
The South Node in the 12th House or Pisces and the North Node in the 6th House or Virgo in Birth Chart

Here, we are talking about the overall energies when the axis of the lunar nodes lies in Pisces/Virgo or in the 6th/12th houses, which absolutely need to be nuanced based on your birth chart and its various karmic factors; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Lunar nodes.
They represent a karmic axis of the highest importance, linked directly to your triangle of incarnation, and they symbolize both the innate, fundamental parts of yourself that you have mastered (the south node in the 6th House / Virgo) and the pathway of your development during this incarnation (the north node in the 12th House / Pisces).
They stay in each axis of signs for about one and a half years, which is what gives them their more general, “generational” archetypal colors; their positions in houses are more meaningful in terms of giving depth to your personality, and this is what should be analyzed as a matter of priority, while the analysis of signs will clarify their mode of action.

Reconnecting with Logic, Practicality, Reality, and the Body

The axis of the south node in Pisces / the north node in Virgo or of the south node in the 12th house / the north node in the 6th house is the axis of devotion, service, and assistance, so it highlights the need to develop a sense of social utility, advise others, and to humbly devote ourselves to our task, and cultivate our savoir-faire, perfectionism, and practical, pragmatic, concrete side in order to get validation.

There is a significant confrontation here between aquatic forces—especially Neptunian forces—and the forces of earth—especially our cerebral, logical, rational side—this may be encountered very directly in patterns related to the “matter/spirit” duality.

Here, the foundations of the south node have a a huge amount of emotional and transpersonal receptiveness, but they may be “lacking in realism” and therefore lead to a great need in this incarnation to find real ways of achieving things materially, professionally, etc.

These energies should not stay in a passive framework of fantasies, intuitions, and aspirations, where high ideals are born but where afterwards nothing is translated into anything effective or productive; instead, these people should initiate things, consider taking action, and create structure for these forces.

They say that to manage to take advantage and make the most of powerful Neptunian forces, it is a good idea to make use of Saturnian forces of earth!

It will therefore be important to analyze “the strength” of Saturn here in parallel; depending on whether this planet is dignified or debilitated in terms of its traditional astrological Rulerships, and also depending on which aspect it may form with another planet, there will tend to be corresponding direct impacts on the use of basic Neptunian qualities (either facilitating the process of exploiting and realizing these forces, or not).

Of course, this is a situation where these forces may be much more directly expressed in the context of the socio-professional sphere, requiring that we express these Neptunian qualities through our “social function” and by getting closer to our “vocation,” so we really need to have a “meaningful” occupation that allows us to feel useful to others and to the collective.

This is bound to require a “reality check” on some level, however, so we will need to bring ourselves and our plans face to face in a real way with the reality of our world and demonstrate pragmatism!

Only that which passes these tests can be preserved and realized! It’s useless to hold on to pipe dreams and specific emotions if these things cannot then be translated into reality and if they contribute to holding on to fruitless apathy.

The various “idiosyncrasies” and flaws of Pisces and Neptune may also predominate, in terms of sacrifice, self-denial, and devotion; we know that these forces may often lead people to “dilute themselves” to benefit others, wallow in self-accountability and self-blame, and tend to readily carry other people’s crosses on their back.

But it will be important to manage to find “a framework for expressing these things, but one in which you also do not get taken advantage of for your kindness and are not exploited and in which other people for example do not take credit for your good qualities and merits. It will be necessary to become aware of the potential psychological “victim/nurse” schemas that may tend to be at play, in order to defuse them.

The Neptunian foundations of the south node often have an effect in terms of “dissolving” the solar ego, in that by their very nature they may influence this entire incarnation with a “Solutio” alchemical process, and inevitably the Virgo north node here may in this way represent a sort of “crisis of values” or a personality crisis that will require a process of discrimination to be carried out, that is, a purification of the personal qualities that will then have to be presented and used in the social hemisphere!

And in this very context, work and our social function may allow for “increased confidence”: they may constitute a healthy intermediary for expressing this mixture of forces in the best way possible.

Any techniques for “emotional management” may also be very helpful for this, such as those that we may encounter in the arts or in more spiritual domains such as Yoga, meditation, prayer, breathwork, etc.

This is an axis that may require that we move from the path of devotion to the path of knowledge, in that we need to in a way manage to switch from pure, emotional feelings to a kind of spiritualization that is more refined in terms of understanding, its structure, and thus in the end also “its stability” (especially on a psychological level).

This is because, in certain cases, these Neptunian bases may for example easily cause us to develop medium-like qualities or sharper perceptions of the collective unconscious, but this will tend to actually translate more into difficulties with self-control and will readily activate a cyclothymic side, with forces of withdrawal, solitude, or sometimes even Depression.

Introspection and imaginative qualities are important to make use of, but on the condition that we do not lose ourselves indefinitely in “our own world,” so that we do not live only in this fantasy at the expense of reality.

There may be many forces of “forgiveness” that need to be dealt with during this incarnation, and this should be understood both as process of renouncing the act of continuing to carry things that have been imposed by others (like the notion of a “karmic purge”) and in terms of accepting changes that should be cultivated and things that should be worked towards.

This could also be made use of in the context of various activities related to “taking care” of both ourselves and others, using our experience and our past and putting ourselves in service to others so that the karmic wounds that we may have inherited can find “a function,” a meaning, or a use.

This type of axis of lunar nodes may for example very much represent abstraction capabilities with more ethereal forces, but the north node may actually require that we manage to “reconnect with our body,” such that we are no longer in opposition with our body but instead get closer to it, based on the maxim, “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” with the understanding that by managing the physical aspect well (also in terms of nutrition, stress, and balance), this will have an effect in terms of spiritual qualities and our overall emotional balance.

This south node has significant tendencies to make us retain old patterns from the poor karmic track record inherited from the past, and in opposition this north node requires that we anchor ourselves in the present, stop living our lives based on the bricks we need to carry, and instead manage to find new schemas of emancipation that we can make concrete use of.

For all of this, again, an activity such as Yoga may be important because it may allow us to find helpful ways of conciliating all of these forces, this body/mind blend, and this feeling of the present moment.

And since another of this axis’s functions requires that we manage to move from a collective to a personal standpoint, we could also imagine that various volunteer activities may also be important for this pattern, as they may allow us to both break away from the forces of withdrawal and solitude and at the same time open up to ways of thinking that involve social sharing and allow for us to move on to another stage of expression of our personal and karmic energies: making use of these energies in a concrete, material way.

Celebrities with lunar nodes in the direction South Node 12th House => North Node 6th House

Sigmund Freud, George Clooney, Heath Ledger, Mel Gibson, Barbra Streisand, John Lennon, Elizabeth II, William Shakespeare, Sadhguru, Tim Burton, Albert Camus, Jules Verne, Carlos Castaneda, Osama bin Laden…

Celebrities with lunar nodes in the direction South Node Pisces => North Node Virgo

Mozart, Marlon Brando, Mohammed Ali, Salvador Dalí, Harrison Ford, Stephen Hawking, Sean Penn, Jean Claude Van Damme, Maria Callas, Marie Curie, Martin Scorsese, Mouammar Kadhafi, David Duchovny, Ayrton Senna…

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2 thoughts on “The South Node in the 12th House or Pisces and the North Node in the 6th House or Virgo in Birth Chart”

  1. hello this was probably the best explanation I have read of this nodal axis….I have read jan spellers book and she was probably the best to help me….but this explanation of yours gives more of an understanding of the flow of it all…and to make it real

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