Passion Astro New moon april 01 2022 Aries

New Moon of April 01, 2022 in Aries

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This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun/Moon conjunction on April 01, 2022. It gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study should be nuanced by connecting it to your birth chart and to your Transits and Progressions using predictive techniques.
If you would like more help here, read my article on the interpretation of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

Pisces third decan and mutable signs, all third decans will have a particular resonance

Jupiter/Neptune exact conjunction!

This is it, we are finally there, the major astrological conjunction of the mid-term period is finally “exact” in degrees during this lunation!

I’ve been talking about it for several months now, because this type of background influences necessarily take several months to establish themselves, they remain rather slow transits, which have a certain “latency”, so we could feel them in a way “rising” progressively, crescendo.

One of Jupiter’s functions is to truly have a “magnifying glass effect” on everything it touches, and inevitably with the other giant Neptune involved, both here in domicile, the symbolism can be quite “excessive” even, in terms of emotional receptivity, I invite you to read what I have described in the article about the transit of Jupiter in Pisces in 2022.

We can see that in the rest of this current configuration, Aries is very valued, underlining the importance of the Martian Fire, which is in control of this new moon and gives in a non-negligible way a “dynamic to undertake”, of putting into action !

This Fire can help a lot on the period to represent a “driving principle”, which means helping to bring the starting spark to allow an effective translation of the forces, and in this particular case, creative, receptive, and emotional parts.

If, for example, you have fantasized about ideals, idealizations, about something representing more of a “vocation” or something “unattainable”, well, this period could be the time to tell yourself : “what if I finally tried to make my dream come true?”

In this case a step has to be taken, which is not negligible, as Saturn is framed by Mars and Venus in Aquarius, at the apex of the Scorpio/Taurus lunar nodes, which is always an indication of an important duality between “security and freedom“: on the one hand the Uranian energy pushes for liberation, but on the other hand it is a form of necessary risk-taking!

Moreover, the configuration of the moment is rather poor in Earth, so this can also translate in some way a kind of lack of anchorage or a “mismatch” with reality: there is a bit of a notion in this combination of taking a “leap of faith”, of throwing ourselves into something, just on instinct, intuition, emotionally, without really having many concrete guarantees behind it, and therefore with the risk of becoming aware of certain “real” things only later…

There is really this combination of tension in the action and the need to connect to something bigger than ourselves, to refocus on what is most “fundamental” or “essential” at the core as values (even if it might seem “unrealistic”).

The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction will be really exact on the 2nd ten days of April in the third decan of Pisces, this may correspond not only to a “peak” of the month but even of the year! This marks long cycles, I remind you, a conjunction of this order must always be placed in relation to the whole cycle it represents (more than 12 years between these planets).

The Full Moon of April 16, 2022 will also be a sensitive energetic phase for this, with its symbolism of “bringing to light”, the Neptunian wave will be able to “project itself outside” more easily, socially, relationally.

+ If you have a birth chart with a lot of Water, it’s likely that you will be very sensitive to this period, with a significant risk of increased psychological instability.

+ If you have a strong Earth presence in your birth chart, this can be a great asset, helping you to keep your feet on the ground, and to translate the period in a more effective, concrete way.
In some cases, it can also “short-circuit” these forces, making you less sensitive to them…

+ If it’s Fire that dominates your birth chart, much will depend on how you articulate it with the transpersonal forces (to ensure that it’s not “drowned”). This said, the future passage of Jupiter into Aries from next May will certainly be very favorable and dynamic for you! (I will elaborate on this later, for you the dynamic period of the year can be found more from then on)

+ And if Air is dominant in your birth chart, you will have to leave logic and rationality behind for a while, to avoid confronting your mind with what you feel (especially in terms of intellectualizing your emotions).

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