New Moon of January 21, 2023 in Aquarius
Quite a few planetary functions contribute to medium-term unblocking and a sense of acceleration, interesting to exploit…
Quite a few planetary functions contribute to medium-term unblocking and a sense of acceleration, interesting to exploit…
This transit is at the periphery of various important influences of the year, not to be neglected as a trigger, it can be divided into 2 distinct periods
There is an in-between period but it remains pivotal, we have to balance the last 6 months on one side and accelerate to the 1st quarter 2023…
It’s a really interesting transit and period, to be exploited in different ways obviously, with different “unblockings”…
Mars retrograde is always very important on the period, it translates confusions into action and we must analyze its cycle
This Mars retrograde will mark the end of the year as well as the beginning of 2023, and especially the Mutable signs, squared by Neptune
The contrast of the period is great, between “a liability” of the previous months to be settled, but forces of action not badly hindered in the medium term…
The big interest of the background period seems to be the notion of “sorting”, the search for mediation, but the medium term remains marked by retrogradations…
Quite a few quadratures and retrograde phases are still in the sky, which can affect social and relational energies more easily…