
Mercury in Cancer or in 4th House in birth chart

These are the global energies of a mercury in Cancer or in 4th House that must be nuanced according to your chart, see the article Mercury in signs; see also the article on the general meaning of the planet Mercury.
You will also have to take into account whether the Sun is in this sign, in Gemini, or in Leo.
The planet mercury can also indicate the type of Projection of mental qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

The sensitive intellect of Cancer

This is a union of the planet of logic and rationality with the sign of emotions and intuition, which means that these people are often torn between these different ideas.
Their communication style is very much centered around their feelings and is very gentle, very sensitive, and introverted. Often, they prefer silence over speaking. In fact, they always prefer their inner thoughts over social exchanges, which can make them seem “mysterious” or secretive.
Logic and rationality alone tend to frustrate them, since they are always asking for “more,” for thoughts that go “beyond,” and to know what the emotions are behind the words.

Their mindset and intellect are very subjective, and they thus have a considerable tendency to withdraw into themselves. They learn slowly but in great depth. They take their time when forming an opinion, one step at a time, and take time to understand before considering doing something and exposing themselves. Their thought process is thorough, resolved, and subtle, but they may be afraid to express it in a forward way. They have trouble rationally arguing their point of view, and they also have a tendency to take a roundabout route when trying to make themselves understood, so what they say is not always interpreted correctly by the other Signs. Nonetheless, they have amazing summarization abilities; their mind is able to put together all of the necessary elements based on their most fundamental principles.

In everyday life, they often take a very “defensive” position and are fairly easily offended. They may easily take a negative comment or criticism too much to heart, for example turning something that was really just professional into a “personal affair”.
They are, by nature, extremely protective of those close to them, and are remarkably dependable and loyal in their feelings.
Their ability to listen is also impressive : they are warm and compassionate, and are good friends whom one could confide in and by reassured by. They focus on “taking something in” at times when someone with Mercury in Aries, for example, would react much more “explosively” to the same problem.

Essentially, they tend to be extremely receptive to others and to their environment, a bit like a sponge. Their substantial empathy could give others the impression that they are indecisive and docile, or that they are easily influenced, but they are perfectly well aware of this. Actually, they frequently need to check in with themselves to “sort” through all of their accumulated emotions, separating those that suit them from those that they need to reject.

They also have a good memory—even if it can be selective—which often leads them to be very resentful. Their memory is very much tied to emotional influences; in other words, they retain a perception, an intuition, or an ambience rather than specific, concrete facts, but what they do retain will be set in stone.

In fact, they “imprint” the past extremely well in their minds, so well that at times they live more in their memories than in the reality of the present; they often make good genealogists or historians, as they are frequently attached to the history of their family, their country, or some particular period.
In extreme cases, they even slip into nostalgia, in particular for their childhood, melancholy, excessive conservatism, or even immobilism, and they have trouble dealing with sudden change.

In the various phases of their learning (academic and professional), they need to make sure not to get overwhelmed by their emotions so as to avoid sudden “short-circuiting”. Nevertheless, they can make use of this capability in those fields that are more sensitive by nature, such as the arts : for example, music, poetry, writing, drawing, etc. Art is a terrific means of expression and communication for them, and allows them to externalize any excess outpouring of sensitivity.

Mercury in Cancer can be a position that gives people a deep, thoughtful mind capable of contemplating and losing itself in the absolute, at the junction between the individual and the universal, like Mercury in Pisces.
These people are also good at concentrating and at evaluating others’ mentalities. Their intuition is reliable, and they can be good, sharp psychologists.
Moreover, their gentle, conciliatory nature, allows them to easily deescalate conflicts or hostilities, and they are good diplomats, useful for negotiations.

On the other hand, this can also give them a tendency to be irrational and an inordinate propensity for dreaming and imagining, passiveness, and self-pity.

It’s clearly necessary to moderate this sensitivity based on the other parts of one’s chart, especially the personal Planets.

Mercury retrograde in Cancer

This retrograde position can make a person even more introverted, day-dreamy, and contemplative, and also intensify everything mentioned above.

As a general rule, the person’s sensitivity can be exacerbated even more, with their childhood in particular having a marked effect on their psyche, possibly leading to difficulty expressing themselves and showing their feelings, or at the very least leading them to communicate in a very emotional way.

This is because their intuition, receptiveness, and imagination are dominant, which may heighten their artistic capabilities or, in extreme cases, their irrational nature.

Retrograde motion in this sign makes a person more cerebral and gives them analytical capabilities that are different from, but superior to, those of someone with Mercury direct. These people may possess an aptitude for organization, meticulousness, and perfectionism, and they know how to show these qualities off in their hobbies or their work.

Celebrities with Mercury in Cancer

Carl Gustav Jung, Alice Bailey, Aldous Huxley, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lady Diana, Pamela Anderson, Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Stanley Kubrick, Hulk Hogan, Carlos Santana…

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