
Mercury in Sagittarius or in 9th House in birth chart

These are the global energies of a mercury in Sagittarius or in 9th House that must be nuanced according to your chart, see the article Mercury in signs; see also the article on the general meaning of the planet Mercury.
You will also have to take into account whether the Sun is in this sign, in Scorpio, or in Capricorn.
The planet mercury can also indicate the type of Projection of mental qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

The openness, freedom, and metaphysics of Sagittarius

The planet Mercury in Sagittarius leads to a jovial, friendly, optimistic, dynamic, and extroverted communication style. The mind yearns for complete freedom of thought, and this natives flourish when surrounded by the big ideas of the great philosophers. They also have excellent abstraction abilities.
Typically, these people like to make big plans, put their ideas into a broader context, and thoroughly analyze things. They are clever and subtle, but in practice they have trouble with the most simple and practical aspects of daily life. They are not very organized and lack patience and perseverance (this is very much the Fire side of Sagittarius).

Their “religious capacity” is higher, and so Mercury in Sagittarius people may become visionaries or prophets who are constantly looking to broaden their mind in an inclusive way and who are continuously reflecting on the meaning of life. For them, giving meaning to things and finding significance are the founding principles of anything they do in life.
To this end, they often have a sort of knowledge “overeating disorder” always trying to learn more and understand things in different ways, asking themselves questions, and challenging preconceived notions (this sign is Mutable, and thus flexible).
They also have a deep desire for justice and transcendence, a keen sense of morality, and specific principles that define what life should be like as a part of society. This can give them unshakable “faith”, an intensely combative nature, and strong resistance against life’s abrasiveness. They know how to combine deep insight with an astonishingly relaxed attitude, irony, quirkiness, spontaneity, and humor.

They communicate with ease, and openly, although they are often sorely lacking in tact. They have a very sharp mind, they like to debate and convince others that their opinions and ethics are correct (especially on the subject of philosophy), they are very persuasive due in large part to the depth of their own conviction, they readily pass on their energy and enthusiasm to those around them, and they can be both a source of stability and a driving force for the others in their household.

They like “to learn”, and they often learn in a self-taught way, empirically and playfully. They are curious, and like to experiment with a wide range of subjects on their own, with their own thought process and making their own mistakes, rather than relying only on speculation. They can become excellent teachers, as they like to pass on their knowledge and see how it affects others’ lives in society.
They like it when their mind has the opportunity to explore, and especially when they can learn about other cultures and principles that are foreign to their original beliefs, and more “exotic”.
Their thoughts need “space” to spread out for anything that they are studying or working on. They subscribe to what we might call “organized chaos”, in that they are able to work in an environment that an outside observer would consider to be anarchy, and a real mess, but in their mind, things are well organized.

In the extreme, because of the fire inside of them, these people can become dogmatic, fanatical, apt to proselytize, moralistic, agitated, and impatient, and they may veer away from their true nature towards intolerance and prejudice. In this case, they simply do not listen to other people. If they do not achieve transcendence, their mental state can take a “negative” turn, moving towards the void and wallowing in absurdity or even immorality.
Through abstraction, their mind can become cut off from reality and they may live their life “high”. By hiding the bad things that they do not want to see, these people run the risk of becoming blind to the subtleties of everyday life and to their own shameful, human flaws.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

Mercury’s Retrograde motion in this sign may make people more introverted, but they may feel less of a need to be free. They have a more thoughtful, deeper mind, and a better ability to analyze things from a philosophical perspective, in a more personal and less abstract way. Given that they likely have better organizational skills and also more patience, they learn differently.

Their religion or other faith may be expressed differently from how it would be for a Mercury direct in Sagittarius person, and their search for meaning may be more compulsive. It may take more time for these people to find their own metaphysical path, and they may also only be able to find it indirectly, for example by exploring various abstract principles such as nihilism. Once they have established their beliefs, they may tend to be somewhat inflexible.

Celebrities with Mercury in Sagittarius

Charles de Gaulle, Mao Tse-toun, Marie Curie, George Patton, Noam Chomsky, J-D Salinger, Thérèse de Lisieux, Paramahansa Yogananda, Philip K Dick, Steven Spielberg, Francisco Franco, Leon Trotski, Pablo Escobar, Jean-Luc Godard, Jimi Hendrix, Edith Piaf, Lucky Luciano, Albert Camus…

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