
Mercury in Aquarius or in 11th House in birth chart

These are the global energies of a mercury in Aquarius or in 11th House that must be nuanced according to your chart, see the article Mercury in signs; see also the article on the general meaning of the planet Mercury.
You will also have to take into account whether the Sun is in this sign, in Capricorn, or in Pisces.
The planet mercury can also indicate the type of Projection of mental qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

The sociability, originality, and keen mindedness of Aquarius

Mercury in this sign is certainly the most atypical, unusual, subversive, and eccentric version of itself compared to its positions in all of the other signs of the zodiac. In terms of their communication style, these people are sociable, free-thinking, open, lighthearted, spontaneous, and charismatic. Their mind is curious, quick, keen, sharp, perceptive, and eclectic, with true creativity and inventiveness, and there is a part of them that we could simply call brilliant.
Incidentally, they often find learning easier and more fun when it involves unconventional educational techniques.

Mercury in Aquarius people are dynamic, and they are not afraid of creating controversy. They like to debate different ideas, and even have a revolutionary side which is inherently reformative. They are also easily able to take a step back to put things into perspective. They have the ability to be very persuasive, and are very focused on convincing others of the legitimacy of their point of view.

They are extremely attached to the idea of free thinking, are very independent, and can show themselves to be extremely tenacious, or even stubborn, when they solidify their ideas and want to impose them on others.

They are thus very sociable, always seeking out social interaction, and they like working in teams, taking advantage of being in a group, and sharing their way of seeing things and their plans for possible developments in the future.

They are very keenly observant, and could make fine psychologists. They also have good organizational skills and a very good intuition which lends itself well to scientific analysis, and are in fact forward thinkers who are always attracted to novelty, change, and “surprises” in general.
They consider the evolution of society and the progress of the collective to be very important. They also have a sense of community, and in particular a sense of friendship and fraternity.

They have a constant tendency to intellectualize, rationalize, and conceptualize things, and they endlessly try to refine the way that they understand things. Their approach towards life in general is often very objective. On the other hand, they may have trouble expressing their emotions, and as a result may appear to others to be cold and detached. Yet, they often have a very well-developed, unusual sense of humor and are truly very sensitive.

They are often drawn to exploration of metaphysics. They thirst for the absolute and for the ability to transcend their humanity, and they often do display true benevolence, empathy, and altruism. They are able to understand abstract concepts, such as philosophies or religions, with great ease (much more easily than the Earth signs, for example). They often have a very comprehensive view of things and focus on the long term.

Unfortunately, Mercury in Aquarius can also make people very nervous and give them a tendency to be impulsive and impatient, easily distracted, and apt to scatter their focus rather than persevering in one area.

Depending on how their chart is configured, they may also be intransigent, and may have trouble listening to other people, recognizing when they are wrong, and changing their mind. They may be quite proud and even sensitive.

They may show themselves to be too idealistic, always ready to see things from a global, far-reaching perspective, and can be inclined to dream big, but also incapable of managing the more ordinary, practical things in their everyday life.

Their elusive nature and non-conformity can give them a reputation of being unreliable, unrealistic, and irrational.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius

Retrograde motion in Aquarius can tend to give Mercury a Capricorn-like coloration : more specifically, it emphasizes Earth values, caution, introspection, restraint, rigor, a need for structure, and good organizational skills.

People with this Mercury may thus be more responsible, less eccentric, and more concentrated. Their intelligence is not any less well-developed, but they are more strategic. In terms of communication, this is something that they are probably better at and more consistent with than someone who has Mercury direct in Aquarius.

This position of Mercury also has the potential to make people more nervous, inflexible, and impatient, and may make it harder for them to make themselves understood.

But with Aquarius, even more so than with other signs, people have an unexpected, paradoxical, and abrupt side, which may lead to many surprises. Mercury retrograde in this sign can also greatly reinforce Aquarius’ overtones of exuberance, originality, and eccentricity over the course of their life, and cause them to alternate ambivalently between deep-set Uranian and Saturnian values.

Celebrities with Mercury in Aquarius

Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Mozart, Chopin, Vivekananda, Jules Verne, Jim Carrey, Bob Marley, Lou Reed, Mohammed Ali, Rasputin, George Washington, Bobby Fischer, FD Roosevelt, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison…

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