
Transit : Black Moon in Cancer 2022

Note that in this case, we take into consideration the mean Black moon position, in my opinion, it appears to be the most meaningful in most classical cases. But keep in mind that when it comes to the Black moon we must see things with a “zonal” perspective (an area with an Orb), rather than as a fixed material point.

The Black Moon enters Cancer around mid-April 2022 and will leave around the very beginning of 2023, a whole period during which it will bring out more of the lunar forces of this archetype.

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Main signs impacted during this transit:

Cancer and the other Cardinal signs, Libra, Capricorn, and especially Aries; and probably the other Water signs too, Pisces and Scorpio, especially at the end of its transit.

Important correlations with Jupiter

Cancer is not a very obvious sector for this karmic factor, this transit can clearly underline certain lacks of emotional security, all that can sometimes constitute difficulties of establishment and stabilization, or the need to sort out in its interior world, to refocus on its bases…

This being said, this karmic transit takes place consecutively to other recent transits, which have created a lot of “insecurity” in the medium term, be it the Uranian wave of 2021, or more recently the Neptunian and Jovian wave since the beginning of 2022, these are many of the influences that may have activated the dualities of “security/freedom” or “matter/mind“, and it is therefore the “insecure” side that could be exacerbated by this passage in terms of feelings.

Mid-May/early August: increasing square to Jupiter Aries

This transit of the Black Moon in Cancer has to be broken down into several phases during 2022, but all of them innervate Jupiter, and already at the forefront, this first quadrature period seems to focus solely on these Jovian forces and the Martian Fire of Aries.

Indeed, from mid-May to the end of July, as long as Jupiter is in direct course in Aries, this increasing square can underline a particularly important challenge of “creation” and of putting into action, of externalization, there is an “expansion” dynamic to manage, the nature of something that can form a “new beginning”, and basically the “step to take” consists above all in knowing how to accompany this in the best possible way, to make it coincide as much as possible with our fundamental personal karmic goals (long-term, if possible)

This is really a period to maximize for this, especially if you want to create a new business for example, it could very much correspond to the types of useful energies (to specify obviously according to your personal astrological energies), but it is necessary to avoid, especially afterwards, having regrets of the type “if only I had dared to do this or that” (which the black moon can also activate).

From the end of July, Jupiter will go retrograde, so the planet will be forced for several months to “refine its copy” on the basis of everything that may have germinated since this important spring and its conjunction to Neptune, it’s a “social breathing”, a necessary “step back for a better jump” (and it’s from then on and until autumn that regrets may arise the most, if we missed the first step of action for example, by lack of self-confidence or audacity).

What will have germinated from mid-May to the end of July 2022 will find a better dynamic again, or will simply be better brought to the forefront, only from the beginning of 2023, when Jupiter goes back to Aries for good and the black moon will also switch to the Fire of Leo.

Mid-October/early 2023: Neptunian forces return to finalize

Whether it’s through the Black Moon which arrives in the 3rd decan of Cancer at the trine of Neptune’s transit, or Jupiter retrograde which finds its domicile in Pisces also in contact with Neptune, the Neptunian energies return more directly to the front of the scene…

This could symbolically take us back several months, to what was played out from the beginning of 2022 and on March/April for example at the time of the exact conjunction of Jupiter to Neptune, to allow for a first assessment around these receptive forces, helping to validate and confirm what will have been created or come to pass, and what precisely needs to be preserved or abandoned (we also see the black moon opposing Pluto, so with certain notions of “purging” to be conducted).

We see that it also happens from there the important retrograde of Mars in Gemini, from the 3rd decan of this sign, therefore to the increasing square of Neptune also, and as the Martian energies will have been important for much of the year through the control of Jupiter Aries, this type of phase must necessarily also attract more attention in this context.

It’s as if there was a great confrontation taking place during this period between Water and Fire, between what is more emotional (the ideals) and what represents more the driving principle of a new social cycle to be installed (the acts), this can create quite a bit of “confusion in the action” especially at the end of the year (I will have the opportunity to come back in more detail on this Mars retrograde), but it will be necessary to wait until the beginning of 2023 for the Fire to prevail over the beginning of the year…

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