The Astrological Quincunx, matches and interpreting :
- Symbolic number : 12
- Exact degree : 150°
- Orb in birth chart : 3°
- Symbolic Planets : Saturn – Uranus
- Symbolic Signs : Capricorn – Aquarius
- Symbolic Houses : 10th House – 11th House – 7th House – 8th House
An expressionof these planets, these signs, these houses, implies that the chart is marked by the principles of the Quincunx below.
The Quincunx : mental attention, internal tension
The Quincunx is an Aspect of mental tension reputed in traditional astrology to be rather classified as dissonant, but “minor” (to be relativized see below).
Its location in relation to the Conjunction places it on either side of the Opposition, which is in itself revealing of its deep definition.
Understand what an Opposition represents (duality, separation, Individuation, conflict, struggle, antagonism of energies) and you will understand that the Quincunxes that surround it are phases of cycle that have a direct implication in its unfolding.
The applying Quincunx on the Opposition (before in increasing phase compared to the Conjunction) represents the preparatory phase, a phase of mental ebullition, of attentive intelligence, of dissatisfaction, frustration, a phase of reflection which is about to lead to something…
In this sense, the applying Quincunx is either synonymous with reason and wisdom in preparation for the Opposition (if it is well lived), or synonymous with madness, irresponsibility and abuse of all kinds in the most excessive cases (because of the extreme psychological tension it causes), to be compared according to the Planets, Houses and configurations present.
In the applying Quincunx, it is necessary to recapitulate and refine the first half cycle in order to prepare and achieve the culmination in Opposition. This Quincunx precedes the consciousness of duality, it is a major step.
Symbolically in relation to the vernal point, this Quincunx is linked to Virgo and to the 6th House.
The separative Quincunx of the Opposition (after in decreasing phase in relation to the Conjunction) represents a “digestive” phase, that is to say mainly of assimilation of the Opposition, acceptance of the separation, endurance of the conflict itself, in order to prepare oneself for the continuation of the process of Individuation.
This requires acceptance, a “letting go”, an adaptation to new patterns (and consequently an abandonment of the old ones), the discrimination of Virgo having passed through the sharing of Libra, this crisis leading to evolution…
It is necessary to resituate the separative Quincunx in the cycle, let us not forget that the phase of tension began at the applying Quincunx (150° exact degree) -even of the preliminaries in Sesquisquare (135° exact degree)-, that it has known an apogee, a paroxysm with the Opposition (180° exact degree), but it will only really know a “respite” with the future Trine (240° exact degree).
The Separative Quincunx therefore always remains a phase of tension. This Quincunx symbolizes the emergence of the individual.
It is symbolically attached to Scorpio and to the 8th House.
In the applying Quincunx as in separative Quincunx, the tension of the aspect of Quincunx conceals in itself in both cases at the same time structuring, cold, hard, demanding, repressive or frustrating energies sometimes (its Saturn part) and energies of revolt, extremism, breakage, surprise (its Uranus part); energies that should be keenly watched.
While being a minor aspect taken in isolation in a birth chart, it can become major if it is valued by the Planets, Signs and Houses indicated.
The transits on a natal Quincunx can of course activate all this fundamental tension, to be analysed according to the configurations.
Advice for living the Quincunx :
The confrontation becomes clearer, the Quincunx allows to make a synthesis if it is well exploited, the main thing is to channel the energy deployed.
In transits and actualizations, the first important phase implies semi-sextile and trine, and is thus harmonic, it can help precisely the concretizations to set up…
Later in the cycle, we find a sextile / square phase, which well represents the notions of frustration inherent to this aspect and on which it can lean, and which are thus awakened ! Schematically, one side is satisfied while the other grinds its teeth…
The opposition phase represents a very pointed triangle, sharp as a blade, and can have a high breaking load up to the decreasing quincunx.
On the other side of the cycle, we find the famous Yod pattern (the Finger of God), formed by 2 quincunxes connected with a sextile as a base, the planet at the apex tip focuses all the energies and tensions…
Then we find 2 other triangles further on, formed with a square and a trine, important phases of the cycle, where symbolically the quincunx is thus “enriched” by an additional experience that it comes back to its base (a last Yod in the opposite direction is then formed to confirm this cycle).
We can see that the Quincunx is an aspect that has an extremely rich life, forming many fertile aspects that punctuate it, moderate it, develop it, the tensions generated can be very creative, so these are all phases to follow…