, and you feel that your mind is pragmatic, yet somewhat simple.

On the other hand, this position promotes creativity : you have the dynamism and drive to create new things, you like the challenge that this work involves, you are enthusiastic, and in some ways you have the capacity to be visionary, which allows you to be ahead of everyone else…

With Mercury in Aries, you have the ability to “sell” yourself well and to pass your motivation and spontaneity on to others. Given all of this, you may become a leader in your field.
You also run the risk, however, of lacking perseverance, and you may have a tendency to move on too quickly to something more exciting as soon as you feel like something is not progressing quickly enough for you.

You like quick, lively discussions that are precise and straightforward, and some people find you to be “aggressive” and experience your tactlessness as you being rude or unnecessarily harsh. But this is actually an effective way for you to smooth things over, to get the issue out in the open, and to face the problem through direct, honest confrontation.

You hate hypocrisy, all forms of baseness, and acts of pity. You would rather others directly challenge your opinions and talk to you in a lively, face-to-face debate. That said, you have a hard time accepting disagreement. Your dominant nature leads you to impose your ideas on others without even understanding that they do not agree with you. “Sharp criticisms” easily injure your natural pride and egotism, and as a result you are particularly defensive.

Mercury retrograde in Aries

Retrograde motion restrains and restricts Mercury in one’s birth chart, keeping it in check, and therefore it’s more internalized, less expressive and impulsive, less aggressive, and more profound. This makes spontaneity and dynamism more difficult.

As a result, patience, perseverance, and analytical abilities tend to be greater, which in and of itself is not a bad thing with Mercury in this position, in particular for one’s learning abilities, but this also can delay learning and give rise to an “unconventional” usage of the classic energies of Mercury in Aries : a lack of self-confidence, hesitation, passiveness, sluggishness, poor communication and “slowness” to understand, etc.

In extreme cases, it may lead to the repression or inhibition of parts of yourself, difficulty expressing yourself, and internal mental strain that may not easily be expressed and eternalized if the rest of your Birth chart does not lend itself to it.

Celebrities with Mercury in Aries

Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler, Leonardo da Vinci, Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Vincent van Gogh, Mark Zuckerberg, Queen Elisabeth II, William Shakespeare, Quentin Tarantino, Stromae, Tony Blair…

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