
Mercury in Capricorn or in 10th House in birth chart

These are the global energies of a mercury in Capricorn or in 10th House that must be nuanced according to your chart, see the article Mercury in signs; see also the article on the general meaning of the planet Mercury.
You will also have to take into account whether the Sun is in this sign, in Sagittarius, or in Aquarius.
The planet mercury can also indicate the type of Projection of mental qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

Capricorn’s precision and competence

Mercury in Capricorn people have a very complex mind, which is influenced by the element Earth and the planet Saturn. They are serious, thorough, very organized, rational, and precise; they like to structure their reasoning and their communication with others.
They are very good planners and logisticians, and also shrewd strategists, with a talent for concentration and learning. They can rigorously discriminate between things, carefully selecting only certain, specific elements for their analysis, and they are extremely methodical, diligent, and patient in all of their work.

They tend to demonstrate an enormous amount of care in how they think through things, and consider financial security, the economy, and anything that could give them better foresight, to be extremely important. They have the tendency to age well, like good wine. For them, time is an invaluable ally, and they know how to use a long-term perspective in their work to make things last; they cannot see things any other way.

Reason and logic are important facets of their personality. When they analyze something in an intellectual way, they like to break it down into multiple, isolated parts, in order to better understand it and to decide on an appropriate action.
They are hard-working, ambitious, and very inclined to take action. Remarkably steadfast, they have a head for business and value social utility, and they are practical, pragmatic, and realistic, demonstrating tremendous tenacity when working towards an objective. They are conservative by nature, focused on the past, and attached to tradition.

They have a lot of trouble with instability and frivolity, as well as superficiality; they like things that are concrete, “hard and solid”, tangible, real. Very logical and skeptical, they hate surprises and improvisation. Generally, solitude does not scare them at all. Quite the contrary : they have a periodic need to center themselves and find their bearings.

Their communication style is a mirror image of themselves : simple and efficient, discrete but focused, and clear and precise, without any unnecessary digressions. They get straight to the point, focusing on the crux of the matter. They know how to sculpt their writing as well as their words. They may appear to be too inflexible and rigid, but never incompetent or weak; on the contrary, they have an authoritative presence, which allows them to naturally assert themselves in social situations.

They are extremely contemplative, very prolific, charismatic, commanding, strict, also proud and extremely attached to their morals and ethics, or any human values that seem essential to them.
If they develop the positive aspects of their personality, over time they may readily acquire wisdom and serenity in some form or another, or eventually even mysticism.

On the other hand, although they are absolutely ingenious, these people are much too introverted, which often leads them to feel frustrated and repress of parts of themselves. They can seem cold and stern at first. Their thoughts may be too serious, inflexible, distrustful, and lacking in imagination, they may not trust their intuition or their gut feeling enough.
They may also be too materialistic, stingy, and focused on their social reputation, neglecting their spiritual values. There is also a very good chance that they will lack flexibility and adaptability, psychologically speaking. Their extreme rigidity may sometimes cause them harm and also pull them down into extreme pessimism.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn

Retrograde motion of Mercury in this sign reinforces the natural introversion and careful nature of these people, as well as their Earth-like qualities and self-control, making them even more organized and perfectionistic, meticulous, hard-working, precise, and structured, but less ambitious.
Their abilities to learn and concentrate are also heightened, and they may learn differently : in a deeper, more reserved, less self-assured, and more sensitive way.

Retrograde motion here can make Mercury in Capricorn people more nervous and restless, even more rigid, less stable, and potentially more anxious and more pessimistic as well, with a tendency to self-deprecate.
The relationship that they have with time may also be different, leading them to be more impatient and possibly less mature.
Mercury in this sign can thus be influenced by Aquarius, being more fickle and idealistic, and possibly giving people stronger religious “faith”.

Celebrities with Mercury in Capricorn

David Lynch, Gerard Depardieu, James Dean, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Ronald Reagan, Stephen Hawking, Georges Gurdjieff, Paul Newman, Al Capone, Michael Schumacher, Joseph Stalin…

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