
Uranus in Pisces or in 12th House in birth chart

These are global energies of uranus in Pisces or in 12th House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Uranus in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Uranus.
The planet uranus is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of it, in particular more especially the intellectual projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc), all that concerns more directly the affirmation of the spirituality and the social vision of the native…
It informs about our need for freedom, independence, to go towards the new, to break the Saturnian framework, and to tend towards our deepest ideals. It materializes our intuition, it electrifies us, it questions everything that is too conventional.
The planet fundamentally represents an evolutionary breaking point, of revelation, of creation.
As Uranus stays for about 7 years per sign, its position in houses is more meaningful for the personality. The energy of the sign gives above all an elemental background coloring common to a generation, which will apply more personally to the area of life signified by the house. Therefore, focus first and foremost on the house affected, as the sign gives a background tone.

Energies of sacrifice, deliverance, and redemption

This is also a very powerful position for this planet to be in, where its energies are blended with the forces of Neptune, which opens the mind up to its transpersonal and metaphysical side.
We should not forget that Neptune represents the next step following “the Uranian awakening:” the dissolution of the ego into the universal monad.
Here, people’s intuition may be very highly developed, and even bring them into direct contact with the collective unconscious, or grant them mediumistic gifts or powerful psychic abilities; these people have “antennae” and understand many things about the deeper nature of existence.

They may have much contact with the Absolute, but in a very clandestine way, so they may have trouble expressing this contact, but it may be brought to light quite suddenly, through some sort of revelation when this planet is activated through Progressions or Transits.

The combination of these energies may make people somewhat “crazy,” unconventional, off-center, very deep, and ahead of their time, with very off-the-wall perspectives on life, and they have a hard time putting themselves in the limelight, preferring instead to stay hidden in the shadows.

They may have utopian, altruistic visions of society, and embark upon a quest for an ideal, pacifist society, though this is often unrealistic, in the same vein as Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek (a show in which a worldwide government has peacefully united the entire world and embarks upon a conquest of space with the goal of forming friendships with the other peoples of the galaxy), or like Dane Rudhyar, who throughout his literary works regularly references his holistic vision of human “politics” and puts them in perspective relative to the absolute nature of time.

With Uranus in the 12th House / Pisces, it’s important to be more careful with altered states of consciousness, which are highly sought out in various ways, including through artificial paradises, sleep, or dreams, and which may certainly allow these people to undergo much evolution but also have the potential to be destructive.

Sleep may be very important with this position, and it may act as something that restores, mediates for, stabilizes, and even pacifies the mind. Speaking of which, it’s important to be consciously wary of problems with insomnia or a recurring lack of sleep, as this may directly weight on these people’s mental stability.

One of the hardest parts about having this position can be sorting out everything that is “perceived” and heard, since these people’s insights and imagination may always be working full tilt, even if that means withdrawing into an imaginary dream world at the expense of real life.

They may have good planning skills, since when this planet is in this position it has the ability to take stock of its last cycle and thus better determine which seeds to sow for its future cycles.

This is also a good planetary positioning for any kind of in-depth psychological or psychoanalytical study, astrology (there are many astrologers with uranian energies in this position), various “therapist” occupations (the notion of caring for and helping others is important here), and really anything that combines the mind and transcendence or involves an in-depth look at various types of symbolism, often in a way that is influenced by various paranormal experiences.

Periods of solitude may be especially helpful here for cultivating these energies, as well as spiritual retreats, where these people can live a more monastic life, which may help them a great deal with cultivating these inner forces.

In the myth of Prometheus, here we arrive at the immortality part, when Chiron, the centaur healer, yields his immortality. This is the phase of forgiveness, acceptance, and rebirth, when Prometheus rediscovers his symbolic internal Fire, and is released, achieves redemption, and gains recognition for the sacrifice that he made for humanity, all at the same time.

Unfortunately, this planetary position is very hard to control: there are so many different things that need to be tapped into, between uranus’s keen, powerful electricity and Neptune’s great emotional receptiveness, that it may give people a more unstable, chaotic, and cyclothymic side.

Marginalization is never far away for people with this position, because they may often be misunderstood by others, who do not experience their visionary side in the same way. Gaining social recognition from others may happen quite late for these people, once they have reached an age of greater maturity, and it’s not rare for them to develop a Cassandra syndrome (warning others about something but being met with disbelief).

For people with this position, it may be really essential to have strong Earth values, and in particular Saturnian values, so as to anchor and ground themselves and allow anything that these energies may arouse to be made concrete in reality.

A “psychological crisis” is never far away with this position, which does not help with these people’s everyday, material reality. Disciplines such as Yoga, meditation, or prayer may allow them to channel these forces and do something concrete with them in their everyday life, perhaps even in a way that is linked to their socioprofessional life.

This is a position where uranian energy is not easily externalized, to say the least, since this is a sector of shadow and secrecy, and if the planet also forms bad aspects or uranus’s energies are weakened in some other way in the heavens, this may have a significant impact on one’s psyche.

Uranus retrograde in the 12th House and Pisces

Uranus’s Retrograde motion in this position may be helpful, as it may bring a small dose of Earth to the table, which may make it easier to channel these powerful forces.

Uranus’s retrograde motion in one’s birth chart is much less important than for other planets, since it’s a slow, transpersonal planet, and it’s retrograde for more than a third of the year (about 5 months).
Nevertheless, it’s useful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions. Changes that occur here may not necessarily give rise to specific, noteworthy events, but they may indicate a non-negligible psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.

Celebrities with Uranus in 12th House

Nostradamus, Sri Aurobindo, Madonna, Adolf Hitler, Dane Rudhyar, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Martin Luther King, Sharon Stone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlie Chaplin, Gerard Butler, Steven Spielberg, Edgar Cayce, Charles Manson…

Celebrities with Uranus in Pisces

Nostradamus, Gene Roddenberry, Marilyn Monroe, Mozart, Marlon Brando, Elizabeth II, John Paul II, Malcolm X, Maria Callas, Charles Aznavour, Sathya Sai Baba, Carlos Castaneda, John D Rockefeller, Râmakrishna, Charles Bronson, Fidel Castro, Hugh Hefner, Charles Bukowski, Claude Monet, Margaret Thatcher. ..

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